Baltimore City Council
File #: 20-0543    Version: 0 Name: COVID-19 Employee Retention
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/15/2020 In control: Mayor
On agenda: Final action: 12/7/2020
Enactment #: 20-479
Title: COVID-19 Employee Retention For the purpose of requiring certain successor business employers taking control over certain businesses from incumbent business employers to retain certain employees; requiring the incumbent business employer to provide the successor business employer with a list of certain employees; permitting a successor business employer from not retaining certain employees under certain circumstances; requiring the posting of notice when certain business undergo a change in control; prohibiting retaliation against employees for seeking assistance from, or cooperating with, the Wage Commission; empowering the Wage Commission to issue subpoenas and administer oaths; establishing certain procedures for the administration of complaints by the Wage Commission; requiring certain reports; defining certain terms; establishing certain penalties; and providing for a special effective date.
Sponsors: Kristerfer Burnett, John Bullock, Bill Henry, Ryan Dorsey, Mayor Brandon M. Scott, Shannon Sneed, Zeke Cohen, Edward Reisinger, Sharon Green Middleton, Leon F. Pinkett, III
Indexes: COVID-19, Employee, Retention
Attachments: 1. 20-0543~1st Reader, 2. Law 20-0543, 3. MHLA Testimony 20-0543 and 20-0544, 4. Labor Meeting Agenda (1), 5. Council Bill 20-0543 and 20-0544 (1), 6. HR 20-0543, 7. 20-0543 COVID 19 employee retention.fry.revised, 8. Labor - Hearing Notes Bill 20-0543 (1), 9. 20-0543 - Meeting Minutes, 10. Bill 20-0543, 11. Labor Meeting Agenda (2), 12. 09-17-20.COVID 19 employee retention.testimony.F, 13. Meeting Minutes - 20-0543, 14. Labor - Hearing Notes Bill 20-0543 (2), 15. 2nd Reader Amendments 20-0543, 16. 20-0543~3rd Reader, 17. cb20-0543 veto letter 11.16.20, 18. Signed Ordinance 20-0543
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
12/7/20200 City Council Enacted by an Override of Mayor's Veto  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/16/20200 Mayor Vetoed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/16/20200 City Council Vetoed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/5/20200 City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/21/20200 City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/21/20200 Labor Committee Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/17/20200 Labor Committee Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/17/20200 Labor Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/22/20200 Labor Committee Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20200 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Human Resources  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20200 The City Council Refer to Sheriff's Office  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20200 The City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20200 The City Council Refer to Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20200 The City Council Refer to Office of the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/15/20200 City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/15/20200 City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.

* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill

Introduced by: Councilmember Burnett

A Bill Entitled

An Ordinance concerning
COVID-19 Employee Retention
For the purpose of requiring certain successor business employers taking control over certain businesses from incumbent business employers to retain certain employees; requiring the incumbent business employer to provide the successor business employer with a list of certain employees; permitting a successor business employer from not retaining certain employees under certain circumstances; requiring the posting of notice when certain business undergo a change in control; prohibiting retaliation against employees for seeking assistance from, or cooperating with, the Wage Commission; empowering the Wage Commission to issue subpoenas and administer oaths; establishing certain procedures for the administration of complaints by the Wage Commission; requiring certain reports; defining certain terms; establishing certain penalties; and providing for a special effective date.

By adding
Article 11 - Labor and Employment
Section(s) 19-1 through 19-15, to be under the new subtitle,
“Subtitle 19. COVID-19 Employee Retention”
Baltimore City Code
(Edition 2000)

Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the Laws of Baltimore City read as follows:

Baltimore City Code

Article 11. Labor and Employment

Subtitle 19. COVID-19 Employee Retention

§ 19-1. Def...

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