Baltimore City Council
File #: 06-0547    Version: 0 Name: Zoning - Physician's and Dentists' Offices
Type: Ordinance Status: Failed - End of Term
File created: 11/13/2006 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 12/5/2007
Enactment #:
Title: Zoning - Physician's and Dentists' Offices FOR the purpose of deleting certain physicians' and dentists' offices from among the uses allowed in certain Residence Districts; conforming certain language; and generally relating to the zoning of physicians' and dentists' offices.
Sponsors: Mary Pat Clarke, Keiffer Mitchell, Helen L. Holton, James B. Kraft, Nicholas C. D'Adamo
Indexes: Physicians and Dentists Offices, Zoning
Attachments: 1. 06-0547 - 1st Reader.pdf

EXPLANATION: CAPITALS indicate matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.






                     CITY OF BALTIMORE

                     COUNCIL BILL          



Introduced by:  Councilmember Clarke                                                                                            



                     A BILL ENTITLED


AN ORDINANCE concerning


Zoning - Physician's and Dentists' Offices


FOR the purpose of deleting certain physicians' and dentists' offices from among the uses allowed in certain Residence Districts; conforming certain language; and generally relating to the zoning of physicians' and dentists' offices.


BY repealing

Article - Zoning

Section(s) 14-1003(5)

Baltimore City Revised Code

(Edition 2000)


BY repealing and reordaining, with amendments

Article - Zoning

Section(s) 4-1006(c), 4-1007(c), 4-1106(c), 4-1206(c), and 4-1306(c)

Baltimore City Revised Code

(Edition 2000)


BY repealing and reordaining, without amendments

Article - Zoning

Section(s) 4-1103(1), 4-1203(1), 4-1303, 13-401(3), and 13-402

Baltimore City Revised Code

(Edition 2000)



SECTION 1.  BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows:


                     Baltimore City Revised Code


                     Article - Zoning



                     Title 4.  Residence Districts


                     Subtitle 10.  R-7 General Residence District


§ 4-1003.  Conditional uses - Board approval required.


In an R-7 District, conditional uses that require Board approval are as follows:


[(5) Physicians' or dentists' professional (non-resident) offices, in a structure designed and erected for residential use, subject to the condition that the use is limited to no more than 4 physicians or dentists in the office.]


§ 4-1006.  Lot area and coverage.


(c)  Conditional uses.


Principal conditional uses in an R-7 District must comply with the minimum lot area and the maximum lot coverage requirements for single-family detached dwellings, except as follows:                                          


Minimum                                                                                                         Maximum

Lot Area                                                                                                         Lot Coverage


Bed and breakfast

homes                                                                                                                              500 sq. ft. per

    guest room



Cemeteries                                                                                                         5 acres




services                                                                                                                              As Board requires


Health and medical

institutions                                                                                                         10,000 sq. ft.                                                                                     Per FAR


Helistops                                                                                                         As Board requires


Housing for the

elderly                                                                                                                              245 sq. ft. per                                                                                    Per FAR

   efficiency unit and

370 sq. ft. per

   other dwelling unit


Parking, open

 off-street areas

and off-street garages                                                               As ordinance requires


[Physicians' or dentists'

professional offices                                                               As Board requires]



Planned unit


   residential                                                                                                         As in Title 9


Public utility uses                                                               As Board requires


Swimming pools                                                                                    15,000 sq. ft.



§ 4-1007.  Yards.


(c)  Conditional uses.


Principal conditional uses in an R-7 District must comply with the yard requirements for single-family detached dwellings, except as follows:


Front                                          Interior                                          Street                     Rear

Side                                Corner



Cemeteries                                                               No requirements



services                                                                                    As Board requires


Health and medical

institutions                                                               30 ft.                                           15 ft.                                           20 ft.                      30 ft.


Helistops                                                               As Board requires


Housing for the

elderly                                                                                    20 ft.                                           10 ft.                                           15 ft.                      25 ft.


Parking, off-street

garages                                                                                    As ordinance requires


Parking, open

off-street areas                                          No requirements


[Physicians' or dentists'

professional offices                     20 ft.                                           10 ft.                                          15 ft.                     25 ft.]

[ for detached

and semi-detached

  structures and  for ends of groups]


Planned unit


    residential                                                               As in Title 9


Public utility uses                     As Board requires


Swimming pools                                          As Board requires



                     Subtitle 11.  R-8 General Residence District


§ 4-1103.  Conditional uses - Board approval required.


In an R-8 District, conditional uses that require Board approval are as follows:


(1)                     As in an R-7 District (unless it is a permitted use under § 4-1101).



