City Council  
City of Baltimore  
City Hall, Room 408  
100 North Holliday Street  
Baltimore, Maryland 21202  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Ways and Means  
Tuesday, July 2, 2024  
10:06 AM  
Virtual/Du Burns Chambers, 4th Floor, City Hall, Phone:  
+1-408-418-9388, Access Code: 2339 886 3615, Password:  
5 -  
Eric T. Costello, Kristerfer Burnett, Ryan Dorsey, Sharon Green Middleton, and  
Robert Stokes Sr.  
2 - Danielle N. McCray, and Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer  
Bond Issue - Community and Economic Development Loan - $50,000,000  
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore  
(pursuant to General Assembly House Resolution III and Senate Resolution  
III of 2024 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly  
representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its  
certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not  
exceeding FIFTY Million Dollars ($50,000,000.00) from the sale of such  
certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including  
the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys’ fees, and all  
other incidental expenses connected therewith (which may include the  
proportion of the compensation of employees and general administrative  
expenses of the Department of Finance reasonably allocated to the  
issuance of the bonds); and the remainder of such proceeds to be used for  
or in connection with planning, developing, executing, and making  
operative the community, commercial and industrial economic  
development programs of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,  
including, but not limited to, the acquisition, by purchase, lease,  
condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any right,  
interest, franchise, easement or privilege therein, in the City of Baltimore;  
the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with  
or incidental to the acquisition and management of said land or property,  
including any and all rights or interest therein hereinbefore mentioned; the  
payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred for or in connection  
with relocating and moving persons or other legal entities displaced by the  
acquisition of said land or property, or any of the rights or interest therein  
hereinbefore mentioned; the development or redevelopment, including, but  
not limited to, the comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation of any land or  
property, or any rights or interests therein hereinbefore mentioned, in the  
City of Baltimore; and the disposition of land and property for such  
purposes; the elimination of unhealthful, unsanitary, or unsafe conditions,  
lessening density, eliminating obsolete or other uses detrimental to the  
public welfare or otherwise removing or preventing the spread of blight or  
deterioration in the City of Baltimore; building from strength; stabilizing  
middle neighborhoods, strengthening neighborhood retail corridors, the  
creation of healthy, sanitary, and safe, and green conditions in the City of  
Baltimore; the demolition, removal, relocation, renovation or alteration of  
land, buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other  
structures or improvements and for the construction, reconstruction ,  
installation, relocation or repair of buildings, streets, highways, alleys,  
utilities or services, and other structures or improvements; making loans  
and grants to various projects and programs related to growing businesses  
in the City; attracting and retaining jobs; providing homeownership  
incentives and home repair assistance; making loans and grants to various  
projects and programs related to improving the cultural life and promotion  
of tourism in Baltimore City; and the lending or granting of funds to any  
person or other legal entity to be used for or in connection with the  
rehabilitation, renovation, redevelopment, improvement or construction of  
buildings and structures to be used or occupied for residential or  
commercial purposes and the payment of any and all costs and expenses  
incurred for, or in connection with, doing any or all of the things herein  
mentioned, including, but not limited to, the costs and expenses of securing  
administrative, appraisal, economic analysis, engineering, planning,  
designing, architectural, surveying, and other professional services; and for  
doing any and all things necessary, proper, or expedient in connection with  
or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned;  
all such land or property shall be acquired, developed, redeveloped,  
renovated, rehabilitated, altered, improved, held or disposed of, as  
provided by law; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds; conferring  
and imposing upon the Board of Finance of Baltimore City certain powers  
and duties; authorizing the submission of this Ordinance to the legal voters  
of the City of Baltimore, for their approval or disapproval, at the General  
Election to be held in Baltimore City, on Tuesday, the 5th day of November,  
2024; and providing for the expenditure of the proceeds of sale of said  
certificates of indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of the  
Charter of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by the municipal  
agency designated in the annual Ordinance of Estimates of the Mayor and  
City Council of Baltimore.  
A motion was made by member Stokes, seconded by member Middleton, that  
Ordinance 24-0536 be Recommended Favorably. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 - Costello, Burnett, Dorsey, Middleton, and Stokes Sr.  
2 - McCray, and "Yitzy" Schleifer  