Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2019 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
EA19-0238 0 Michael S. HarrisonExecutive NominationMichael S. Harrison Commissioner - Baltimore Police DepartmentAssigned  Action details Not available
19-0337 0 Jordan McNair Youth Athletic Protection ActOrdinanceJordan McNair Youth Athletic Protection Act For the purpose of establishing certain protections for youth athletes using Baltimore City Department of Recreations and Parks facilities; requiring that youth athletic coaches complete certain training; requiring that youth athletes be removed from athletic play if they are suspected to have sustained certain medical conditions; requiring that the Department of Recreation and Parks make an automated external defibrillator available to certain youth sports programs defining certain terms; establishing certain penalties; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to youth athletic protection.Assigned  Action details Not available
19-0338 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variance - 1110 Edmondson AvenueOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variance - 1110 Edmondson Avenue For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 1110 Edmondson Avenue (Block 0114, Lot 037), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and granting a variance from certain off-street parking regulations.Assigned  Action details Not available
19-0339 0 Building, Fire, and Related Codes - DrainageOrdinanceBuilding, Fire, and Related Codes - Drainage For the purpose of amending the City Building Code and the City Residential Code to provide for additional limitations on drainage; and clarifying and conforming related provisions.Assigned  Action details Not available
19-0340 0 RPP Area 18 (Middle/East/South) - Adding 800 Block of North Chester StreetOrdinanceRPP Area 18 (Middle/East/South) - Adding 800 Block of North Chester Street For the purpose of adding the 800 block of North Chester Street, both sides, to the Parking Management Plan for RPP Area 18; and correcting, conforming, and clarifying related provisions.Assigned  Action details Not available
19-0136R 0 Informational Hearing - Street SweepingCity Council ResolutionInformational Hearing - Street Sweeping For the purpose of inviting the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Bureau Chief of Solid Waste Management, and the Director of the Department of Transportation to attend an informational hearing regarding street sweeping and to describe the progress of the program, including the program’s expansion, any time changes, and how this information is disseminated to the community.Assigned  Action details Not available
19-0137R 0 Informational Hearing - Baltimore City Recycling ProgramCity Council ResolutionInformational Hearing - Baltimore City Recycling Program For the purpose of inviting the Director of the Department of Public Works and the Head of the Bureau of Solid Waste to discuss Baltimore City’s recycling program and its progress.Assigned  Action details Not available
19-0138R 0 Request for State Action - Expanding the State Public Art MandateCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Expanding the State Public Art Mandate For the purpose of calling upon the General Assembly to pass and the Governor to sign legislation that expands the current public arts mandate requirement to require public art in any building that receives at least 50% of its construction funds from the State; and requiring local input when local governments, like Baltimore, also assist in providing construction funds.Adopted  Action details Not available
EA19-0229 0 Frank Bonaventure, Jr.Executive NominationFrank Bonaventure, Jr. Alternate Member - Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals - District 5Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA19-0230 0 Anissa Jai BonnerExecutive NominationAnissa Jai Bonner Alternate Member - Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals - District 11Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA19-0232 0 Myshala MiddletonExecutive NominationMyshala Middleton Member - Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals - District 4Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA19-0233 0 Ariel TaylorExecutive NominationAriel Taylor Commissioner - Baltimore City Youth Commission - District 4Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA19-0234 0 Ayonna ThomasExecutive NominationAyonna Thomas Commissioner - Baltimore City Youth Commission - District 6Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA19-0237 0 Joan Carter ConwayExecutive NominationJoan Carter Conway Trustee - Employees' and Elected Officials' Retirement System Board of Trustees - District 14Confirmed  Action details Not available
18-0306 0 Health Code - Clean Air RegulationOrdinanceHealth Code - Clean Air Regulation For the purpose of regulating the emissions from commercial solid waste incinerators; defining certain terms; requiring the continuous monitoring of certain pollutants; setting emissions limits for certain pollutants; requiring the production and public disclosure of certain emissions reports; requiring commercial solid waste incinerators to allow certain inspections; establishing a certification process for air monitoring contractors; setting certain penalties; setting special effective dates; and generally relating to clean air regulations.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available