Baltimore City Council
File #: 21-0052R    Version: 0 Name: Informational Hearing - Baltimore City Employees - Safe Transition to Work After COVID-19
Type: City Council Resolution Status: Failed - End of Term
File created: 7/19/2021 In control: Health, Environment, and Technology
On agenda: Final action: 12/4/2024
Enactment #:
Title: Informational Hearing - Baltimore City Employees - Safe Transition to Work After COVID-19 For the purpose of inviting the Baltimore City Administrator, the Director of the Department of Human Resources, the Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, the Director of the Department of General Services, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, and the Baltimore City Safety Czar to appear before the City Council to discuss the plans and strategies that are being developed to transition Baltimore City employees back to safe physical work environments.
Sponsors: Danielle N. McCray, John Bullock, Phylicia Porter, Kristerfer Burnett, Robert Stokes, Sr., James Torrence, Odette Ramos, Antonio "Tony" Glover, Zeke Cohen, Sharon Green Middleton, Mark Conway
Indexes: COVID-19, Employee, Informational Hearing, Workers
Attachments: 1. 21-0052R~1st Reader, 2. BHCD 21-0052R, 3. DHR 21-0052R, 4. OEM 21-0052R, 5. CAO 21-0052R, 6. Synopsis 21-0052R, 7. Hearing Agenda 21-0052R, 8. Hearing Minutes 21-0052R, 9. Hearing Notes 21-0052R, 10. RSOC Presentation 21-0052R, 11. 21-0052R - DGS Response, 12. Work Session Agenda 21-0052R, 13. Work Session Presentation 21-0052R, 14. Work Session Minutes 21-0052R, 15. Work Session Notes 21-0052R, 16. Final Synopsis 21-0052R 10_11_23, 17. Hearing Notes 21-0052R 10_11_23
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
9/18/20230 Health, Environment, and Technology Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/15/20220 Health, Environment, and Technology Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/6/20210 Health, Environment, and Technology Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of General Services  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Mayor's Office of Emergency Management  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Baltimore City Administrator   Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Human Resources  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Health  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20210 Baltimore City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/19/20210 Baltimore City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/19/20210 Baltimore City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/19/20210 Health, Environment, and Technology Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available

* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.

The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.



                     City of Baltimore

                     Council Bill                R



Introduced by: Councilmember McCray




                     A Resolution Entitled


A Council Resolution concerning


Informational Hearing - Baltimore City Employees - Safe Transition to Work After COVID-19

For the purpose of inviting the Baltimore City Administrator, the Director of the Department of Human Resources, the Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, the Director of the Department of General Services, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, and the Baltimore City Safety Czar to appear before the City Council to discuss the plans and strategies that are being developed to transition Baltimore City employees back to safe physical work environments.





Whereas, the COVID-19 Pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental, physical, and financial health of Baltimore City employees;


Whereas, there have been 53,212 total cases of COVID-19 in the City of Baltimore;


Whereas, there have been 1,103 confirmed deaths, and 41 probable deaths resulting from exposure to COVID-19 in the City of Baltimore;


Whereas, 268,853 Baltimore City residents ages 12 and older (50.9% of that population) have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19;


Whereas, Baltimore City has allowed full capacity indoor and outdoor dining and indoor and outdoor recreation, and has allowed houses of worship, retail establishments, gyms, and casinos to operate at full capacity as of May 15th of 2021;


Whereas, Baltimore City lifted its mask mandate on July 1st of 2021 in congruency with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s conclusion of the State of Emergency and termination of all emergency mandates and restrictions;


Whereas, it is under the discretion of private business owners to continue mandating masks within their indoor and outdoor facilities;


Whereas, the health and safety of Baltimore City employees is of paramount concern to the City, and the City must develop and implement workplace safety and health guidelines to reduce employees’ fear and provide for a safe transition back into the physical work environment; and


Whereas, just as returning to in-person learning is vital for student performance and mental and emotional health, adults returning to the workplace will experience reduced feelings of isolation, stagnation, and depression related to excessive screen time.


Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Baltimore, That the Baltimore City Council invites the Baltimore City Administrator, the Director of the Department of Human Resources, the Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, the Director of the Department of General Services, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, and the Baltimore City Safety Czar to appear before the City Council to discuss the plans and strategies that are being developed to transition Baltimore City employees back to safe physical work environments.


And be it further resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Mayor, the City Administrator, the Director of the Department of Human Resources, the Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department, the Director of the Department of General Services, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, the Baltimore City Safety Czar, and the Mayor's Legislative Liaison to the Baltimore City Council.