Baltimore City Council
File #: 06-0466    Version: 0 Name: The Baltimore City Comprehensive Master Plan
Type: Mayor and City Council Res. Status: Enacted
File created: 7/10/2006 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 11/21/2006
Enactment #: 06-019
Title: The Baltimore City Comprehensive Master Plan FOR the purpose of establishing a Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Baltimore; and providing for a special effective date.
Sponsors: City Council President (Administration)
Indexes: Comprehensive Master Plan, Master Plan
Attachments: 1. 06-0466 - 1st Reader.pdf, 2. 06-0466 - 3rd Reader.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
11/21/20060 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/13/20060 City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/30/20060 City Council Advanced to 3rd Rdr., Adopted Comm. Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/30/20060 Committee of the Whole Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/14/20060 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/14/20060 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/14/20060 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/14/20060 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/14/20060 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20060 The City Council Referred for a Report  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/10/20060 City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/10/20060 City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available





                     CITY OF BALTIMORE

                     COUNCIL BILL          


Introduced by: The Council President

At the request of: The Administration (Department of Planning)                                                    


                     A RESOLUTION ENTITLED




The Baltimore City Comprehensive Master Plan


FOR the purpose of establishing a Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Baltimore; and providing for a special effective date.




The Comprehensive Master Plan is being written in order to bring the City of Baltimore into compliance with State of Maryland Planning Statutes and Baltimore City Charter Requirements.  The Baltimore City Master Plan will become the Plan that will guide the City's future development.


The Plan is organized around a structure centered on 4 themes, and they are LIVE, EARN, PLAY, and LEARN, which broad areas are meant to capture the main themes by which Baltimore is experienced by its residents, workers, visitors and other stakeholders.  Each of these themes overlap with several of the "element" areas covered in Article 66B, § 3.05 of the Maryland Code, to ensure coverage of these areas.


The Plan meets the Baltimore City Charter requirements under Article VII, §§ 72 and 74.


The Plan is designed to capitalize on the research and public outreach conducted for PlanBaltimore in the late 1990s, while having research and outreach conducted specifically for the Plan.


The Plan also has Management and Financial information following the 4 main chapters, which detail the structure of the organizations that will implement the Plan, as well as the City's capital budgeting process.  The Summary of Goals, Objectives and Strategies for the Comprehensive Master Plan is as follows:




Goal 1: Build Human and Social Capital by Strengthening Neighborhoods

Objective 1:  Expand and Protect Housing Choices for all Residents

Develop and implement City- wide inclusionary housing plan

Ensure that at least 300 more housing units per year are affordable to seniors, disabled,

homeless, and low-income households

Expand eviction prevention services to help households retain their housing



Ensure households that are involuntarily displaced from housing receive preference for

public housing and Section 8 vouchers

Target homeownership and rehabilitation loans as well as financial counseling using

Housing Typology

Create and preserve mixed-income neighborhoods in Competitive, Emerging and Stable

neighborhoods with targeted disposition of City properties

Develop a comprehensive plan to eliminate homelessness in 10 years

Objective 2: Strategically Redevelop Vacant Properties Throughout the City

Establish a multi-tiered property tax to encourage development of vacant property and


Develop a vacant housing reclamation strategy for Transitional and Distressed


Objective 3:  Maintain and Create Safe, Clean, & Healthy Neighborhoods

Implement Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) standards

Target housing and sanitation code enforcement using the Housing Typology

Create a comprehensive City-wide sanitation plan

Eliminate childhood lead poisoning

Increase Substance Abuse Treatment City-wide

Adopt and implement an Urban Forest Management Plan

Objective 5: Target Neighborhood Planning to Leverage Investment

Create Area Master Plans in a targeted manner

Leverage CIP resources in targeted areas using the neighborhood plans

Objective 6:  Increase the City's Population by 10,000 Households in 6 Years

Develop Growth Promotion Areas (GPAs) to absorb future population growth in the


Market the City to surrounding jurisdictions and Washington DC

Objective 7: Improve neighborhood schools (See LEARN, Goal 1)


Goal 2:  Elevate the Design and Quality of the City's Built Environment

Objective 1:  Improve Design Quality of Baltimore's Built Environment

Develop design guidelines to respond to the unique character of Baltimore City

Create and adopt a City-wide landscape ordinance

Update Building Code to promote sustainable or high performance buildings through

incentives and regulations

Create standards for hiring design professionals to foster the design of high quality City


