Baltimore City Council
File #: 20-0216R    Version: 0 Name: Request for Federal Action - Direct Rental Housing Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Type: City Council Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 4/27/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 4/27/2020
Enactment #:
Title: Request for Federal Action - Direct Rental Housing Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic For the purpose of calling on the United States Congress to create a direct Rental Housing Assistance fund to assist residents and stabilize communities.
Sponsors: Mayor Brandon M. Scott, Bill Henry, Zeke Cohen, Ryan Dorsey, Kristerfer Burnett, Leon F. Pinkett, III, John Bullock, Mary Pat Clarke, Sharon Green Middleton, Robert Stokes, Sr., Shannon Sneed, Edward Reisinger, Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer
Indexes: Assistance, COVID-19, Housing, Rental, Request for Federal Action
Attachments: 1. 20-0216R~1st Reader
* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.
DLR Draft I 24Apr20 DLR Draft I 24Apr20

City of Baltimore
Council Bill R

Introduced by: President Scott

A Resolution Entitled

A Council Resolution concerning
Request for Federal Action - Direct Rental Housing Assistance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
For the purpose of calling on the United States Congress to create a direct Rental Housing Assistance fund to assist residents and stabilize communities.


Whereas, The World Health Organization, the President of the United States, the Governor of the State of Maryland, the City of Baltimore have all declared states of emergency as a result of COVID-19.

Whereas, COVID-19 has been deemed controllable through the implementation of precautionary measures such as stay-at-home orders and requiring “non-essential” businesses to either close or severely curtail contact for the purposes of stopping the spread of the disease.

Whereas, The precautionary measure has severely disrupted the economy, limiting the productivity of businesses and the income of employees.

Whereas, In recognition of the severity of this unprecedented public health crisis, the United States Congress has passed 3 stimulus bills to mitigate for losses due to COVID-19.

Whereas, According to the 2018 American Community Survey, of the 122 million U.S. households, 44 million were renter households with an annual median income of $41,000, making the rental population more likely to be financially disrupted by COVID-19.

Whereas, That, in addition to the simple inability of many families to...

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