| 0 | | Investigative Hearing - Developing a Coordinated Response to Baltimore City's Overdose Crisis | City Council Resolution | Investigative Hearing - Developing a Coordinated Response to Baltimore City's Overdose Crisis
For the purpose of requesting the Baltimore City Administrator, the Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, the Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department, the Chief of the Baltimore City Fire Department, the Director of the Mayor's Office of Performance and Innovation, the Director of the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, the Director of the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, and the Director of the Department of Finance to come before the Baltimore City Council to provide a comprehensive briefing on the City's coordinated response to the current overdose crisis; how we can develop and implement an Rx Stat workgroup with our local healthcare partners; the use of mobile safe injection sites; the allocation of funding to distribute fentanyl test strips; and an examination of the prevention, diversion, and rehabilitation programs we have in place to save lives. | | |
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