Objective 2:  Streamline and Strengthen the Development Process

Modernize the Zoning Code to meet current needs

Improve efficiency of One-Stop Shop permitting center

Increase number of Zoning Cde enforcers

Create a task force on interagency coordination for web-based, real time access to

development projects

Objective 3:  Promote Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Mixed-use Development to

Reinforce Neighborhood Centers and Main Streets

Implement a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) strategy to foster stronger

neighborhood centers

Provide preferential capital funding for TOD projects

Create mixed-use with residential zoning category

Ensure all residents are within 1.5 miles of quality groceries and neighborhood services

Objective 4:  Protect and Enhance the Preservation of Baltimore's Historic Buildings and


Update City-wide historic preservation guidelines



                                           Promote use of Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code

Simplify, and actively pursue the local historic district designation process for Baltimore


Create, expand and promote the historic structure tax credit programs for local historic

districts and landmarks

Strengthen CHAP ordinance enforcement by providing dedicated staff to proactively

enforce CHAP guidelines

Implement a program that physically demarcates the City's locally designated historic


Create a fund/program that provides rehabilitation loans for low income families in

locally designated historic districts

Objective 5:  Improve Water Quality and the Environmental Sustainability of the Chesapeake


Adopt and implement the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Plan

Reduce pollutants in streams, rivers and reservoirs to meet Total Maximum Daily Load

(TMDL) for each body of water


Goal 3:  Improve Transportation Access and Choice for City Residents

Objective 1:  Create a Comprehensive Transportation Plan to Improve Mobility and Choice

Create a City-wide pedestrian plan

Implement Bicycle Master Plan to create a complete bikeway system

Implement Transportation System Management (TSM) techniques to improve the

efficiency and safety of existing roadway system

Create traffic- calming policies and procedures

Target Pavement Maintenance Management System (PMMS) funding to bicycle and bus

routes and surface rail crossings

Objective 2:  Facilitate Movement throughout the Region

Create a regional authority to manage public transit services throughout the metropolitan


Support efforts to implement the Baltimore Regional Rail Plan and its Red and Green

Line priority segments

Protect and create Rights-of-Way along existing and proposed rail lines

Create intermodal transit hubs in areas of low automobile ownership

Establish a development mitigation program to reduce congestion effects of development




Goal 1:  Strengthen Identified Growth Sectors

Objective 1:  Retain and Attract Businesses in all Growth Sectors

Create an industrial mixed-use Zoning District

Create a light industrial mixed-use zoning district

Establish microenterprise loans for start up businesses specifically in the growth sectors

Work with growth sector employers to identify training needs

Preserve use of eminent domain for underutilized and/or contaminated parcels of

commercial and industrial land

Objective 2:  Retain and Attract Business in Bioscience

Create a Bioscience Development District

Create incubator space around biotechnology areas

Objective 3:  Retain and Attract Business in Business Support Services

Identify and rezone nodes in the city that can support high-density, mixed-use commercial


Preserve and enhance CBD office space


Objective 4:  Retain and Attract Business in Computer, Internet, Data and Software (CIDS)

Related Services

Develop a master plan for the City's current and future CIDS infrastructure

Provide Wireless Technology Zones in public areas throughout the City

Objective 5:  Retain and Attract Business in Construction

Create, tailor and market programs that assist and encourage construction entrepreneurs

in acquiring low-cost bonding

Objective 6:  Retain and Attract Business in Healthcare and Social Assistance

Create a mechanism to adopt health care facility master plans to provide institutions with

predictability in the development review process

Amend the Zoning Code to broaden the definition of Health Clinics to include non-

residential substance abuse treatment centers

Objective 7:  Retain and Attract Business in Hospitality and Tourism

Create a Strategic Convention Center Area Master Plan

Install environmental and aesthetic improvements around tourist areas

Objective 8:  Retain and Attract Port-Related Industries (See EARN Goal 1, Objective 1,

Strategy 2 and EARN Goal 3, Objective 2, Strategy 3)


Goal 2:  Improve Labor Force Participation Rate Among City Residents

Objective 1:  Align Employers with Job Seekers and Training Resources

Create a Strategic Plan for MOED that links employers to job seekers

Monitor and enforce First Source Hiring program

Expand outreach to encourage use of One-Stop Employment Centers

Target MOED resources to under- and un-employed populations to better connect job

seekers and employers

Prioritize drug treatment program access for job seekers working with MOED programs

Give preference for City-subsidized contracts to contractors with active apprenticeship


