City of Baltimore  
City Council  
City Hall, Room 408  
100 North Holliday Street  
Baltimore, Maryland 21202  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Monday, September 16, 2024  
5:00 PM  
City Hall, 4th Floor, Du Burns Chambers  
Baltimore City Council  
Nicholas J. Mosby, President of the Council - District 1: Zeke Cohen - District 2:  
Danielle N. McCray - District 3: Ryan Dorsey - District 4: Mark Conway - District 5:  
Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer - District 6: Sharon Green Middleton - District 7: James  
Torrence - District 8: Kristerfer Burnett - District 9: John T. Bullock - District 10:  
Phylicia Porter - District 11: Eric T. Costello - District 12: Robert Stokes, Sr. - District  
13: Antonio Glover - District 14: Odette Ramos  
Call to Order  
Fr Adrian Roelly CSsR, Sacred Heart of Jesus  
Pledge of Allegiance  
Showcase Baltimore  
Guillermo Brown, Fiesta Musical programming on WEAA 88.9FM and Educator at Archbishop Border  
Roll Call  
Approval of the Journal  
August 26, 2024  
Communications from the Mayor  
Bills Signed by the Mayor  
August 29, 2024 and September 9, 2024  
City Streets - Closing - A Portion of Marion Street  
For the purpose of condemning and closing air rights above a portion of Marion  
Street, extending Westerly 103 feet, more or less, from Kimmel Alley beginning at a  
horizontal plane of 14 feet above street level, and closing subterranean rights below a  
portion of Marion Street extending Westerly 62.5 feet, more or less, from Kimmel  
Alley, beginning at a horizontal plane at elevation 62 feet based on Baltimore City  
Survey Control System, as shown on a plat numbered 330-A-28A, Sheets 1 and 2,  
dated June 20, 2022, prepared by the Survey Section and filed with the Department  
of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.  
Administration City Council  
City Streets - Closing - A Portion of Boston Street  
For the purpose of condemning and closing a portion of Boston Street, bounded by  
the east side of Haven Street, the southernmost property line of 1201 South Haven,  
LLC, the west side of Canton Railroad Right-of-Way, and the north side of Boston  
Street, as shown on a plat numbered 307-A-22A, dated March 17, 2022, and filed  
in the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
Air Rights - Closing - A Portion of Newkirk Street  
For the purpose of condemning and closing the air rights area, extending over a  
portion of the public right of way of Newkirk Street, as shown on a plat numbered  
337-A-29A, dated February 25, 2022, and filed in the Department of  
Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
RPP Area 30 (South Baltimore East) - Exception - 1600 South Charles Street  
For the purpose of amending the Parking Management Plan Restatement for RPP  
Area 30 (South Baltimore East) to add an exception to the Plan’s general permit  
allotments for dwelling units.  
Eric T. Costello  
Landmark List: Exteriors - 3110 Elm Avenue  
For the purpose of designating 3110 Elm Avenue (Block 3504B, Lot 006), as an  
historical landmark: exterior.  
Odette Ramos  
Revenue Obligations - Wastewater Projects  
For the purpose of increasing the City’s authorization to issue revenue obligations  
within the maximum aggregate principal amount of the revenue obligations authorized  
and calculated, as of June 30 of each year, by the City to finance or refinance  
wastewater facilities and, in that connection, amending and restating Ordinance  
02-332, as amended by Ordinances 07-421, 11-430, and 14-293; authorizing the  
Board of Finance to specify, prescribe, determine, provide for, approve, and amend  
the form, terms, provisions, manner or method of issuing and selling, the time or times  
of issuance, and all other details of the revenue obligations and any other matters  
necessary or desirable in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale, and  
payment of these revenue obligations; providing for a special effective date; and  
generally relating to the issuance and payment of revenue obligations.  
