Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/14/2018 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-0155 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District - 2415 West Lexington StreetOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District - 2415 West Lexington Street For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-7 Zoning District on the property known as 2415 West Lexington Street, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat.   Action details Not available
18-0182 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variance - 600 East 29th StreetOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variance - 600 East 29th Street For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 600 East 29th Street (Block 4072A, Lot 033), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and granting a variance from certain off-street parking regulations.   Action details Not available
18-0235 0 Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $239,511OrdinanceSupplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $239,511 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $239,511 to the Health Department - Service 720 (HIV Treatment Services), to provide funding to facilitate the integration of Ryan White Services within the City; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0236 0 Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $465,000OrdinanceSupplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $465,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $465,000 to the Health Department - Service 303 (Clinical Services), to provide funding for the development of the Sexual Health and Wellness Center that will house Ryan White, STI, and other programs, which provide early intervention services to individuals and families living in Baltimore with, affected by, or at high risk of HIV infection; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0237 0 Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $1,059,448OrdinanceSupplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $1,059,448 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary Federal Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $1,059,448 to the Health Department - Service 720 (HIV Treatment Services), to provide funding for a demonstration project for HIV/STD prevention programs to help implement a systems-wide organizational trauma-informed approach and cultural shift to support client health and well-being; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0238 0 Baltimore City Parking Authority - ContractsOrdinanceBaltimore City Parking Authority - Contracts For the purpose of modifying the contract-expenditure threshold that requires approval of a Parking Authority contract by the Board of Estimates.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0239 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 1613 West Pratt StreetOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 1613 West Pratt Street For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 1613 West Pratt Street (Block 0262, Lot 007), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and granting variances from certain bulk (lot area size) and off-street parking requirements.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0240 0 Operating Budget for the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019Mayor and City Council Res.Operating Budget for the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2019 For the purpose of approving the budget estimated to be needed for the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners for operating programs during Fiscal 2019; providing for certification of the approved budget to the State Superintendent of Schools; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0241 0 Urban Renewal - Druid Heights - Amendment _OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Druid Heights - Amendment _ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Druid Heights to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area and to extend the life of the Plan; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0242 0 Urban Renewal - Broadway East - Amendment _OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Broadway East - Amendment _ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Broadway East to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0243 0 Urban Renewal - Poppleton - Amendment _OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Poppleton - Amendment _ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Poppleton to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0244 0 Urban Renewal - Oliver - Amendment __OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Oliver - Amendment __ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Oliver to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area, to extend the life of the Plan, and to remove certain properties from the list in Exhibit B; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0245 0 Urban Renewal - Park Heights - Amendment _OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Park Heights - Amendment _ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Park Heights to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area and to remove certain properties from the list in Appendix B; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0246 0 Urban Renewal - Coldstream Homestead Montebello - Amendment __OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Coldstream Homestead Montebello - Amendment __ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Coldstream Homestead Montebello to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0247 0 Urban Renewal - Johnston Square - Amendment __OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Johnston Square - Amendment __ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Johnston Square to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area, to extend the life of the Plan, and to remove certain properties from the lists in Appendices A and B; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0248 0 Urban Renewal - Middle East - Amendment __OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Middle East - Amendment __ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Middle East to to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area, to extend the life of the Plan, and to remove certain properties from the list in Appendices A and D; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0085R 0 Dump the StumpCity Council ResolutionDump the Stump For the purpose of calling on the Mayor’s Office and the Department of Recreation and Park’s Forestry Division to develop a plan to automatically remove all tree stumps in a timely manner after trees are cut down or fall down and replant trees in their place where necessary.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0086R 0 Improving Development of a Baltimore City Recycling and Solid Waste Management Master PlanCity Council ResolutionImproving Development of a Baltimore City Recycling and Solid Waste Management Master Plan For the purpose of supporting Baltimore City’s local team of Zero Waste experts and environmentalists in calling upon the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority, and the City’s representatives to that Authority, to honor the Baltimore City Council’s express commitment to Zero Waste policies by reissuing its recent Request For Proposals (RFP) to allow responses from a nationwide universe of experienced Zero Waste consultants; and calling on the Authority to adopt RFP amendments reflecting the City’s Zero Waste goals and the urgency of progress through this Master Plan process.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0087R 0 Informational Hearing - Evening and Weekend High School Apprenticeship ProgramsCity Council ResolutionInformational Hearing - Evening and Weekend High School Apprenticeship Programs For the purpose of requesting that representatives from Baltimore City Public Schools and the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development appear before the City Council to discuss evening and weekend apprenticeship programs at Carver Vocational-Technical High and Mergenthaler Vocational Technical Senior High School.Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0146 0 Avis RansomExecutive NominationAvis Ransom Member - Sustainability Commission - District 3Confirmed  Action details Not available
18-0082R 0 Investigative Hearing - Baltimore City Public Schools Enrollment Task ForceCity Council ResolutionInvestigative Hearing - Baltimore City Public Schools Enrollment Task Force For the purpose of calling on representatives from Baltimore City Public Schools to appear before the City Council to discuss the goals and membership of their enrollment task force and how the task force fits into a broader effort to engage the community to reverse declining enrollment in our school system.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0196 0 Environmental Citations - Default PenaltyOrdinanceEnvironmental Citations - Default Penalty For the purpose of modifying the procedures for and maximum amounts of the default penalty imposed under an environmental citation on a person cited who neither pays the citation’s prescribed prepayable fine nor requests a hearing on the violation cited or who, having requested a hearing, fails to appear at the designated hearing; correcting, clarifying, and conforming related language; and generally related to the enforcement of environmental citations.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0119 0 RPP Area 9 (Federal Hill) - Exception for 819 and 821 Light StreetOrdinanceRPP Area 9 (Federal Hill) - Exception for 819 and 821 Light Street For the purpose of amending the Parking Management Plan for RPP Area 9 to add an exception to the Plan’s general permit allotments for dwelling units.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
18-0181 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - 824 North Carrollton AvenueOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - 824 North Carrollton Avenue For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 824 North Carrollton Avenue (Block 0090, Lot 009), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0091 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Parking Lot - 1904 Wilmington AvenueOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Parking Lot - 1904 Wilmington Avenue For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment, maintenance, and operation of a parking lot on the property known as 1904 Wilmington Avenue, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
17-0093 0 Zoning - Appeals to Zoning Board - CorrectiveOrdinanceZoning - Appeals to Zoning Board - Corrective For the purpose of deleting certain court-imposed statutory provisions, since rendered inoperative by Ch. 596, Acts of 2017, which direct persons aggrieved by land-use decisions of the Planning Commission (among certain other “authorized administrative officer[s] or unit[s]”) to appeal those decisions to the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, rather than seeking their judicial review; conforming the new Zoning Code to decades of City practice and procedures that recognize the final-administrative status of Planning Commission decisions; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available