| 0 | | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programming – $270,000 | Ordinance | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programming – $270,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $270,000 to the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programming – Service 916 (Opioid Restitution Administration), to provide funding for additional positions to oversee grants awarded through the Opioid Restitution Fund; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programming – $10,000,000 | Ordinance | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programming – $10,000,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $10,000,000 to the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programming – Service 917 (Opioid Grants - Named Organizations), to provide partial grant funding for non-profit organizations named in settlement agreements; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Mayoralty – $1,773,000 | Ordinance | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Mayoralty – $1,773,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $1,773,000 to the Mayoralty – Service 918 (Opioid Restitution Administration), to provide funding for additional positions to provide direction and guidance regarding the City’s opioid response, establishment of the Restitution Advisory Board, contractual support to establish a trust fund for litigation proceeds, and community engagement; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Department of Law – $100,000 | Ordinance | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Department of Law – $100,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $100,000 to the Department of Law – Service 862 (Transactions Contracts), to provide funding to create 2 additional positions to oversee contract agreements with grant organizations; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Baltimore City Health Department - $500,000 | Ordinance | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Baltimore City Health Department – $500,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $500,000 to the Baltimore City Health Department – Service 715
(Health - Administration), to provide funding for planning costs for a replacement facility for the Westside clinic; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Baltimore City Health Department – $2,000,000 | Ordinance | Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation – Baltimore City Health Department – $2,000,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $2,000,000 to the Baltimore City Health Department – Service 307
(Health - Substance Use Disorder), to provide funding for staffing and support costs for opioid response and recovery strategies; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Makeda Drake
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Jaz Erenberg
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Shanek Kumi
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Mary Ann Mears
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Amy Raehse
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Evan Richardson
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Executive Nomination | Stanley Mazaroff
Member - Public Art Commission | | |
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Zoning – Uses – Retail: Small Box Establishment
FOR the purpose of making small box discount retail stores a conditional use by approval of the Board of Municipal Zoning Appeals in all commercial zoning districts; setting use standards for new small box discount retail stores; and defining certain terms.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Zoning – Conditional Use Conversion of Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 3 Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District – Variances – 2628 Edmondson Avenue
FOR the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 3 dwelling units in the R-7 Zoning District on the property known as 2628 Edmondson Avenue, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; granting variances regarding certain bulk regulations (lot size area) and off-street parking requirements; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Retirement Savings Plan – Clarifying Amendment
FOR the purpose of clarifying the definition of “service” for the members of the Retirement Savings Plan; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Employees’ Retirement System – Class C – Filing Period – Amendment
FOR the purpose of increasing the time period required between filing for and commencing receipt of service retirement benefits by Class C members; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Employees’ Retirement System – Board of Trustees – Membership and Qualifications
FOR the purpose of making certain amendments to the membership and qualifications of the members of the Employees’ Retirement System’s Board of Trustees; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation –
Department of Recreation and Parks – Service 654 (Urban Forestry) – $90,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $90,000 to the Department of Recreation and Parks – Service 654 (Urban Forestry), to provide funding for addressing the pressing concerns surrounding the detrimental impact of deer on the forested natural areas within Baltimore City parks, particularly those affecting forest ecology in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) Disadvantaged Communities; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation –
Health Department (Service 723 - Advocacy for Seniors) – $90,236
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $90,236 to the Health Department – Service 723 (Advocacy for Seniors), to provide funding for assisting and guiding care givers of persons with dementia, building community awareness of dementia, and strengthening the ability of area agencies on aging to provide services to the growing number of Marylanders with ADRD and their family care givers; and providing for a special effective date. | | |
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation –
M-R Office of Employment Development – Service 795
(Workforce Services for Baltimore Residents) – $206,822
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation in the
amount of $206,822 to the M-R Office of Employment Development – Service 795 (Workforce Services for Baltimore Residents), to provide funding for a Recovery-Friendly Workplace pilot (RFW) to educate the business community about the benefits of providing resources for employees struggling with substance use disorder, and for job seekers in recovery that have barriers to employment because of their previous struggles with substance use; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation –
M-R Office of Employment Development – Service 795
(Workforce Services for Baltimore Residents) – $1,375,655
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $1,375,655 to the M-R Office of Employment Development – Service 795 (Workforce Services for Baltimore Residents), to provide funding for case management,
barrier removal, supportive services, and skills training to workers dislocated by the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, as well as offering occupational skills training to prepare workers to assist with disaster recovery efforts and, eventually, the reconstruction of the bridge; and
providing for a special effective date.
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| 0 | | | Ordinance | Release of Access Easement – Vehicular Access to U.S. Route 40
through 6709 Pulaski Highway
FOR the purpose of authorizing the release and surrender by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore of all of its interests in and to the access easement generally described as a 30 foot wide parcel, which extends from Pulaski Highway on the north to the southern boundary of the Property along the entire eastern boundary of the Property (“the Easement Area”), previously granted by WH-Pulaski, LLC, predecessor in interest to the current land owner, 6709 Pulaski, LLC; the location and course of the access easement to be released being created and described by that certain Access Easement Agreement dated October 7, 2011 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, Liber 13806, Page 235 (“the Access Easement”). | | |
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| 0 | | | City Council Resolution | Informational Hearing – Well-being of the Transgender Community in Baltimore
FOR the purpose of inviting representatives from the Mayor’s Office, the Baltimore City Health Department, the Baltimore Police Department, the Baltimore City Public School System, the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services, the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs, the Baltimore City Office of Equity and Civil Rights, the Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City, the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, the Maryland Department of Health, and Behavioral Health Systems Baltimore to update the Council on services provided to, and the general well being of, the transgender community in Baltimore.
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| 0 | | Historic Preservation – Conservation Districts – Establishment | Ordinance | Historic Preservation – Conservation Districts – Establishment
FOR the purpose of establishing Conservation Districts; providing a study, proposal, and review process; defining certain terms; and providing for a special effective date.
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| 2 | | Department of Consumer Protection and Business Licensing | Ordinance | Department of Consumer Protection and Business Licensing
FOR the purpose of creating the Department of Consumer Protection and Business Licensing; providing for the leadership and staffing of the Department; establishing the Department’s purpose, powers, and duties; creating the Board of Consumer Protection and Business Licensing; providing for the membership of the Board; establishing the purpose, powers, and duties of the Board; transferring the administration of certain business licenses to the Department; repealing certain obsolete Boards; allowing the Department to suspend a certain license if the licensee engages in unfair, abusive, and deceptive trade practices; providing for a special effective date; making conforming changes; and generally relating to consumer protection and business licensing.
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| 0 | | Study and Report – Absences in Baltimore City Schools | Mayor and City Council Res. | Study and Report – Absences in Baltimore City Schools
FOR the purpose of requiring the Baltimore City Public School System (“City Schools”) to prepare a report exploring the causes of student absences to better identify solutions to address the most persistent barriers students face to attending school; requiring City Schools to collaborate with certain City agencies to propose recommendations to address the root causes of unexcused absences found in the report; and providing for a special effective date.
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