Baltimore City Council
File #: 21-0030    Version: 0 Name: Coordinated Multi-Agency Code Inspections
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 1/25/2021 In control: Baltimore City Council
On agenda: Final action: 10/26/2021
Enactment #: 21-059
Title: Coordinated Multi-Agency Code Inspections For the purpose of requiring that the City Administrator coordinate a multi-agency code inspection after a commercial property has been issued certain environmental citations; requiring that the City Administrator and the Department of Housing and Community Development receive a copy of all environmental citations issued; specifying which agencies must be included in the multi-agency inspection team; requiring that the City Administrator provide certain information to councilmembers; requiring that the City Administrator submit an annual report detailing the work of the multi-agency inspection team; and providing for a special effective date.
Sponsors: Kristerfer Burnett, Zeke Cohen, Ryan Dorsey, Phylicia Porter, Sharon Green Middleton, John Bullock, Odette Ramos, James Torrence, Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer
Attachments: 1. 21-0030~1st Reader, 2. LAW 21-0030, 3. Fire 21-0030, 4. Hearing Agenda - 21-0030, 5. ECB 21-0030, 6. DHCD 21-0030, 7. 21-0030 BCHD, 8. DPW Amendment 21-0030, 9. 21-0030 Finance, 10. ccb 21-0030 ver. 1, 11. CAO 21-0030, 12. cc21-0030(1)~1st (DHCD), 13. Multiagency Code Inspections, 14. Hearing Minutes - 21-0030, 15. PSGO - Hearing Notes - 21-0030, 16. FW 21-0030 Coordinated Multi-Agency Code Inspections, 17. CommercialCitationsMap, 18. Hearing Agenda - 21-0030, 19. Hearing Minutes - 21-0030, 20. PSGO - Hearing Notes - 21-0030 (2), 21. 2nd Reader Amendments 21-0030, 22. cc21-0030(1)_1st (DPW) (003), 23. Hearing Packet - Bill 21-0030 - Coordinated Multi-Agency Code Inspections, 24. 21-0030~3rd Reader, 25. 21-0030 Signed, 26. Completed Ordinance 21-0030
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
11/15/20210 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/20/20210 Baltimore City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/13/20210 Baltimore City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/13/20210 Public Safety and Government Operations Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/1/20210 Public Safety and Government Operations Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/18/20210 Public Safety and Government Operations Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/8/20210 Public Safety and Government Operations Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Baltimore City Administrator   Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Finance  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Health  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Fire Department  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Public Works  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Housing and Community Development  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/28/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Environmental Control Board  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/25/20210 Baltimore City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/25/20210 Baltimore City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available

Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.


                     * Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.

                     The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.



                     City of Baltimore

                     Council Bill          


Introduced by: Councilmembers Burnett, Cohen, Dorsey                                                                 


                     A Bill Entitled


An Ordinance concerning


Coordinated Multi-Agency Code Inspections

For the purpose of requiring that the City Administrator coordinate a multi-agency code inspection after a commercial property has been issued certain environmental citations; requiring that the City Administrator and the Department of Housing and Community Development receive a copy of all environmental citations issued; specifying which agencies must be included in the multi-agency inspection team; requiring that the City Administrator provide certain information to councilmembers; requiring that the City Administrator submit an annual report detailing the work of the multi-agency inspection team; and providing for a special effective date.



By repealing and re-ordaining, with amendments

Article 1 - Mayor, City Council, and Municipal Agencies

Section(s) 40-7

Baltimore City Code

(Edition 2000)


By adding

Article 1 - Mayor, City Council, and Municipal Agencies

Section(s) 40-15

Baltimore City Code

(Edition 2000)


Section 1.  Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows:


                     Baltimore City Code


                     Article 1.  Mayor, City Council, and Municipal Agencies


                     Subtitle 40.  Environmental Control Board


§ 40-7.  Environmental Citations.


(a)  Board to prescribe form and wording.


