Baltimore City Council
File #: 23-0357    Version: 0 Name: Strengthening Renters’ Safety Act
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 2/27/2023 In control: Baltimore City Council
On agenda: Final action: 10/21/2024
Enactment #: 24-403
Title: Strengthening Renters’ Safety Act For the purpose of establishing a priority inspection; establishing criteria for priority dwellings and priority inspections; requiring the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development to post certain notices; amending certain rental dwelling license application requirements; amending certain prerequisites for new and renewed rental dwelling licenses; amending license fees; updating inspection requirements; requiring the posting of license numbers; updating causes for denial, suspension, or revocation of a license; bolstering public access to information; authorizing the initiation of enforcement of the subtitle by complaint; providing for certain data collection; establishing the Baltimore City Rental Licensing and Inspection Task Force; providing for the composition, terms, and organization of the Task Force, establishing the duties of the Task Force, adding a civil citation fine for violating of licensing requirements; requiri...
Sponsors: Zeke Cohen, James Torrence, Odette Ramos, Kristerfer Burnett, Ryan Dorsey, John Bullock, Antonio "Tony" Glover
Indexes: Act, Rental, Safety
Attachments: 1. 23-0357~1st Reader, 2. Law 23-0357, 3. 23-0357 HABC, 4. Finance 23-0357, 5. DHCD 23-0357, 6. MOHS 23-0357, 7. 23-0357 Hearing Packet, 8. 23-0357 - ECD Hearing Notes, 9. 23-0357~Attendance Record, 10. Strengthening Renters Safety Act Data Analysis, 11. SRS Hearing Presentation, 12. Lewitus_23-0357_FAV.docx, 13. SRSA Written Testimony PJC, 14. 23-0357 SRSA favorable (1), 15. 23-0357 SRSA favorable, 16. MMHA - 2024 - Baltimore City - Strengthening Renter's Safety Act(2), 17. 23-0357 Hearing Packet 08-20, 18. 23-0357(4)~Unoff'l Reprint (MOGR), 19. cc23-0357(5)~1st (MOGR), 20. 23-0357 - Hearing Notes 08-20-24, 21. 23-0357 Voting Record, 22. Strengthening Renters' Safety Act Info (4), 23. SRS Hearing Presentation - 2nd Hearing Aug 2024, 24. SRS Hearing Presentation - 2nd Hearing Aug 2024, 25. MMHA Amends. - Strengthening Renters Safety Act, 26. 23-0357 - Attendance Record 8-20-24, 27. 2nd Reader Amendments 23-0357(1)~1st (ECD), 28. 23-0357~3rd Reader, 29. 23-0357 Signed, 30. Completed Ordinance 23-0357 - 24-403
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
11/4/20240 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/16/20240 Baltimore City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/26/20240 Baltimore City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/20/20240 Economic and Community Development Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
7/22/20240 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
4/5/20240 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/4/20240 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/26/20240 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/12/20240 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/16/20230 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/18/20230 Economic and Community Development Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/2/20230 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Finance  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/2/20230 Baltimore City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/2/20230 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Housing and Community Development  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/2/20230 Baltimore City Council Refer to Housing Authority of Baltimore City  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/2/20230 Baltimore City Council Refer to Homeless Services Program  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/27/20230 Baltimore City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/27/20230 Baltimore City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
DLR Draft XVI 22Feb23 DLR Draft XVI 22Feb23
Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.

* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill

Introduced by: Councilmember Cohen

A Bill Entitled

An Ordinance concerning
Strengthening Renters’ Safety Act
For the purpose of establishing a priority inspection; establishing criteria for priority dwellings and priority inspections; requiring the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development to post certain notices; amending certain rental dwelling license application requirements; amending certain prerequisites for new and renewed rental dwelling licenses; amending license fees; updating inspection requirements; requiring the posting of license numbers; updating causes for denial, suspension, or revocation of a license; bolstering public access to information; authorizing the initiation of enforcement of the subtitle by complaint; providing for certain data collection; establishing the Baltimore City Rental Licensing and Inspection Task Force; providing for the composition, terms, and organization of the Task Force, establishing the duties of the Task Force, adding a civil citation fine for violating of licensing requirements; requiring annual reporting; amending certain definitions; providing a time period when the Task Force shall first convene; and providing for a special effective date.

By repealing, and re-ordaining, with amendments
Article 1 - Mayor, Ci...

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