* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.
City of Baltimore
Council Bill R
Introduced by: Councilmember Ramos
A Resolution Entitled
A Council Resolution concerning
Informational Hearing - Avoiding an Eviction Crisis
For the purpose of calling for a multi-faceted and comprehensive hearing on the looming eviction crisis and what we can do to avoid it by: inviting the Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Children and Family Success, the Acting Commissioner of the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Executive Director of the Community Action Partnership, to report on the outcomes of the Eviction Prevention Program and what more can be done; inviting representatives from the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Esperanza Center to discuss the challenges renters who are immigrants are facing and provide recommendations on additional protections; and inviting representatives from the Public Justice Center and the Fair Housing Action Center of Maryland to report on evictions thus far, outline the rights of tenants now and the rights granted by new laws passed in the General Assembly and the City Council, and make recommendations for additional protections.
Whereas, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an economic impact on employers and employees;
Whereas, many renters were able to use the City’s Eviction Prevention program to stay in their homes;
Whereas, the Governor issued an eviction-related order lasting throughout the State of Emergency, and the Centers for Disease Control also issued an eviction-related o...
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