Introduced by: The Council President
At the request of: The Administration (Department of Finance)
A Bill Entitled
An Ordinance concerning
Federal Grant Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer - Department of Housing and Community Development (Service 593 - Community Support Projects) to M-R: Educational Grants (Service 446 - Educational Grants) - $500,000
For the purpose of transferring a Federal Grant Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $500,000 from the Department of Housing and Community Development (Service 593 - Community Support Projects) to M-R: Educational Grants (Service 446 - Educational Grants), to redirect CDGB Grant funding to increase the funding for out of school time programs; and providing for a special effective date.
By authority of
Article VI - Board of Estimates
Section 9(a)(2)
Baltimore City Charter
(1996 Edition)
Article VI, ยง 9(a)(2) of the City Charter provides that, on recommendation of the Board of Estimates, the City Council by ordinance may authorize the transfer of an appropriation contained in the Ordinance of Estimates from one municipal agency to another municipal agency.
The sum of $500,000, as appropriated to the Department of Housing and Community Development (Program 593 - Community Support Projects) in the Fiscal 2017 Ordinance of Estimates, is not needed for the purpose for which it was appropriated and, therefore, is available for transfer to another agency.
On July 13, 2016, the Board of Estimates recommended the transfer authorized by this Ordinance.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the sum of $500,000, contained in the Fiscal 2017 Ordinance of Estimates as a Federal Grant Fund Operating Appropriation, is transferred from t...
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