Baltimore City Council
File #: 21-0012R    Version: 0 Name: Investigative Hearing - Safe Return to In-Person Schooling
Type: City Council Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 1/25/2021 In control: Education and Youth Committee
On agenda: Final action: 2/8/2021
Enactment #:
Title: Investigative Hearing - Safe Return to In-Person Schooling For the purpose of inviting the CEO of the Baltimore City Public School System to provide the City Council with an update regarding safety precautions the School System is taking for the return of students to in-person schooling and inviting representatives from the Baltimore City Fire Department, Health Department, and Department of Housing and Community Development to comment on the adequacy of those safety precautions.
Sponsors: Robert Stokes, Sr., Danielle N. McCray, Sharon Green Middleton, Kristerfer Burnett, John Bullock, Odette Ramos, James Torrence, Antonio "Tony" Glover, Mark Conway, Zeke Cohen
Indexes: Investigative Hearing, Safe Return, Schools
Attachments: 1. 21-0012R~1st Reader, 2. Synopsis 21-0012R, 3. DHCD 21-00012R, 4. Fire 21-0012R, 5. Law 21-0012R, 6. Health 21-0012R, 7. MOCFS 21-0012R, 8. Handout from BCPSS 2 4 21, 9. Handout TESTIMONIES 2 4 21 hearing, 10. VIDEO SHOWN DURING 2 4 21 MEETING, 11. Hearing Notes 21-0012R 2 4 21, 12. Handout from MDOT 2 4 21, 13. 21-0012R~2nd Reader
* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill R

Introduced by: Councilmember Stokes

A Resolution Entitled

A Council Resolution concerning
Investigative Hearing - Safe Return to In-Person Schooling
For the purpose of inviting the CEO of the Baltimore City Public School System to provide the City Council with an update regarding safety precautions the School System is taking for the return of students to in-person schooling and inviting representatives from the Baltimore City Fire Department, Health Department, and Department of Housing and Community Development to comment on the adequacy of those safety precautions.


Whereas, Due to the pandemic, the majority of Baltimore City schoolchildren have been participating in virtual schooling since last spring;

Whereas, The Baltimore City Public School System (“BCPSS”) will gradually introduce more students back to traditional in-person classes beginning with the start of the second semester, specifically students in kindergarten through 5th grade as well as 9th and 12th grade students, although families will have the option to remain in virtual learning; and

Whereas, The City Council and the public need to know what safety precautions BCPSS is taking in reopening schools to some students, such as whether all teachers will be vaccinated before students are allowed back, how classrooms will be organized for social distancing, information regarding ventilation systems in the schools, and whether the systems can adeq...

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