Introduced by: Councilmembers Henry and Clarke
A Bill Entitled
An Ordinance concerning
Inclusionary and Affordable Housing Requirements - Increasing Program Participation
For the purpose of expanding the City’s affordable and inclusionary housing programs; creating a Fair Housing Board to oversee the affordable and inclusionary housing programs; establishing the composition and duties of the Fair Housing Board; defining certain terms; expressing the intent of the City to fund the affordable housing program through the dedication of certain revenue; creating a Baltimore City Affordable Housing Fund; establishing the allowable uses of the Baltimore City Affordable Housing Fund; reducing the number and variety of affordable units that must be provided by developers receiving major public subsidies; eliminating the City’s obligation to reimburse developers for the costs of compliance with inclusionary housing requirements; eliminating the Inclusionary Housing Board; changing the inclusionary housing requirements applicable to publically subsidized developments providing 30 or more residential units; establishing an offset fee that developers can pay in lieu of building affordable housing units under certain circumstances; repealing certain inclusionary housing requirements for developments that do not receive major public subsidies; eliminating a developer’s option to substitute off-site inclusionary housing units for on-site units under certain circumstances; extending the period of time for which affordable housing units provided under the inclusionary housing law must remain affordable from 30 to 40 years; specifying that the requirements of this Ordinance apply to qualifying projects not yet approved by the Planning Department’s ...
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