| 0 | | Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1220 W. North Avenue | City Council Resolution | Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1220 W. North Avenue
For the purpose of providing the required approval under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev. ยง 12-902.1(d)(1) to allow the license holder holding a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued for use at 1220 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License. | Recommended Favorably | Pass |
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