| 0 | | Floodplain Management Code - Revision | Ordinance | Floodplain Management Code - Revision
For the purpose of modifying the City laws governing floodplain management to meet or exceed requirements for eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program and other requirements of Federal and State law; incorporating certain flood-resistant design and construction standards adopted by the American Society of Civil Engineers; defining and redefining certain terms; repealing redundant, obsolete, or otherwise superfluous provisions; correcting and conforming certain obsolete nomenclature; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the protection, maintenance, and enhancement of the public health, safety, and welfare through floodplain management. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Board of Estimates - Basic Organization and Procurement Thresholds | Ordinance | Board of Estimates - Basic Organization and Procurement Thresholds
For the purpose of repealing City Code, Article 5, Subtitle 1 {“City Comptroller”}; designating the Comptroller or the Comptroller’s designee to be the clerk of the Board of Estimates; requiring the Clerk of the Board of Estimates coordinate reports required to be filed with the Board of Estimates; requiring the Comptroller to retain the reports for an appropriate period of time; and establishing certain contract and procurement thresholds pursuant to City Charter Article VI, Section 11(b). | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Real Estate Records - Modernization | Ordinance | Real Estate Records - Modernization
For the purpose of modernizing the methods by which the Comptroller shall make certain information regarding the City’s real estate records available to the public; making certain stylistic changes; and conforming and correcting related provisions. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Committee on Insurance and Risk Management - Revisions | Ordinance | Committee on Insurance and Risk Management - Revisions
For the purpose of establishing that certain municipal officers shall be an ex-officio members of the City’s Committee on Insurance and Risk Management; clarifying the number and appointment of certain other Committee members; requiring that the Department of Finance provide administrative and technical support to the Committee; requiring that the Committee meet at least biannually to carry out its functions; and conforming and clarifying related provisions. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Retirement Boards - Composition | Ordinance | Retirement Boards - Composition
For the purpose of conforming the composition of the Board of Trustees for the Retirement Savings Plan and Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement Board of Trustees to allow a certain designee of the Comptroller to act in the Comptroller’s place; conforming and correcting related provisions; and providing for a special effective date. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Rezoning - Block 4053, Lot 013, Ward 09, Section 020 | Ordinance | Rezoning - Block 4053, Lot 013, Ward 09, Section 020
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property at Block 4053, Lot 013, Ward 09, and Section 020, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the O-S Zoning District to the R-7 Zoning District; and providing for a special effective date. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | City Property - Renaming Eastwood Field to Mayes Meadow | Ordinance | City Property - Renaming Eastwood Field to Mayes Meadow
For the purpose of changing the name of Eastwood Field, located on the northeast side of Herring Run within Herring Run Park, adjacent to 3602 Eastwood Drive, to Mayes Meadow. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Informational Hearing - Building a Homegrown Public Safety Cadet Program | City Council Resolution | Informational Hearing - Building a Homegrown Public Safety Cadet Program
For the purpose of inviting the Police Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department, the Fire Chief of the Baltimore City Fire Department, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, the Sheriff of the Baltimore City Sheriff's Office, the Police Chief of the Baltimore City School Police, the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, the Director of the Department of Human Resources, and the head of the Baltimore City Public School System’s Career and Technology Education program to appear before the Baltimore City Council to discuss: the Baltimore City Fire and Police Department’s explorer programs; youth works programs; cadet programs; college internship programs; the successes and opportunities with local recruiting and hiring initiatives; and establishing the best method to create a pipeline of homegrown talent into Baltimore City public safety agencies. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Assisting Baltimore City Artists | City Council Resolution | Assisting Baltimore City Artists
For the purpose of calling on the Administration, if the City receives additional COVID-19 relief funds from the United States Congress, to invest at least $1 million of those funds to establish an emergency fund to assist Baltimore City artists. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Informational Hearing - “1% for Art” Program | City Council Resolution | Informational Hearing - “1% for Art” Program
For the purpose of inviting representatives from the Public Arts Commission, the Baltimore Development Corporation, the Parking Authority, the Planning Department, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Recreation and Parks, and the Department of Transportation, the Mayor’s Office, the Department of Finance, and the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts to discuss the continued administration of the “1% for Art” program. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Informational Hearing - Baltimore City Tax Sale | City Council Resolution | Informational Hearing - Baltimore City Tax Sale
