Investigative Hearing - What is the State of Stat?
For the purpose of requesting that the City Administrator, the Deputy City
Administrator, each of the Deputy Mayor’s, the Chief Data Officer, the Director of
the Office of Performance and Innovation, the Director of the Baltimore City Office of
Information Technology and the heads of Data Driven Strategies and Performance
Management from each city agency come before the City Council to discuss the
current state of data collection, evaluation, and how we are using the tenets of CitiStat
to address internal process issues to help close service delivery gaps.
Mark Conway, John T. Bullock, Sharon Green Middleton, Phylicia Porter, James
Torrence, President Nicholas J. Mosby, Odette Ramos, Kristerfer Burnett, Zeke Cohen,
Antonio Glover
Ways and Means
Sale of Property - 900-912 Baltic Avenue
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at
either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property located at 900-912
Baltic Avenue (Block 7271, Lot 001) and no longer needed for public use; and
providing for a special effective date.
City Council President (Office of the Comptroller)
Sale of Property - 606 South Ann Street
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at
either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property that is located at 606
South Ann Street (Block 1828, Lot 045) and is no longer needed for public use; and
providing for a special effective date.
Zeke Cohen
Repeal of Ordinances 08-94, 08-95, and 08-96 - Westport Waterfront
Development District, Westport Special Taxing District, and State
Obligations Pledge
For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 08-94, which created the Westport
Waterfront Development District; repealing Ordinance 08-95, which created the
Westport Waterfront Special taxing District; repealing Ordinance 08-96, which
authorized the pledge by the City of Tax Increment Revenues and Special Tax
Revenues for the purpose of financing infrastructure improvements; and providing for
a special effective date.
Phylicia Porter
Sale of Property - 4601 East Monument Street
For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at
either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property that is located at 4601
East Monument Street (Block 6469, Lot 001F) and is no longer needed for public
use; and providing for a special effective date.
City Council President (Administration)