§ 4-1106.  Lot area and coverage.


(c)  Conditional uses.


Principal conditional uses in an R-8 District must comply with the minimum lot area and the maximum lot coverage requirements for single-family detached dwellings, except as follows:


Minimum                                                                                       Maximum

Lot Area                                                                                    Lot Coverage


Cemeteries                                                                                                         5 acres



services                                                                                                                              As Board requires


Health and medical

institutions                                                                                                         7,500 sq. ft.                                                                                    Per FAR


Helistops                                                                                                         As Board requires



Housing for the

elderly                                                                                                                              165 sq. ft. per                                                               Per FAR

   efficiency unit and

245 sq. ft. per

   other dwelling unit


Parking, open

off-street areas

and parking garages                                                               As ordinance requires


[Physicians' or dentists'

professional offices                                                               As Board requires]



Planned unit


   residential                                                                                                         As in Title 9


Public utility uses                                                               As Board requires


Rooming houses                                                                                    375 sq. ft. per                                                                  60%

   rooming unit and

   750 sq. ft. per

   other dwelling unit



Swimming pools                                                                                     15,000 sq. ft.



                     Subtitle 12.  R-9 General Residence District


§ 4-1203.  Conditional uses - Board approval required.


In an R-9 District, conditional uses that require Board approval are as follows:


(1)                     As in an R-8 District (unless it is a permitted use under § 4-1201), except that cemeteries are not allowed.



§ 4-1206.  Lot area and coverage.


(c)  Conditional uses.


Principal conditional uses in an R-9 District must comply with the minimum lot area and the maximum lot coverage requirements for single-family detached dwellings, except as follows:


Minimum                                                                                    Maximum

Lot Area                                                                                    Lot Coverage



services                                                                                                                              As Board requires


Health and medical

institutions                                                                                                         5,000 sq. ft.                                                                                     Per FAR


Helistops                                                                                                         As Board requires


Housing for the

elderly                                                                                                                              135 sq. ft. per                                                               Per FAR

   efficiency unit and

200 sq. ft. per

   other dwelling unit


Parking, open

off-street areas

and  parking garages                                                               As ordinance requires


[Physicians' or dentists'

professional offices                                                               As Board requires]



Planned unit


   residential                                                                                                         As in Title 9


Public utility uses                                                               As Board requires


Rooming houses                                                                                    275 sq. ft. per                                                               Per FAR

   rooming unit and

550 sq. ft. per

   other dwelling unit


Swimming pools                                                                                    15,000 sq. ft.



                     Subtitle 13.  R-10 General Residence District


§ 4-1303.  Conditional uses - Board approval required.


In an R-10 District, conditional uses that require Board approval are the same as those in an R-9 District (unless it is a permitted use under § 4-1301).



§ 4-1306.  Lot area and coverage.


(c)  Conditional uses.


Principal conditional uses in an R-10 District must comply with the minimum lot area and the maximum lot coverage requirements for single-family detached dwellings, except as follows:


Minimum                                                                                    Maximum

Lot Area                                                                                                         Lot Coverage



services                                                                                                                              As Board requires


Health and medical

institutions                                                                                                         5,000 sq. ft.                                                                                    Per FAR


Helistops                                                                                                         As Board requires


Housing for the

elderly                                                                                                                              80 sq. ft. per                                                                                     Per FAR

   efficiency unit and

120 sq. ft. per                     

   other dwelling unit



Parking, open

 off-street areas

and parking garages                                                               As ordinance requires


[Physicians' or dentists'

professional offices                                                               As Board requires]


Planned unit


   residential                                                                                                         As in Title 9


Public utility uses                                                                                    As Board requires


Rooming houses                                                                                    100 sq. ft. per                                                                                    Per FAR

   rooming unit and

200 sq. ft. per

   other dwelling unit


Swimming pools                                                                                    15,000 sq. ft.



                     Title 13.  Nonconformance


                     Subtitle 4.  Nonconforming Uses of Structures (Class III)


§ 13-401.  Scope of subtitle.


This subtitle applies to Class III nonconforming uses, which comprise:


(3)                     any nonconforming use of land or structures not regulated as Class I or Class II.


§ 13-402.  Continuation of use.


Except as specified in this article, Class III nonconforming uses of structures may be continued, subject to the regulations of this subtitle.




SECTION 2.  AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That the catchlines contained in this Ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as a part of this or any prior Ordinance.


SECTION 3.  AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That this Ordinance takes effect on the 30th day after the date it is enacted.







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