A motion was made by Chair McCray, seconded by member Gray, that Ordinance
25-0008 be Recommended Favorably. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - McCray, Schleifer, Middleton, and Gray
1 - Glover
Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation –
Mayoralty – $1,773,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund
Operating Appropriation in the amount of $1,773,000 to the Mayoralty –
Service 918 (Opioid Restitution Administration), to provide funding for
additional positions to provide direction and guidance regarding the City’s
opioid response, establishment of the Restitution Advisory Board,
contractual support to establish a trust fund for litigation proceeds, and
community engagement; and providing for a special effective date.
A motion was made by Chair McCray, seconded by member Gray, that Ordinance
25-0009 be Recommended Favorably. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - McCray, Schleifer, Middleton, and Gray
1 - Glover
Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation –
Department of Law – $100,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund
Operating Appropriation in the amount of $100,000 to the Department of
Law – Service 862 (Transactions Contracts), to provide funding to create 2
additional positions to oversee contract agreements with grant
organizations; and providing for a special effective date.
A motion was made by Chair McCray, seconded by member Gray, that Ordinance
25-0010 be Recommended Favorably. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - McCray, Schleifer, Middleton, and Gray
1 - Glover
Supplementary Special Revenue Fund Operating Appropriation –
Baltimore City Health Department – $500,000
FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary Special Revenue Fund
Operating Appropriation in the amount of $500,000 to the Baltimore City
Health Department – Service 715
(Health - Administration), to provide funding for planning costs for a
replacement facility for the Westside clinic; and providing for a special
effective date.
A motion was made by Chair McCray, seconded by member Gray, that Ordinance
25-0011 be Recommended Favorably. The motion carried by the following vote:
4 - McCray, Schleifer, Middleton, and Gray