Introduced by: Councilmember Mosby
AN ORDINANCE concerning
Zoning - Alcoholic Beverage Sales - Public Nuisance Prevention
FOR the purpose of classifying alcoholic beverage sales establishments as conditional uses that require Zoning Board approval, subject to certain considerations and conditions, including compliance with certain Alcoholic Beverage Sales Public Nuisance Prevention Requirements ("PNP Requirements"); allowing alcoholic beverage sales establishments that legally pre-exist a certain date to continue as nonconforming uses, subject to certain conditions, including compliance with certain PNP Requirements; establishing an Alcoholic Beverage Sales Public Nuisance Prevention Board ("PNP Board") and providing for its composition, administrative staff, and powers and duties; authorizing the PNP Board to assign Complaint Response Teams to investigate and report to the Board on alleged violations of PNP Requirements; providing for the designation of certain Public Nuisance Prevention Officers to conduct periodic inspections to ascertain compliance with PNP Requirements; requiring the Zoning Administrator to refer violations of PNP Requirements to the PNP Board for its investigation and, in certain cases, re-referral to the Administrator for possible suspension or revocation of an establishment's conditional use or nonconforming use status; requiring alcoholic beverage sales establishments to pay an annual Public Nuisance Prevention Impact Fee and, for violations of PNP Requirements, enhanced Impact Fees; providing modified procedures for appeals to the Zoning Board of PNP...
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