Baltimore City Council
File #: 22-0099R    Version: 0 Name: Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License for Use at 2301 East Biddle Street
Type: City Council Resolution Status: Withdrawn
File created: 3/21/2022 In control: Baltimore City Council
On agenda: Final action: 6/26/2023
Enactment #:
Title: Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License for Use at 2301 East Biddle Street For the purpose of providing the required approval under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev. § 12-902.1(d)(1) to allow the license holder holding a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued for use at 2301 East Biddle Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21213 to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.
Sponsors: Antonio "Tony" Glover
Indexes: Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License
Attachments: 1. BCHD 22-0099R, 2. 22-0099R Law, 3. DOT 22-0099R, 4. BPD 22-0099R, 5. BLLC 22-0099R, 6. 22-0099R~1st Reader, 7. 22-0099R Agenda 05-17-22, 8. 22-0099R Bill Synopsis, 9. 22-0099R Hearing Notes 5-17-22, 10. 22-0099R Minutes 5-17-22
* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill R

Introduced by: Councilman Glover

A Resolution Entitled

A Council Resolution concerning
Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License for Use at 2301 East Biddle Street
For the purpose of providing the required approval under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev.
§ 12-902.1(d)(1) to allow the license holder holding a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued for use at 2301 East Biddle Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21213 to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.


Under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev. § 12-902.1(d)(1), a City Council resolution is required
to allow a current holder of a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued on or
before July 1, 2018, to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City
(the “Board”) to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7
Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.

The Class A-7 License authorizes the license holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor at retail at
the place described in the license for off-premise consumption. The holder of a Class A-7 License may sell beer, wine, and liquor on Monday through Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to midnight.

The license holder wishes to apply to the Board to exchange the Class B-D-7 License issued
for use at 2301 East Biddle Str...

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