Objective 2:  Increase Qualifications/Skill Sets of City Residents (See LEARN, GOAL 3,

Objective 3)


Goal 3:  Improve Access to Jobs and Transportation Linkages between Businesses

Objective 1:  Enhance Transportation Options to Provide Workers with Commuting Options

and Mitigate Traffic Congestion

Expand the number of participants in the Commuter Choice program throughout the

Baltimore Region

Support efforts to implement the Baltimore Regional Rail Plan and its Red and Green

Line priority segments

Implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies with large employers

and institutions

Implement Bicycle Master Plan

Increase number of water taxi stops near employment locations

Objective 2:  Promote Economic Development Throughout the City by Improving Business-

to-business Connectivity via Transportation Linkages

Restore and increase on-street parking in mixed-use and business districts

Create Transit-Oriented Development zoning and incentive programs for transit nodes

throughout the City (i.e. State Center, West Baltimore Marc)

Integrate land use and transportation planning to ensure movement of freight into and

throughout the City

Capture share of regional growth in defense-related industries due to BRAC





Goal 1:  Enhance the Enjoyment, Appreciation, and Stewardship of Baltimore's Historical

and Cultural Resources

Objective 1:  Market, Develop, and Promote Visitor Attractions in Baltimore City

Market and promote the City through increased funding for BACVA and BCHA

Develop new visitor centers and enhance existing visitor centers

Complete pedestrian and automobile-oriented wayfinding system to help visitors navigate

Baltimore's Heritage Area attractions

Pursue designation of Baltimore as a National Heritage Area

Prepare for the bicentennial anniversary of the War of 1812

Objective 2:  Increase Everyday Historical and Cultural Encounters for Baltimore City


Implement Heritage trails in historic areas of the City

Teach American History using Baltimore's history museums, establishing links to the

City's public and private school curriculums

Support special events and festivals by improving festival space and infrastructure

throughout the City

Objective 3:  Enhance Accessibility to Historical and Cultural Resources through

Transportation Improvements

Develop plans for and implement Charles Street Trolley Line

Implement Charles Street Scenic Byway Plan

Objective 4:  Strengthen Stewardship of Historical and Cultural Resources

Expand "Authentic Baltimore" program and link to Baltimore City Historic landmark


Create more effective management agreements by completing inventory of City-owned

historic/cultural sites and attractions

Implement a feasibility study to enhance and reuse under-utilized historic structures

Objective 5:  Establish Baltimore City as the Region's Center of Culture and Entertainment

Establish regional policy to increase regional funding resources for cultural activities

within Baltimore City


Goal 2:  Improve Night Life, Entertainment, and Recreation Experiences for Residents and


Objective 1:  Expand Access to Night Life

Create Mixed-use zoning categories that allow live entertainment where appropriate

Objective 2: Promote Unique Retail Venues as Shopping and Tourist Destinations

Reinstate the "Shuttle Bug" system along main streets and shopping districts within the


Designate Main Street areas as local and/or national historic districts in order to access

tax credits

Increase retail space downtown by 400,000 sq. ft. to 1 million sq. ft.

Designate and support Art and Entertainment Districts

Objective 3:  Improve Local Participation in City Recreational Activities

Develop a strategic recreational plan that will target recreational opportunities to address

the City's needs

Implement Bicycle Master Plan to provide recreational opportunities for residents


Goal 3:  Increase the Health of Baltimore's Natural Resources and Open Spaces for

Recreation and to Improve Water Quality

Objective 1:  Maintain a Well-managed System of Parks & Open Spaces

Draft and adopt a City-wide plan for parks and open space


Locate dedicated, sustainable public and private funding sources for our parks and

cultural assets

Create park and open space zone in the Zoning Code

Improve park stewardship and safety by expanding current parks partnership program

Objective 2:  Protect and Enhance Baltimore's Natural Habitat and Environmental


Meet the goals and requirements of the Chesapeake Bay Program, the City's  National

Pollution Elimination Discharge Permit (NPDES) and Tributary Strategies

Develop a Waterway Trash Management Plan to ensure compliance with the National

Pollutant Elimination Discharge Permit

Develop a Waterway Trash Management Plan to ensure compliance with the National

Pollutant Elimination Discharge Permit

Construct 1 ultra-urban Best Management Practices (BMP) per year as identified in the