City Council President (Administration)  
Revenue Obligations - Water Projects  
For the purpose of increasing the City’s authorization to issue revenue obligations  
within the maximum aggregate principal amount of the revenue obligations that may be  
outstanding authorized and calculated, as of June 30 of each year by the City to  
finance or refinance water facilities and, in that connection, amending and restating  
Ordinance 02-331, as amended by Ordinances 04-687, 07-420, 11-429, and  
14-292; authorizing the Board of Finance to specify, prescribe, determine, provide  
for, approve, and amend the form, terms, provisions, manner or method of issuing  
and selling, the time or times of issuance, and all other details of the revenue  
obligations and any other matters necessary or desirable in connection with the  
authorization, issuance, sale, and payment of these revenue obligations; providing for  
a special effective date; and generally relating to the issuance and payment of revenue  
City Council President (Administration)  
Revenue Obligations - Stormwater Projects - Maximum Aggregate Principal  
For the purpose of increasing the maximum aggregate principal amount of the revenue  
obligations that may be outstanding, as of June 30 of each year, under Ordinance  
18-174, as amended, by the City to finance or refinance stormwater facilities and, in  
that connection, amending and restating sections of Ordinance 18-174; providing for  
a special effective date; and generally relating to the issuance and payment of revenue  
City Council President (Administration)  
Zoning - Open Space District - Conditional Use Cultural Facility and Parking  
Lot - Variances - C.C. Jackson Park and Library - 4910 Park Heights Avenue  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment,  
maintenance, and operation of a cultural facility and an open off-street parking area  
on the property known as C.C. Jackson Park and Library, 4910 Park Heights  
Avenue (Block 4605, Lots 001-018, 021, 055-065) as outlined in red on the  
accompanying plats; and providing for a special effective date.  
Sharon Green Middleton  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of Single-Family Dwelling Units to 2  
Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District - Variances - 3040 Barclay Street  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of certain  
single-family dwelling units to 2 dwelling units in the R-7 Zoning District on the  
property known as 3040 Barclay Street (Block 357A8, Lot 033), as outlined in red  
on the accompanying plat; granting variances from certain bulk regulations (lot area  
size) and off-street parking requirements; and providing for a special effective date.  
Odette Ramos  
South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District and Management  
Authority - Renewal Through June 30, 2028  
For the purpose of reviewing, renewing, and continuing the South Baltimore Gateway  
Community Impact District and the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact  
District Management Authority; providing for a special effective date; and generally  
relating to the activities and authority of the South Baltimore Gateway Community  
Impact District and the South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District  
Management Authority.  
Eric T. Costello, Phylicia Porter  
Tax Credits - Historic Properties - Application Extension  
For the purpose of extending the period within which applications may be accepted  
for the historic improvement tax credit and providing for a special effective date.  
John T. Bullock, Eric T. Costello  
RPP Area B (Washington Village) - Revisions  
For the purpose of altering the hours of applicable parking restrictions in the Parking  
Management Plan for RPP Area B (Washington Village).  
Phylicia Porter  
Francis Scott Key Bridge - Actions and Remedies  
For the purpose of exercising the City’s authority granted under City Charter, Article  
II, §§ (10) {“Harbor, docks, and wharves”} and (47) {“General welfare”} to: (1)  
provide for the preservation of the navigation of the Patapsco River and its tributaries;  
(2) prevent injury to navigation or health; and (3) maintain the peace, good  
government, and health and welfare of the City of Baltimore, by establishing that in a  
cause of action arising out of the allision between a ship, the M/V Dali, and the  
Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26, 2024, the City of Baltimore shall be entitled  
to recover for economic loss; providing the City Solicitor with the authority to  
establish certain rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance;  
providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the allision between a  
ship, the M/V Dali, and the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26, 2024.  
City Council President (Administration)  
Executive Nominations  
Christopher Mfume  
Member - Baltimore City Inclusionary Housing Board - District 1  
Bills Introduced  
The 2024 Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Baltimore  
For the purpose of reviewing, revising, and adopting the 2024 Comprehensive  
Master Plan for the City of Baltimore; and providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
At the request of: Department of Planning  
Baltimore City Government Entities - Language Access  
For the purpose of requiring a certain Baltimore government entity to appoint a  
language access liaison and adopt a Language Access Plan; requiring a Baltimore  
government entity to provide language access services to specified individuals;  
establishing certain reporting requirements; defining certain terms; providing for a  
special effective date; and generally relating to the provision of language access  
services by Baltimore government entities.  
City Council President (Administration)  
At the request of: Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs  
Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation - M-R:  
Miscellaneous General Expenses - $2,165,000  
For the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating  
Appropriation in the amount of $2,165,000.00 to M-R: Miscellaneous General  
Expenses - Service 122 (Miscellaneous General Expenses), Project Fund  
6000-SPC006011-RC0609 (SI002046 - Baltimore County - Center Place Road  
Extension Project), to provide funding for the purchase of real property; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
At the request of: Department of Finance  
Urban Renewal - Oldtown Mall - Amendment 11  
For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Oldtown Mall to strike all  
provisions of the Plan other than those pertaining to authority over disposition; waiving  
certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance  
severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain  
other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.  
Robert Stokes, Sr.  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 4  
Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances 1817 North Broadway  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a  
single-family dwelling unit to 4 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the  
property known as 1817 North Broadway (Block 1446, Lot 009), as outlined in red  
on the accompanying plat; and providing for a special effective date.  
