Baltimore City Council
File #: 24-0530    Version: 0 Name: Transit-Oriented Development - West Baltimore
Type: Mayor and City Council Res. Status: Enacted
File created: 5/16/2024 In control: Baltimore City Council
On agenda: Final action: 11/27/2024
Enactment #:
Title: Transit-Oriented Development - West Baltimore For the purpose of supporting a State Transit-Oriented Development designation for the area surrounding and including the West Baltimore MARC Station; and providing for a special effective date.
Sponsors: John Bullock, City Council President (Administration)
Indexes: Transit Oriented Development Business, West Baltimore
Attachments: 1. 24-0530~1st Reader, 2. Law - 24-0530, 3. DOT 24-0530, 4. 24-0530~3rd Reader, 5. WM Hearing Notes 24-0530, 6. Final Bill Synopsis_24-0530, 7. 24-0530 Meeting Minutes, 8. 24-0530 Signed
* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill

Introduced by: Councilmember Bullock
At the request of: The Administration (Department of Transportation)

A Resolution Entitled

A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council concerning
Transit-Oriented Development - West Baltimore
For the purpose of supporting a State Transit-Oriented Development designation for the area surrounding and including the West Baltimore MARC Station; and providing for a special effective date.


Whereas, Title 7, Subtitle 1 of the State Transportation Article requires that, in addition to other criteria, that a Transit-Oriented Development (“TOD”) be designated as a TOD by the Maryland Secretary of Transportation and the relevant local government;

Whereas, Mayor Brandon M. Scott, in his letter to the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation dated April 27, 2022, attached hereto as “Exhibit A”, identified the City’s transportation priorities for inclusion in the Consolidated Transportation Program and, in part, proposed the identification of new TOD opportunities adjacent to MARC and Metro Link Stations within the City of Baltimore.

Whereas, the Mayor and City Council have since identified a new opportunity and now support a TOD designation for West Baltimore, the area surrounding and including the West Baltimore MARC Station, as depicted in Exhibit B, “West Baltimore Transit-Oriented Development - Boundaries”, dated April 6, 2024, and as more particularly described in Exhibit C, “West Baltimo...

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