City Council
City of Baltimore
City Hall, Room 408
100 North Holliday Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Meeting Agenda - Final
Housing & Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
4:30 PM
Virtual/Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th Floor,
City Hall, Phone: 1-408-418-9388, Access Code:
2340 491 3564 Password: Public Link:
25-0019 Midtown Community Benefits District & Management Authority - Establishment
Midtown Community Benefits District and Management Authority —
FOR the purpose of creating a community benefits district within Baltimore
City; specifying the boundaries of the District; creating an Authority and
describing its rights, duties, and powers; designating the initial interim
Board of the Authority and providing for the selection and approval of a full
Board; creating the administrator for the Authority to administer the District;
mandating the financial responsibilities of the Authority and the City in
conjunction with the operation of the District; providing for a supplemental
tax to be collected by and for the Authority; establishing limits and
minimums on the amount of the supplemental tax; incorporating the
assessment, collection, and enforcement process for the supplemental tax
within the procedures and processes already existing; specifying the role
of the City in maintaining and enhancing existing services; encouraging the
creation of partnerships between and among the Authority, the City, the
State, the federal government, and other property owners not subject to the
supplemental tax; establishing the Board of Estimates as the entity
charged with reviewing and approving various matters relating to the
District and the Authority; providing for the renewal, expiration, termination,
and approval of the District and the Authority; and otherwise providing for
the existence, operation, and control of the District and the Authority.
Zac Blanchard, Mark Parker, Mark Conway, James Torrence, Phylicia Porter, Jermaine
Jones, Antonio "Tony" Glover, Odette Ramos
At the request of the Administration