For the purpose of inviting the Baltimore City Department of Finance, the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development, the Comptroller, Baltimore City Information Technology, the Law Department, the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service and other relevant parties to provide information and complete details and timeline, and amounts of liens owed, disaggregated where appropriate by demographics, ages, owner-occupied versus non-owner-occupied, and number of residents who have owned their property for more than 25 years in tax sale this year; in addition, discussing the City’s powers related to the state, programs already in place to assist homeowners in tax sale, possible reforms, an update on implementation of the In Rem process for vacant and abandoned properties, and any other relevant information of interest to the Baltimore City Council. | Assigned | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day | City Council Resolution | COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day
For the purpose of declaring the first Monday in March COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day. | Adopted | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | City Property - Naming the Playground in Northwest Park, Located at 2027 West Rogers Avenue, to be the Rikki Spector Playground | Ordinance | City Property - Naming the Playground in Northwest Park, Located at 2027 West Rogers Avenue, to be the Rikki Spector Playground
For the purpose of naming the playground in Northwest Park, located at 2027 West Rogers Avenue and approximately 100 feet from the street, to be the Rikki Spector Playground. | 3rd Reader, for final passage | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Baltimore City Workgroup on Nuisance Parking and Auto Businesses | Ordinance | Baltimore City Workgroup on Nuisance Parking and Auto Businesses
For the purpose of establishing the Baltimore City Workgroup on Nuisance Parking and Auto Businesses; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Workgroup; requiring the Workgroup to study certain matters related to the illegal storage of motor vehicles in public rights-of-way by motor vehicle repair establishments and motor vehicle dealerships and make certain recommendations; requiring the Workgroup to report its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on or before a certain date; providing for a special effective date; providing for the termination of this Ordinance; and generally relating to the illegal practice of using the public right-of-way as surplus private motor vehicle storage. | 3rd Reader, for final passage | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Baltimore City Fire Department - Reporting Requirements | Ordinance | Baltimore City Fire Department - Reporting Requirements
For the purpose of requiring the Fire Chief of the Baltimore City Fire Department to report annually certain information to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore; requiring the report to be made available on the Department’s website; and providing for a special effective date. | 3rd Reader, for final passage | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Study and Report - City Employee Parking Benefits | Ordinance | Study and Report - City Employee Parking Benefits
For the purpose of requiring that the Department of Human Resources and the Department of Finance submit a report to the Mayor and City Council evaluating certain matters related to providing parking and commuter benefits to City employees; and providing for a special effective date. | Approved and Sent to the Mayor | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Study and Report - Towing Dispatch Systems | Ordinance | Study and Report - Towing Dispatch Systems
For the purpose of requiring that Baltimore City Information and Technology, in consultation with certain other agencies, submit a report to the Mayor and City Council evaluating methods and systems of dispatching towing vehicles within Baltimore City; and providing for a special effective date. | Approved and Sent to the Mayor | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Real Property Tax - Installment Plans | Ordinance | Real Property Tax - Installment Plans
For the purpose of authorizing that the real property taxes owed on certain properties may be paid through a monthly installment plan; establishing the maximum term for an installment payment plan; authorizing that certain payments may be subject to a service charge; authorizing that certain late payments shall be referred to the Tax Sale Ombudsman; requiring the Director of Finance to adopt regulations to implement this subtitle; defining certain terms; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to installment payments of real property taxes in Baltimore City. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Liens and Late Charges - Installment Plans | Ordinance | Liens and Late Charges - Installment Plans
For the purpose of authorizing that certain arrearages and liens may be paid through installment payment plan and agreement; establishing the effect of breaching an installment plan agreement; specifying the contents of the notice of an offer of an installment payment plan; specifying certain terms of the installment payment agreement; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to installment payments of certain arrearages and liens in Baltimore City. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Tax Sale - Postponement | Ordinance | Tax Sale - Postponement
For the purpose of prohibiting the Mayor and City Council from conducting or otherwise scheduling a tax sale pursuant to Title 14, Subtitle 8, Part III {“Tax Sales”} of the State Tax-Property Article during the 2021 calendar year; and providing for a special effective date. | Withdrawn | |
Action details
Not available