Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/2/2016 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-0582 0 Dangerous Knives - Transfer, etc., to or Permitting Possession, etc., by Individual Under 21OrdinanceDangerous Knives - Transfer, etc., to or Permitting Possession, etc., by Individual Under 21 FOR the purpose of prohibiting the sale, giving away, or other transfer of certain knives to individuals under the age of 21; prohibiting a person from permitting the use or possession of these dangerous knives by individuals under the age of 21; defining certain terms; imposing certain penalties; and conforming language and penalties in related provisions dealing with switchblade knives.   Action details Not available
15-0598 0 City Streets - Closing - The Beds of Berlin Street, Ontario Avenue, West Hamburg Street, and 2 10-Foot AlleysOrdinanceCity Streets - Closing - The Beds of Berlin Street, Ontario Avenue, West Hamburg Street, and 2 10-Foot Alleys FOR the purpose of condemning and closing the beds of Berlin Street, Ontario Avenue, West Hamburg Street, and 2 10-foot alleys lying between the Gwynns Falls, Wicomico Street, Little Market Street, and Berlin Street in Mount Winans, as shown on Plat 101-C-60A in the Office of the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
15-0601 0 Rezoning - 609-611 South Caroline StreetOrdinanceRezoning - 609-611 South Caroline Street FOR the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 609-611 South Caroline Street, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the B-1-2 Zoning District to the M-3 Zoning District.   Action details Not available
16-0625 0 Zoning - Conditional Use - Amending Ordinance 14-206OrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use - Amending Ordinance 14-206 FOR the purpose of amending Ordinance 14-206 to reauthorize and continue the permission for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of a parking, open-off street area for the parking of 4 or more automobiles on the property known as 4001 Roland Avenue; providing for the automatic termination of this Ordinance; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
16-0628 0 Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $6,833,333OrdinanceSupplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $6,833,333 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $6,833,333 to the Health Department - Service 720 (HIV Treatment Services for the Uninsured), to provide funding for a project entitled "Baltimore: Projects to Reduce HIV Infections and Improve Engagement in HIV Medical Care Among Men Who Have Sex With Men" ($4,500,000) and for a project entitled "Health Department Demonstration Projects for Comprehensive Prevention, Care, Behavioral Health, and Social Services for Men Who Have Sex With Men of Color at Risk for and Living with HIV Infection" ($2,333,333); and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
16-0635 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Police Department - $1,200,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Police Department - $1,200,000 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $1,200,000 to the Police Department - Service 621 (Administration - Police), to provide funding for estimated outside legal expenses for the ongoing Department of Justice review of the Police Department; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
16-0636 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Police Department - $6,400,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Police Department - $6,400,000 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $6,400,000 to the Police Department - Service 621 (Administration - Police), to provide funding for the settlement approved by the Board of Estimates on September 9, 2015, for the family of Freddie Gray; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
EA16-0308 0 Stephan W. FoglemanExecutive NominationStephan W. Fogleman Member - Ethics Board - 1st DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA16-0309 0 Michael RossExecutive NominationMichael Ross Member - Civilian Review Board - 3rd DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA16-0310 0 Mark Anthony DanielsExecutive NominationMark Anthony Daniels Member - Civilian Review Board - 7th DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA16-0311 0 Syeetah A. Hampton-ELExecutive NominationSyeetah A. Hampton-EL Member - Community Relations Commission - 3rd DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA16-0312 0 Kuo Pao LianExecutive NominationKuo Pao Lian Member - Baltimore Public Art Commission - 1st DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA16-0313 0 Brian OsterExecutive NominationBrian Oster Member - Baltimore Public Art CommissionAssigned  Action details Not available
16-0660 0 Charter Amendment - Inner Harbor ParkMayor and City Council Res.Charter Amendment - Inner Harbor Park FOR the purpose of amending the provision for Inner Harbor Park to provide for outdoor eating places in the areas known as West Shore Park and Rash Field; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.Assigned  Action details Not available
16-0661 0 Adult Entertainment Businesses - National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Information Sign PostingOrdinanceAdult Entertainment Businesses - National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Information Sign Posting FOR the purpose of requiring adult-entertainment businesses to post a National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline information sign in each restroom; and generally relating to adult-entertainment businesses.Assigned  Action details Not available
16-0662 0 Rezoning - 1215 East Fort AvenueOrdinanceRezoning - 1215 East Fort Avenue FOR the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 1215 East Fort Avenue, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the M-3 Zoning District to the B-2-2 Zoning District.Assigned  Action details Not available
16-0298R 0 Informational Hearing - Water Bill IncreasesCity Council ResolutionInformational Hearing - Water Bill Increases FOR the purpose of requesting that representatives from the Water Billing Department in the Department of Public Works and the Department of Finance appear before the Council to discuss the recent increase in water bills received by residents since the installation of the BaltiMeter system, the reasoning behind these unexpected increases, and steps to assist residents with unaffordable bills.Adopted  Action details Not available
15-0497 0 Urban Renewal - Jonestown - Amendment _OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Jonestown - Amendment _ FOR the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Jonestown to add a new disposition lot to the Renewal Plan, to revise Exhibit 1 to reflect a land use change in a portion of the new disposition lot, and to revise Exhibit 3 to reflect the addition of the new disposition lot; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
16-0618 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of 2 Dwelling Units to 3 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - 630 North Gilmor StreetOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of 2 Dwelling Units to 3 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - 630 North Gilmor Street FOR the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of 2 dwelling units to 3 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 630 North Gilmor Street, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
16-0620 0 Midtown Community Benefits District and Management Authority - Renewal Through June 30, 2020Mayor and City Council Res.Midtown Community Benefits District and Management Authority - Renewal Through June 30, 2020 FOR the purpose of renewing and continuing the Midtown Community Benefits District and Management Authority; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the activities and authority of the Midtown Community Benefits District and Management Authority.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available