A motion was made by member Gray, seconded by member Middleton, that
Ordinance 25-0031 be Recommended Favorably with Amendment. The motion
carried by the following vote:
3 - McCray, Middleton, and Gray
1 - Schleifer
1 - Glover
Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation –
Recreation and Parks – $6,973,547
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund
Operating Appropriation in the amount of $6,973,547 to the Department of
Recreation and Parks – Service 646 (Park Maintenance), to provide
funding for overspending on contractual services and overtime in Urban
Forestry, Park Maintenance; and providing for a special effective date.
A motion was made by member Gray, seconded by member Middleton, that
Ordinance 25-0032 be Recommended Favorably with Amendment. The motion
carried by the following vote:
3 - McCray, Middleton, and Gray
1 - Schleifer
1 - Glover
General Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer – M-R Debt Service
(Service 123 - General Debt Service) to Office of the Sheriff (Service 882 -
Deputy Sheriff Enforcement) – $4,564,341
FOR the purpose of transferring a General Fund Operating Appropriation
in the amount of $4,564,341 from M-R Debt Service (Service 123 -
General Debt Service) to the Office of the Sheriff (Service 882 - Deputy
Sheriff Enforcement); and providing for a special effective date.
A motion was made by member Middleton, seconded by member Gray, that
Ordinance 25-0033 be Recommended Favorably. The motion carried by the
following vote:
3 - McCray, Middleton, and Gray
1 - Schleifer
1 - Glover
General Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer – M-R Debt Service
(Service 123 - General Debt Service) to Department of Transportation
(Service 683 - Street Management) – $1,039,801
FOR the purpose of transferring a General Fund Operating Appropriation
in the amount of $1,039,801 from M-R Debt Service (Service 123 -
General Debt Service) to the Department of Transportation (Service 683 -