Robert Stokes, Sr.  
Area of Special Signage Control - Designation - Stadium Area  
For the purpose of approving the application of the Baltimore Ravens Limited  
Partnership to designate an Area of Special Signage Control known as the Stadium  
Area District; and providing for a special effective date.  
Phylicia Porter  
Rezoning - 601 West West Street (Lot N), 616 West West Street (Lot NN),  
and 701 West Ostend Street (Lot O)  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the properties known as 601 West West  
Street (Lot N) (Block 0688C, Lot 019), and 616 West West Street (Lot NN)  
(Block 0688C, Lot 009), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the C-4  
Zoning District to the C-5-DC Zoning District, and the property known as 701 West  
Ostend Street (Lot O) (Block 0954, Lot 001), as outlined in red on the  
accompanying plat, from the I-2 Zoning District to the C-5-DC Zoning District; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
Phylicia Porter  
Zoning - Sign Regulations - C-5-DC Zoning District - Amendment  
For the purpose of amending sign regulations to permit the sign type “Freestanding  
(Pole)” in an Area of Special Signage Control within the C-5-DC Zoning District; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
Phylicia Porter  
Rezoning - 121 Riverside Road  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 121 Riverside  
Road (Block 7027D, Lot 001), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the  
R-6 Zoning District to the IMU-1 Zoning District; and providing for a special effective  
Phylicia Porter  
Zoning - Conditional Use Parking Lot - 301 East Lombard Street (a/k/a 300  
East Pratt Street)  
For the purpose of reauthorizing and continuing the permission for, subject to certain  
conditions, the establishment, maintenance, and operation of an open off-street  
parking area on the property known as 301 East Lombard Street (aka 300 East Pratt  
Street) (Block 1381, Lot 002), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
Eric T. Costello  
Consent Calendar  
(See Section A at back of Agenda)  
2R Second Reader  
Economic and Community Development  
Rezoning - 1214-1224 Hollins Street, 21-23 South Carey Street, and 14 South  
Stockton Street  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the properties known as 1214-1224  
Hollins Street (Block 0216, Lots 053-058), 21-23 South Carey Street (Block 0216,  
Lots 047-048), and 14 South Stockton Street (Block 0216, Lot 074), as outlined in  
red on the accompanying plat, from the R-8 Zoning District to the C-1 Zoning  
District; and providing for a special effective date.  
John T. Bullock  
Rezoning - 901 West Mulberry Street, 317-329 North Schroeder Street, 222  
North Fremont Street, 811 West Saratoga Street, and 203 North Amity  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the properties known as 901 West  
Mulberry Street (Block 0157, Lot 015), 317-329 North Schroeder Street (Block  
0157, Lots 008-014), 222 North Fremont Street (Block 0173, Lot 003), 811 West  
Saratoga Street (Block 0173, Lot 001, and 203 North Amity Street (Block 0173,  
Lot 004), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the R-8 Zoning District to  
the R-9 Zoning District; and providing for a special effective date.  
John T. Bullock  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of Single-Family Dwelling Units to 2  
Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 509, 511, and 516  
North Carrollton Avenue  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of certain  
single-family dwelling units to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the  
properties known as 509 North Carrollton Avenue (Block 0127, Lot 018), 511  
North Carrollton Avenue (Block 0127, Lot 019), and 516 North Carrollton Avenue  
(Block 0126, Lot 008), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; granting  
variances from off-street parking requirements; and providing for a special effective  
John T. Bullock  
Health, Environment, and Technology  
Prohibition - Gas-Powered Debris Removal Equipment  
For the purpose of prohibiting the use of gas-powered debris removal equipment in  
Baltimore City; defining certain terms; establishing procedures for reporting the use of  
gas-powered debris removal equipment; establishing certain penalties; and providing  
for a special effective date.  
Ryan Dorsey, Kristerfer Burnett, Odette Ramos  
Mayor’s Anti-Animal Abuse Advisory Commission - Amendments  
For the purpose of amending the composition of the Mayor’s Anti-Animal Abuse  
Advisory Commission; altering procedures for meetings of the Commission; providing  
for staff to the Commission; providing for a special effective date; and generally  
relating to the Mayor’s Anti-Animal Abuse Advisory Commission.  
