Baltimore City Council
File #: 16-0669    Version: 0 Name: Port Covington Development District
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 5/16/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 9/22/2016
Enactment #: 16-528
Title: Port Covington Development District FOR the purpose of designating a "development district" to be known as the "Port Covington Development District"; providing for and determining various matters in connection with the establishment of the development district; creating a special, tax increment fund for the development district; allocating certain property taxes to that fund; making certain findings and determinations; providing for a special effective date; and generally providing for matters relating to the designation and operation of the development district, the establishment and use of the special, tax increment fund to provide for the payment by or reimbursement to the City for debt service, which the City is obligated to pay or has paid (whether such obligation is general or limited) on any special obligation bonds or notes issued by the City, the authorization of a pledge by the City, subject to appropriation, of the tax increment revenues, pursuant to a Contribution Agreement...
Sponsors: City Council President (Administration)
Indexes: Development District, Port Covington
Attachments: 1. 16-0669 - 1st Reader, 2. Finance 16-0669, 3. City Solicitor 16-0669, 4. BDC 16-0669, 5. DPW 16-0669, 6. HCD 16-0669, 7. Planning 16-0669, 8. BMZA 16-0669, 9. Parking 16-0669, 10. DOT 16-0669, 11. Rec and Parks 16-0669, 12. Port Covington Presentation - 7 27 16-1 (1), 13. Port Covington Presentatin - TischlerBise - 07-27-16, 14. Port Covington Presentation - Municap - 08-03-16, 15. Port Covington Presentation - BDC - 07-27-16, 16. Port Covington Presentation - Sagamore 07-27-16, 17. MOU - New Port Covington Supplier Diversity, 18. MOU - Housing at Port Covington, 19. MOU - New Port Covington Local Hiring, 20. Port Covington State Aid Impacts, 21. Executed SB6-Sagamore Community Benefits Agreement, 22. Port Covington TIF Application 5.23.16, 23. Memo to BDC 3-11-2016, 24. Port Covington Market Analysis and Economic Impact Report, 25. 16-0669~3rd Reader
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
10/24/20160 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/19/20160 City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/12/20160 City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/12/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Recommended Favorably  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/8/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Recommended FavorablyPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/24/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/15/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/8/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/29/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Advertising  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/6/20160 Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Parking Authority  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Public Works  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Finance  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Planning Commission  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Baltimore Development Corporation  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Housing and Community Development  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Recreation and Parks  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/19/20160 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Transportation  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/16/20160 City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/16/20160 City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
EXPLANATION: CAPITALS indicate matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.
(First Reader)

Introduced by: The Council President
At the request of: The Administration (Baltimore Development Corporation)
Introduced and read first time: May 16, 2016
Assigned to: Taxation, Finance and Economic Development Committee REFERRED TO THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES:

AN ORDINANCE concerning
Port Covington Development District
FOR the purpose of designating a "development district" to be known as the "Port Covington
Development District"; providing for and determining various matters in connection with the establishment of the development district; creating a special, tax increment fund for the development district; allocating certain property taxes to that fund; making certain findings and determinations; providing for a special effective date; and generally providing for matters relating to the designation and operation of the development district, the establishment and use of the special, tax increment fund to provide for the payment by or reimbursement to the City for debt service, which the City is obligated to pay or has paid (whether such obligation is general or limited) on any special obligation bonds or notes issued by the City, the authorization of a pledge by the City, subject to appropriation, of the tax increment revenues, pursuant to a Contribution Agreement (defined herein), to provide for the payment by the State Issuer (defined herein) of the principal of and interest on the applicable State Obligations (defined herein) issued in connection with the development district and other rela...

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