Baltimore City Council
File #: 22-0326    Version: 0 Name: Charter Amendment - Repeal - Term Limits
Type: Mayor and City Council Res. Status: Failed - End of Term
File created: 12/8/2022 In control: Rules and Legislative Oversight
On agenda: Final action: 12/4/2024
Enactment #:
Title: Charter Amendment - Repeal - Term Limits For the purpose of repealing term limits for Baltimore City elected officials, including the Mayor, Comptroller, City Council President, and City Council members; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.
Sponsors: Ryan Dorsey, Odette Ramos, Danielle N. McCray, Kristerfer Burnett
Indexes: Charter Amendment, Term Limits
Attachments: 1. 22-0326~1st Reader, 2. 22-0326 ERS

Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.


                     * Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.

                     The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.



                     City of Baltimore

                     Council Bill          

                     (Charter Amendment)


Introduced by: Councilmember Dorsey



                     A Resolution Entitled


A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council concerning


Charter Amendment - Repeal - Term Limits

For the purpose of repealing term limits for Baltimore City elected officials, including the Mayor, Comptroller, City Council President, and City Council members; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.



By proposing to repeal

Article III - City Council

Sections 2(e) and 3(c)

Baltimore City Charter

(1996 Edition)


By proposing to repeal

Article IV - Mayor

Section 1(d)

Baltimore City Charter

(1996 Edition)


By proposing to repeal

Article V - Comptroller

Section 1(a)(5)

Baltimore City Charter

(1996 Edition)


Section 1.  Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the City Charter is proposed to be amended to read as follows:



                     Baltimore City Charter


                     Article III.  City Council


§ 2.  Members.


[(e)  Term Limit.]


[A member of the City Council shall not hold office for more than 2 consecutive full terms of office and in no event shall hold the office for more than 8 years during any 12 year period. This provision shall not preclude an elected member from seeking other elected offices within Baltimore City after two consecutive terms as member. In the event that an elected member takes office as a result of a removal or vacancy as described in §§  2 or 6 of this Article, that elected member shall only be eligible to hold that office for the remainder of the predecessor’s unexpired term and 1 consecutive full term thereafter.]


§ 3.  President.


[(c)  Term limit.]


[The President of the City Council shall not hold office for more than 2 consecutive full terms of office and in no event shall hold the office for more than 8 years during any 12 year period. This provision shall not preclude an elected President from seeking other elected offices within Baltimore City after two consecutive terms as President. In the event that an elected President takes office as a result of a removal or vacancy described in §§ 3 or 4 of this Article, that elected President shall only be eligible to hold that office for the remainder of the predecessor’s unexpired term and 1 consecutive full term thereafter.]



                     Article III.  City Council


§ 1.  Election, term, etc.


[(d) Term limit.]


[A Mayor shall not hold office for more than 2 consecutive full terms of office and in no event shall hold the office for more than 8 years during any 12 year period. This provision shall not preclude an elected Mayor from seeking other elected offices within Baltimore City after two consecutive terms as Mayor.  In the event that an elected Mayor takes office as a result of a removal, vacancy or absence described in § 2 of this Article, that elected Mayor shall only be eligible to hold that office for the remainder of the predecessor’s unexpired term and 1 consecutive full term thereafter.]



                     Article V.  Comptroller


§ 1.  Election, term, etc.; Deputy Comptroller; Staff.


(a)  Election and qualifications; Term; Salary[; Term limit].


[(5)  A Comptroller shall not hold office for more than 2 consecutive full terms of office

  and in no event shall hold the office for more than 8 years during any12 year period.

  This provision shall not preclude an elected Comptroller from seeking other elected

  offices within Baltimore City after two consecutive terms as Comptroller. In the

  event that an elected Comptroller takes office as a result of a removal or vacancy

  described in § 2 of this Article, that elected Comptroller shall only be eligible to

  hold that office for the remainder of the predecessors unexpired term and 1

  consecutive full term thereafter.]


Section 2.  And be it further resolved, That this proposed amendment to the City Charter be submitted to the legal and qualified voters of Baltimore City, for adoption or rejection, in accordance with Article XI-A, § 5 of the Maryland Constitution, in the form specified by the City Solicitor.