Baltimore City Council
File #: 19-0323    Version: 0 Name: Hotels - Anti-Human Trafficking Training
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 1/14/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 4/22/2019
Enactment #: 19-241
Title: Hotels - Anti-Human Trafficking Training For the purpose of requiring hotels to provide all hotel employees with anti-human trafficking training on an annual basis; conforming and correcting related provisions; and providing for a special effective date.
Sponsors: Kristerfer Burnett, Bill Henry, John Bullock, Ryan Dorsey, Shannon Sneed, Zeke Cohen, Leon F. Pinkett, III, Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer, President Young, Sharon Green Middleton, Robert Stokes, Sr., Mary Pat Clarke, Brandon M. Scott, Edward Reisinger
Indexes: Hotels, Human Trafficking, Training
Attachments: 1. 19-0323~1st Reader, 2. Law 19-0323, 3. MOHS 19-0323, 4. BDC 19-0323, 5. Finance 19-0323, 6. HCD 19-0323, 7. Health 19-0323, 8. Police 19-0323, 9. 19-0323~3rd Reader, 10. Completed Bill File 19-0323
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
4/22/20190 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/18/20190 City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/11/20190 City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/11/20190 Judiciary and Legislative Investigations Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/5/20190 Judiciary and Legislative Investigations Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/11/20190 Judiciary and Legislative Investigations Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Mayor's Office of Human Services  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Social Services  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Police Department  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Housing and Community Development  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Finance  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Baltimore Development Corporation  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/17/20190 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Health  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/14/20190 City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/14/20190 City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available

Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.


                     * Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.

                     The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.



                     City of Baltimore

                     Council Bill          


Introduced by: Councilmember Burnett                                                                                               

                     A Bill Entitled


An Ordinance concerning


Hotels - Anti-Human Trafficking Training

For the purpose of requiring hotels to provide all hotel employees with anti-human trafficking training on an annual basis; conforming and correcting related provisions; and providing for a special effective date.



By repealing and reordaining, with amendments

Article 15 - Licensing and Regulation

Section 10-6

Baltimore City Code

(Edition 2000)


Section 1.  Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows:


                     Baltimore City Code


                     Article 15.  Licensing and Regulation


                     Subtitle 10.  Hotels


§ 10-6.  Anti-trafficking training required.


(a)                     Hotel employees to be trained annually.


[(1)]                     Any person who owns or operates a hotel within the City must provide to all [new] hotel employees[, within 30 days of hire,] annual training on how to identify human trafficking activities and human trafficking victims.


[(2)                     Any person who owns or operates a hotel within the City must provide training to all existing hotel employees on how to identify human trafficking activities and human trafficking victims by August 1, 2016.]





(b)                     Training to be approved by Health Commissioner.


The anti-trafficking training program required by this section must be approved by the Health Commissioner as appropriate for training employees on how to identify human trafficking activities and human trafficking victims.


(c) Certification required.


Beginning in calendar year [2016] 2020, any person who owns or operates a hotel within the City must annually certify to the Housing Commissioner, no later than [August 1] December 31 of each year, that all hotel employees have completed the training required by this section.


Section 2.  And be it further ordained, That the catchlines contained in this Ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as a part of this or any prior Ordinance.


Section 3.  And be it further ordained, That this Ordinance takes effect on the 180th

day after the date it is enacted.