Historic Preservation – Conservation Districts – Establishment
FOR the purpose of establishing Conservation Districts; providing a study,
proposal, and review process; defining certain terms; and providing for a
special effective date.
John Bullock, Mark Conway, Sharon Green Middleton, James Torrence, Paris Gray,
Phylicia Porter, Zac Blanchard, Jermaine Jones, Antonio "Tony" Glover, Odette Ramos,
Zeke Cohen
3R Third Reader
Department of Consumer Protection and Business Licensing
FOR the purpose of creating the Department of Consumer Protection and
Business Licensing; providing for the leadership and staffing of the
Department; establishing the Department’s purpose, powers, and duties;
creating the Board of Consumer Protection and Business Licensing;
providing for the membership of the Board; establishing the purpose,
powers, and duties of the Board; transferring the administration of certain
business licenses to the Department; repealing certain obsolete Boards;
allowing the Department to suspend a certain license if the licensee
engages in unfair, abusive, and deceptive trade practices; providing for a
special effective date; making conforming changes; and generally relating
to consumer protection and business licensing.
Ryan Dorsey, Mark Parker, Mark Conway, Sharon Green Middleton, James Torrence,
Paris Gray, John Bullock, Phylicia Porter, Zac Blanchard, Jermaine Jones, Odette
Ramos, Zeke Cohen
Study and Report – Absences in Baltimore City Schools
FOR the purpose of requiring the Baltimore City Public School System
(“City Schools”) to prepare a report exploring the causes of student
absences to better identify solutions to address the most persistent
barriers students face to attending school; requiring City Schools to
collaborate with certain City agencies to propose recommendations to
address the root causes of unexcused absences found in the report; and
providing for a special effective date.
Mark Conway, Mark Parker, Ryan Dorsey, Sharon Green Middleton, James Torrence,
John Bullock, Phylicia Porter, Zac Blanchard, Jermaine Jones, Antonio "Tony" Glover,
Odette Ramos, Zeke Cohen, Paris Gray
Committee Announcements
District Spotlight - District 2