Administration City Council  
Ways and Means Committee  
Sale of Property - 1012 East 43rd Street  
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at  
either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property that is located at 1012  
East 43rd Street (Block 5192, Lot 059) and is no longer needed for public use; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
Repeal of Ordinance 99-573, as Amended by Ordinance 00-093 - Planned  
Unit Development - 4221 Shannon Drive  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 99-573, as amended by Ordinance 00-093,  
which designated certain property located at 4221 Shannon Drive a Planned Unit  
Development; and providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
City Property - Naming the Playground Located at Lake Montebello to be  
the City Council President Mary Pat Clarke Playground  
For the purpose of naming the playground located at Lake Montebello to be the City  
Council President Mary Pat Clarke Playground.  
Odette Ramos  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2  
Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances 730 East Preston Street  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a  
single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the  
property known as 730 East Preston Street (Block 1142B, Lot 028), as outlined in  
red on the accompanying plat; and granting variances from certain bulk regulations  
(lot area size), gross floor area per unit type, and off-street parking requirements; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
Robert Stokes, Sr.  
Repeal of Ordinance 04-824 - Planned Unit Development - 1901 Light Street,  
1921 Light Street, Bed of Johnson Street, and Block 1947, Lot 1  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 04-824, which designated certain property  
located at 1901 Light Street, 1921 Light Street, Bed of Johnson Street, and Block  
1947, Lot 1 a Residential Planned Unit Development; and providing for a special  
effective date.  
Eric T. Costello  
Rezoning - 1921 Light Street  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 1921 Light Street  
(Block 1038, Lot 005), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the R-8  
Zoning District to the C-1 Zoning District; and providing for a special effective date.  
Eric T. Costello  
3R Third Reader  
Third Reader (for final passage)  
Ethics - Conforming Changes  
For the purpose of updating the City Ethics Article to conform to state law.  
City Council President (Administration)  
Rezoning - 420 North Haven Street  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 420 North Haven  
Street (Block 6265A, Lot 011), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the  
I-2 Zoning District to the C-3 Zoning District.  
Danielle N. McCray  
Strengthening Renters’ Safety Act  
For the purpose of establishing a priority inspection; establishing criteria for priority  
dwellings and priority inspections; requiring the Commissioner of the Department of  
Housing and Community Development to post certain notices; amending certain rental  
dwelling license application requirements; amending certain prerequisites for new and  
renewed rental dwelling licenses; amending license fees; updating inspection  
requirements; requiring the posting of license numbers; updating causes for denial,  
suspension, or revocation of a license; bolstering public access to information;  
authorizing the initiation of enforcement of the subtitle by complaint; providing for  
certain data collection; establishing the Baltimore City Rental Licensing and Inspection  
Task Force; providing for the composition, terms, and organization of the Task  
Force, establishing the duties of the Task Force, adding a civil citation fine for  
violating of licensing requirements; requiring annual reporting; amending certain  
definitions; providing a time period when the Task Force shall first convene; and  
providing for a special effective date.  
Zeke Cohen, James Torrence, Odette Ramos, Kristerfer Burnett, Ryan Dorsey, John T.  
Bullock, Antonio Glover  
Sale of Property - A Portion of Boston Street  
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at  
either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property that is known as the  
former bed of a portion of Boston Street, bounded by the east side of Haven Street,  
the southernmost property line of 1201 South Haven, LLC, the west side of Canton  
Railroad Right-of-Way, and the north side of Boston Street, and no longer needed  
for public use; and providing for a special effective date.  
City Council President (Administration)  
Repeal of Ordinance 10-397 - 25th Street Station Planned Unit Development  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 10-397, which designated certain properties  
a Business and Industrial Planned Unit Development known as 25th Street Station;  
and providing for a special effective date.  
Robert Stokes, Sr.  
Rezoning - 3014-3030 Darby Street East; 3021-3039 Elm Avenue; 800-810  
Darby Street South; North Side Darby Street South Adjacent 810 East;  
3000-3012 Darby Street East; and 3003-3019 Elm Avenue  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the properties known as 3014-3030  
Darby Street East; 3021-3039 Elm Avenue; 800-810 Darby Street South; North  
Side Darby Street South Adjacent 810 East; 3000-3012 Darby Street East; and  
3003-3019 Elm Avenue , as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the R-7  
Zoning District to the R-8 Zoning District; and providing for a special effective date.  
Odette Ramos  
Rezoning - 2101 Gould Street  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 2101 Gould Street  
(Block 1053, Lot 005A), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the I-2  
Zoning District to the PC-2 Zoning District.  
Eric T. Costello  
Zoning - Port Covington Area of Special Signage Control - Amendment  
For the purpose of revising the criteria for the Port Covington Area of Special  
Signage Control; and providing for a special effective date.  
