* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.
City of Baltimore
Council Bill
Introduced by: The Council President
At the request of: The Administration (Department of Transportation)
A Bill Entitled
An Ordinance concerning
Franchise - Installation of 5 Utilities/Ductbanks
For the purpose of granting a franchise to The Johns Hopkins University (Developer’s Agreement #1710) to construct, use, and maintain 5 utilities/ductbanks, subject to certain terms, conditions, and reservations; and providing for a special effective date.
By authority of
Article VIII - Franchises
Baltimore City Charter
(1996 Edition)
This project proposes to install private utilities/duct banks for the service and benefit of The Johns Hopkins University, the utilities/ductbanks to be located under Wyman Park Drive, to serve current and future buildings.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That a franchise or right is granted to The Johns Hopkins University (Developer’s Agreement #1710), its tenants, successors, and assigns (collectively, the “Grantee”) to construct, use, and maintain, at Grantee’s own cost and expense, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, 5 utilities/ductbanks, described as follows:
Being a portion of the public right of way known as Wyman Park Drive, as owned by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City.
Commencing at a drill hole set on the western right of way line of Wyman Park Drive a variable public right of way and the end of the sixth or North 31° 44’ 30” West 283.97 foot line of a conveyance from the United States of America to Wyman Park Health System, Inc. b...
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