Baltimore City Council
File #: 17-0150    Version: 0 Name: Zoning - Prohibiting Crude Oil Terminals
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 10/16/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 3/27/2018
Enactment #: 18-110
Title: Zoning - Prohibiting Crude Oil Terminals For the purpose of prohibiting new or expanded crude oil terminals throughout Baltimore City; defining a certain term; and generally relating to crude oil terminals.
Sponsors: Mary Pat Clarke, Edward Reisinger, Zeke Cohen, Bill Henry, John Bullock, Leon F. Pinkett, III, Ryan Dorsey, Sharon Green Middleton, Kristerfer Burnett, Shannon Sneed, Robert Stokes, Sr.
Indexes: Crude Oil, Zoning
Attachments: 1. 17-0150~1st Reader, 2. Law 17-0150, 3. Fire 17-0150, 4. DOT 17-0150, 5. BMZA 17-0150, 6. 2nd Reader Amendment 17-0150, 7. 17-0150~3rd Reader, 8. Complete File 17-0150
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
4/23/20180 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/12/20180 City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/26/20180 City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/26/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/21/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/5/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Advertising  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/8/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/19/20170 The City Council Refer to Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/19/20170 The City Council Refer to Planning Commission  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/19/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Transportation  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/19/20170 The City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/19/20170 The City Council Refer to Fire Department  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/16/20170 City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/16/20170 City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available

Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.


                     * Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.

                     The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.



                     City of Baltimore

                     Council Bill          


Introduced by: Councilmembers Clarke and Reisinger



                     A Bill Entitled


An Ordinance concerning


Zoning - Prohibiting Crude Oil Terminals

For the purpose of prohibiting new or expanded crude oil terminals throughout Baltimore City; defining a certain term; and generally relating to crude oil terminals.



By repealing and reordaining, with amendments

Article 32 - Zoning

Section(s) 1-218

Baltimore City Code

(Edition 2000)


By adding

Article 32 - Zoning

Section(s) 1- 304(v-1)

Baltimore City Code

(Edition 2000)



Section 1.  Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows:


                     Baltimore City Code


                     Article 32.  Zoning


                     Title 1.  General Provisions


Subtitle 2.  Rules of Interpretation


§ 1-218.  Uses prohibited citywide.


(a)  Application of section.


This section and its listing of certain prohibited uses:



(1)                     is not exhaustive; and


(2)                     may not be construed to imply that any use not listed here is a permitted or conditional use.


(b)  Listing.


The following uses are prohibited in all zoning districts of the City:


(1)                     crude oil terminals;


(2) [(1)] incinerators;


(3) [(2)] junk or scrap storage and yards;


(4) [(3)] nuclear power plants;


(4) [(3)] solid waste sanitary landfills;


(5) [(4)] storage on barges and belt conveyor systems used for the transfer of materials, but this prohibition does not apply to the continuous process of unloading or loading processed metal (as defined in § 1-308) for and during its transfer to or from a docked barge or vessel awaiting shipment; and


(6) [(5)] vehicle dismantling facilities.


Subtitle 3.  Definitions


§ 1-304.  Chimney to Day-care center: Child”.


(v-1) Crude Oil Terminal.


(1)  In general.


 Crude Oil Terminal means a facility that receives, stores, transfers, ships, or processes crude oil.


(2)  Exclusions.


 Crude Oil Terminal does not include facilities owned or operated by a rail carrier, as defined in U.S. Code Title 49, Subtitle IV, Part A, Chapter 101, § 10102 {Definitions”} .



Section 2.  And be it further ordained, That the catchlines contained in this Ordinance are not law and may not be considered to have been enacted as a part of this or any prior Ordinance.


Section 3.  And be it further ordained, That this Ordinance takes effect on the 30th day after the date it is enacted.