The Board must prescribe the form and wording of environmental citations.


(b)  Required contents.


In addition to any other matters that the Board prescribes, an environmental citation must include:


a.                     the name, if known, of the person cited;


b.                     the violation with which the person is cited, including a reference to the specific law in question;


c.                     the manner and time in which the person must either:


(i)                     pay the prepayable fine prescribed for the violation; or


(ii)                     request a hearing on the violation;


(4)                     the time within which the violation, if ongoing, must be abated; and


(5)                     a notice that failure to act in the manner and time stated in the citation may result in a default decision and order entered against the person.


(c)  Service of citations.


An environmental citation must be:


(1)                     issued by a Code Enforcement Officer; and


(2)                     served on the person cited by 1 of the following methods:


(i)                     in person;


(ii)                     certified mail, return receipt requested;


(iii) delivery to a person of suitable age and discretion who resides at the cited person’s last known address; or


(iv) for service on an occupant of the premises at which the violation occurred:


(A) posting on the main entrance of the premises; and


(B) mailing by regular mail to the person cited, at that person’s last known address.


(d)  Tenor of citation.


When issued and served, the citation or a copy of it:

(1)                     constitutes full and complete notice of the violation cited in it;


(2)                     if abatement is ordered, constitutes a full and complete notice of the order of abatement; and


(3)                     if sworn to or affirmed, is prima facie evidence of the facts contained in it.


(e)  Single document permissible.


A single document may be used to issue two or more separately numbered citations.


(f)  Electronic signature.


An electronic signature may be used to execute a citation and to serve as an affirmation, under penalties of perjury, that the facts stated in the citation are true.


(g)  Record of citation to be kept.


The original or a copy of the citation must be filed and retained in the records of:


(1) the Board;


(2) the City Administrator; and


(3) the Department of Housing and Community Development for inclusion in its open data mapping application. 


§ 40-15.  Coordinated agency response.


(a)  Scope of section.


This section only applies to environmental citations issued to commercial properties for violations of:


(1)  Article 19, Subtitle 32 {“Minors - Sales in Proximity to Liquor Store”};


(2)  Article 23 {“Sanitation”};


(3) Title 5, Subtitle 2 {“Nuisance Abatement”} of the Health Code;


(4) Title 7 {“Waste Control”} of the Health Code;


(5) Title 12 {“Tobacco Products and Smoking Devices”} of the Health Code; or


(6) Title 15 {“Ephedrine Products”} of the Health Code.


(b)  In general.


Within 30 days of receipt of an environmental citation described in subsection (a) of this section, the City Administrator shall coordinate a multi-agency, comprehensive code inspection of the cited premises, as specified in subsection (c) of this section.

(c)  Multi-agency inspection team.


(1) The multi-agency inspection team coordinated by the City Administrator under this section shall include representatives from:


(i) the Fire Department;


(ii) the Department of Health;


(iii) the Department of Housing and Community Development; and


(iv) the Department of Public Works.


(2)  Each agency specified in this subsection shall inspect the premises to ensure compliance with laws, rules, and regulations administered by that agency.


(d)  Monthly notice to Councilmembers.


No later than the 1st of each month, the City Administrator shall inform each councilmember of the number and specific locations of any multi-agency inspections conducted, if any, pursuant to this section in the previous month within the respective councilmember’s district.


(e)  Annual report.


On or before June 30 of each year, the City Administrator shall submit a report to the Mayor and City Council detailing:


(1)  the number of multi-agency coordinated inspections conducted under this section occurring in the previous calendar year;


(2)  the number and types of violations discovered as the result of multi-agency coordinated inspections under this section in the previous calendar year; and


(3) any recommendations for legislative or administrative enhancements to improve community quality-of-life issues and multi-agency cooperation. 


Section 2.  And be it further ordained, That the catchlines contained in this Ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as a part of this or any prior Ordinance.


Section 3.  And be it further ordained, That this Ordinance takes effect on July 1, 2021.