Watershed 263 Plan

Restore and protect at least 1 mile per year of streams and river banks in floodplains and

stream valleys

Target sidewalk, lighting and signal improvements near parks and open space

Develop a plan to reduce trash within and along Baltimore's parks and open space

Complete plans for and creation of Greenway trail system

Increase Baltimore's green infrastructure by increasing the number of trees and tree canopy size (See LIVE, Goal 1, Objective 3, Strategy 6)

Objective 3: Ensure Public Access to the Waterfront

Complete the Harbor Promenade and Middle Branch park/trail systems




REVISED Goal 1:  Improve Public Schools and Libraries

Objective 1: Adopt Facilities Master Plan to Better Utilize School Facilities

Eliminate poor building conditions within school facilities

Create school facilities that effectively support learning, teaching, and community


Develop and implement menu of options for greening at least 3 school facilities per year

Objective 2:  Enhance Schools and Libraries as Neighborhood Assets

Develop a Community Schools Policy to facilitate the use of school buildings beyond the

school day

Create a dozen community school centers, with dedicated space for community uses

Ensure access to public library services for all residents

Ensure reuse of surplus school facilities is timely and compatible with surrounding



Goal 2:  Capitalize on Untapped Potential of Higher Education Institutions

Objective 1:  Attract & Retain College Students & Recent Graduates

Market Baltimore as a higher education hub and a great place to live and work after


Increase funding for internships, service learning, fellowships, and mentoring for students

pursuing higher education

Objective 2:  Encourage Partnerships Between and Among Universities and the City

Establish a City liaison to integrate higher education institutions into the City's economic

development program

Create a mechanism to adopt campus master plans


Objective 3:  Improve the Physical Relationship Between Campuses and Adjacent


Develop a new zoning district that encompasses mixed-use development related to

residential neighborhoods,  college, and universities


Goal 3:  Encourage a Culture of Learning by Enhancing Educational and Vocational

Opportunities for all Baltimoreans

Objective 1:  Improve and Expand School Readiness Opportunities for Baltimoreans 5 Years

Old and Younger

Prioritize City funding for school readiness related activities

Increase opportunities to locate school readiness programs and support services in public

schools, such as "Judy Centers"

Co-locate tot lots at schools

Objective 2: Improve and Expand Workforce Development and Job Readiness through

Education and Job Training (See Earn, Goal 2, Objective 1)

Objective 3: Improve and Expand Learning Opportunities for all Baltimoreans to Create

Active and Well-educated Citizens

Create a coordinating entity for lifelong learning service providers

Create opportunities for continuing education programs to locate in Baltimore

Broaden access to job training centers and increase awareness of professional

development opportunities


Goal 4: Ensure Safe and Convenient Transportation to and from Educational Facilities

Objective 1:  Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Access to Schools

Implement "Safe Routes to School" Program at schools

Implement physical improvements near educational facilities to ensure safe access

Coordinate Implementation of Bicycle Master Plan with school facilities plan

Objective 2: Encourage the use of public transit to travel to schools

Develop transit routes, schedules and amenities to provide reliable transportation to


Integrate college based shuttle services with public transit

Make reduced fare transit programs available to all college students.


Starting in October 2005, in order to seek early stakeholder input, the Department of Planning administered surveys.  In addition to outreach in the form of surveys, the Department conducted open houses and conducted meetings with advisory and stakeholder groups composed of individuals professionally engaged in matters closely related to each team's area of focus.


On June 15, 2006, the Planning Commission approved and adopted the Baltimore City Comprehensive Master Plan.


SECTION 1.  BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That after having reviewed the Baltimore City Comprehensive Master Plan and after conducting a public hearing, the Baltimore City Comprehensive Master Plan, as revised May 22, 2006, is adopted as the City's official Master Plan.



SECTION 2.  AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That after enactment of this Resolution, a copy of the Resolution and the Master Plan adopted by it be sent to the Mayor, Maryland State Department of Planning, Mayor's Office of Employment Development, Department of Finance, Health Department, Baltimore City Heritage Area, Baltimore Housing (Dept. of Housing & Community Development/Housing Authority of Baltimore City), Law Department, Department of Legislative Reference, Mayor's Office of Minority Business Development, Mayor's Office of Neighborhoods, Department of Planning, Police Department, Department of Public Works, Department of Recreation and Parks, the Department of Transportation, the Commission on Aging, Retirement and Education, the Mayor's Commission on Disabilities, the Enoch Pratt Free Library System, the Baltimore City Public School System, and the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals.


SECTION 3.  AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Resolution takes effect on the date it is enacted.







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