Eric T. Costello  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2  
Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 1833 West Lexington  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a  
single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the  
property known as 1833 West Lexington Street (Block 0178, Lot 017), as outlined  
in red on the accompanying plat; granting certain variances from off-street parking  
requirements; and providing for a special effective date.  
John T. Bullock  
Repeal of Ordinance 01-284 - Home Depot at Reisterstown Plaza Planned  
Unit Development  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 01-284, which designated certain properties  
a Business Planned Unit Development known as Home Depot at Reisterstown Plaza;  
and providing for a special effective date.  
Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer  
Repeal of Ordinance 01-257, as Amended by Ordinance 02-447 -  
Reisterstown Road Plaza Shopping Center Planned Unit Development  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 01-257, as amended by Ordinance 02-447,  
which designated certain properties a Business Planned Unit Development known as  
Reisterstown Road Plaza Shopping Center; and providing for a special effective date.  
Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer  
Repeal of Ordinance 99-533, as Amended by Ordinance 16-569 - New Shiloh  
Baptist Church Planned Unit Development  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 99-533, as amended by Ordinance 16-569,  
which designated certain properties a Business Planned Unit Development known as  
New Shiloh Baptist Church; and providing for a special effective date.  
James Torrence  
Port Covington Community Benefits District and Management Authority -  
Renewal Through June 30, 2028  
For the purpose of reviewing, renewing and continuing the Port Covington  
Community Benefits District and the Port Covington Community Benefits  
Management Authority; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to  
the activities and authority of the Port Covington Community Benefits District and the  
Port Covington Community Benefits Management Authority.  
Eric T. Costello  
Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement System - Benefits Enhancements  
FOR the purpose of amending certain provisions of the Fire and Police Employees’  
Retirement System; changing the definition of “average final compensation”; providing  
a new deferred vested benefit; eliminating the 2-year waiting period for  
commencement of post-retirement benefit increases; repealing obsolete provisions  
relating to post-retirement benefit increases; changing the interest earned on DROP 2  
accounts; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the Fire and  
Police Employees’ Retirement System.  
Administration City Council  
Sale of Property - 411 East Old Cold Spring Lane  
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at  
either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property that is located at 411  
East Old Cold Spring Lane (Block 5070A, Lot 022) and is no longer needed for  
public use; and providing for a special effective date.  
Mark Conway, City Council President (Administration)  
Rezoning - 3701-3733 Towanda Avenue  
For the purpose of changing the zoning for the properties known as 3701-3733  
Towanda Avenue, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the R-6 Zoning  
District to the C-1 Zoning District.  
Sharon Green Middleton  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 3  
Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances 2035 McCulloh Street  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a  
single-family dwelling unit to 3 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the  
property known as 2035 McCulloh Street (Block 0316, Lot 022), as outlined in red  
on the accompanying plat; and granting variances from off-street parking  
requirements; and providing for a special effective date.  
Eric T. Costello  
Zoning - Conditional Use - Retail Goods Establishment with Alcoholic  
Beverage Sales - 3601 Elm Avenue  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment,  
maintenance, and operation of a retail goods establishment with alcoholic beverage  
sales on the property known as 3601 Elm Avenue, as outlined in red on the  
accompanying plat; and providing for a special effective date.  
Odette Ramos  
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2  
Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District - 3115 Walbrook Avenue  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a  
single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-7 Zoning District on the  
property known as 3115 Walbrook Avenue (Block 3002, Lot 019), as outlined in  
red on the accompanying plat; and providing for a special effective date.  
James Torrence  
Zoning - Conditional Use - Parking Lot (Principal Use) - 1200 Brentwood  
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment,  
maintenance, and operation of a principal use parking lot on the property known as  
1200 Brentwood Avenue (Block 1152, Lot, 026), as outlined in red on the  
accompanying plat; and providing for a special effective date.  
Robert Stokes, Sr.  
Repeal of Ordinance 95-572, as Amended by Ordinance 96-096 - Planned  
Unit Development - Lighthouse Point  
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 95-572, as amended by Ordinance 96-096,  
which designated certain properties a Business Planned Unit Development known as  
Lighthouse Point; and providing for a special effective date.  
Zeke Cohen  
Committee Announcements  
Cable Hearing Schedule  
We are live streaming more to you now than ever before! Please visit  
sessions and council meetings that are covered by CHARM TV 25.  
Thank you all for attending this meeting.  
Please check the area around your seat to make  
certain that you have everything that you brought with you.  
We will be closing the room shortly and ask that  
everyone exit promptly to the 1st floor main entrance.  
Thank you for visiting City Hall.