City of Baltimore
Council Bill
(Charter Amendment)
Introduced by: President Scott
A Resolution Entitled
A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council concerning
Charter Amendment - Board of Estimates - Composition
For the purpose reconstituting the Board of Estimates to comprise the Mayor, Comptroller, and City Council President; correcting, conforming, and clarifying related provisions; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.
By proposing to amend
Article VI - Board of Estimates
Section(s) 1(a) and 10
Baltimore City Charter
(1996 Edition)
Section 1. Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Charter is proposed to be amended to read as follows:
Baltimore City Charter
Article VI. Board of Estimates
§ 1. Establishment and organization.
(a) (1) There [shall be] is a Board of Estimates, composed of the Mayor, the President of the City Council, and the Comptroller, [City Solicitor, and Director of Public Works,] none of whom [shall] may receive any additional salary as members of the Board.
(2) The President of the City Council [shall be] is President of the Board, and one of the other members shall act as Secretary.
(3) The Board may employ [such] the employees [as may be] necessary to discharge its duties[;]. [their] Their number and compensation [shall be fixed] are as provided in the Ordinance of Estimates.
§ 10. Salaries.
(a) [(1)] In preparing the Ordinance of Estimates, the Board of Estimates may increase or decrease the salaries of all municipal officers, except [: (i) the] elected officials subject to Article VII, §§ 117 through 125 of this Charter [; and (i...
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