Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/28/2014 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
12-0107 0 Rezoning - 235-239 North Gay StreetOrdinanceRezoning - 235-239 North Gay Street FOR the purpose of changing the zoning for the properties known as 235-239 North Gay Street, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the M-2-3 Zoning District to the B-2-3 Zoning District.   Action details Not available
EA14-0226 0 Renard BrooksExecutive NominationRenard Brooks Member - Commission on HIV/AIDS - 4th DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA14-0227 0 Clarence DavisExecutive NominationClarence Davis Member - Veterans Commission - 12th DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA14-0228 0 Robert GuyeExecutive NominationRobert Guye Member - Veterans Commission - 2nd DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA14-0229 0 The Honorable James KraftExecutive NominationThe Honorable James Kraft Member - Veterans Commission - 1st DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA14-0230 0 David LandymoreExecutive NominationDavid Landymore Member - Veterans Commission - 14th DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
EA14-0231 0 Dennis SmithExecutive NominationDennis Smith Member - Veterans Commission Assigned  Action details Not available
EA14-0232 0 Thomas ZentgrafExecutive NominationThomas Zentgraf Member - Veterans Commission - 12th DistrictAssigned  Action details Not available
14-0364 0 Ordinance of Estimates for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015OrdinanceOrdinance of Estimates for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 FOR the purpose of providing the appropriations estimated to be needed by each agency of the City of Baltimore for operating programs and capital projects during the fiscal 2015 year.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0365 0 Annual Property Tax - Fiscal Year 2015OrdinanceAnnual Property Tax - Fiscal Year 2015 FOR the purpose of providing a tax for the use of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; providing for estimated billings pursuant to State law; and setting the semiannual payment service charge for that period.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0366 0 Fire and Police Employees’ Retirement System - Technical AmendmentsOrdinanceFire and Police Employees' Retirement System - Technical Amendments FOR the purpose of redefining "regular interest" for valuation purposes; clarifying who may serve on the Board of Trustees as designee of the Fire Chief; increasing the number of Board members required for a quorum; providing for vesting of members on termination or partial termination of the System; requiring the adoption of rules and regulations to govern the deferral of payments to certain minor children pending verification of their full-time student status; correcting and clarifying certain related language; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the Fire and Police Employees' Retirement System.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0367 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice - $950,800OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice - $950,800 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $950,800 to the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice - Service 758 (Coordination of Public Safety Strategy), to provide funding for new crime-fighting initiatives; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0368 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Police Department - $1,239,800OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Police Department - $1,239,800 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $1,239,800 to the Police Department - Service 622 (Police Patrol), to provide funding for new crime-fighting initiatives; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0369 0 Health Department - Seasonal Food Facility Licenses and Food Facility Late FeesOrdinanceHealth Department - Seasonal Food Facility Licenses and Food Facility Late Fees FOR the purpose of creating seasonal food facility licenses for high priority and moderate priority food facilities; changing the food facility late fee schedule; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0370 0 Animal Control - Impounding Public Nuisance AnimalsOrdinanceAnimal Control - Impounding Public Nuisance Animals FOR the purpose of allowing for the impoundment of any animal reasonably believed to be a public nuisance animal; and generally relating to the impoundment of animals.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0371 0 Electronic Smoking DevicesOrdinanceElectronic Smoking Devices FOR the purpose of extending the laws that prohibit smoking in certain places, prohibit the distribution of tobacco products to minors, and regulate the display, storage, and placement of tobacco products to apply to electronic smoking devices; defining certain terms; conforming certain language; and generally relating to the sale, distribution, and use of electronic smoking devices.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0372 0 Plastic Bag SurchargeOrdinancePlastic Bag Surcharge FOR the purpose of imposing a surcharge on certain bags provided by dealers to customers; defining certain terms; providing for the collection and remittance of the surcharge; requiring certain reports; prohibiting certain conduct; imposing certain civil and criminal penalties; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to a surcharge on plastic bags.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0373 0 Urban Renewal - York-Woodbourne Business Area - Amendment _OrdinanceUrban Renewal - York-Woodbourne Business Area - Amendment _ FOR the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for York-Woodbourne Business Area to reauthorize the acquisition of properties within the Project Area; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date. Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0374 0 Planned Unit Development - Amendment - Loyola College Athletic ComplexOrdinancePlanned Unit Development - Amendment - Loyola College Athletic Complex FOR the purpose of approving certain amendments to the Development Plan of the Loyola College Athletic Complex Planned Unit Development.Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0170R 0 Request for State Action - Clarifying that Vacant Non-Profit Owned Property is not Tax ExemptCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Clarifying that Vacant Non-Profit Owned Property is not Tax Exempt FOR the purpose of calling on the General Assembly to enact, and the Governor to sign, legislation clarifying that non-profit owned vacant property - which by definition is not being used for any charitable purpose - is not exempt from property taxes and requiring nonprofits to annually recertify that each of the properties they own is currently being used for charitable purposes. Assigned  Action details Not available
14-0312 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - M-R: Miscellaneous General Expenses – $3,000,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - M-R: Miscellaneous General Expenses - $3,000,000 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $3,000,000 to the M-R: Miscellaneous General Expenses - Service 122 (Miscellaneous General Expenses), to provide funding for a recompense program for CHAP property tax credits; and providing for a special effective date.Advanced to 3rd Rdr., Adopted Comm. Report  Action details Not available
14-0313 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - MR: Baltimore City Public Schools - $8,284,955OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - MR: Baltimore City Public Schools - $8,284,955 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $8,284,955 to the MR: Baltimore City Public Schools - Service 352 (Baltimore City Public Schools), to provide funding for repayment to the Baltimore City Public Schools for funds withheld as payment for crossing guards services for Fiscal Years 2011, 2012, and 2013; and providing for a special effective date.Advanced to 3rd Rdr., Adopted Comm. Report  Action details Not available
14-0346 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - MR: Mayor's Office of Human Services - $3,756,025.35OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - MR: Mayor's Office of Human Services - $3,756,025.35 FOR the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $3,756,025.35 to the MR: Mayor's Office of Human Services - Service 356 (Administration), to provide funding for repayment of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds as a result of audit findings regarding the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing grant program; and providing for a special effective date.Advanced to 3rd Rdr., Adopted Comm. Report  Action details Not available
14-0152R 0 Revisiting Mayor and City Council Resolution 09-0433 - Street and Transportation Projects - Complete StreetsCity Council ResolutionRevisiting Mayor and City Council Resolution 09-0433 - Street and Transportation Projects - Complete Streets FOR the purpose of calling on the Department of Transportation and the Department of Planning to appear before the City Council to discuss the status and application of "Complete Streets" principles to the planning, design, and construction of all new City transportation improvement projects.Adopted  Action details Not available
14-0326 0 Planned Unit Development - Amendment 5 - York Road and Belvedere Avenue (Belvedere Square)OrdinancePlanned Unit Development - Amendment 5 - York Road and Belvedere Avenue (Belvedere Square) FOR the purpose of approving certain amendments to the Development Plan of the York Road and Belvedere Avenue (Belvedere Square) Planned Unit Development.Advanced to 3rd Reader, to be held one meeting  Action details Not available
14-0336 0 Zoning - Conversion of 1- or 2-Family DwellingsOrdinanceZoning - Conversion of 1- or 2-Family Dwellings FOR the purpose of specifying that the conversion of 1- or 2-family dwellings for use by additional families must conform with the applicable principal-permitted-use bulk regulations for the district in which the building is located; clarifying that this conversion authority does not apply to districts in which only single-family dwellings are allowed; and generally relating to the conversion of buildings for use by additional families.Advanced to 3rd Rdr., Adopted Comm. Report  Action details Not available
13-0247 0 Change to Grow: 10-Year Plan - Retirement Savings PlanOrdinanceChange to Grow: 10-Year Plan - Retirement Savings Plan FOR the purpose of establishing a new tax-qualified defined contribution plan (the "Retirement Savings Plan of the City of Baltimore") for the benefit of certain employees initially employed or reemployed by the City of Baltimore on or after a certain date; providing for the administration of the Plan; requiring Plan members and the City to make certain contributions to the Plan each payroll period; permitting Plan members to select from among various investment options; imposing certain vesting rules for City contributions; providing that a member's account balance will be distributed upon certain events; defining certain terms; correcting, clarifying, and conforming related provisions; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the Retirement Savings Plan of the City of Baltimore.Amended  Action details Not available
13-0247 0 Change to Grow: 10-Year Plan - Retirement Savings PlanOrdinanceChange to Grow: 10-Year Plan - Retirement Savings Plan FOR the purpose of establishing a new tax-qualified defined contribution plan (the "Retirement Savings Plan of the City of Baltimore") for the benefit of certain employees initially employed or reemployed by the City of Baltimore on or after a certain date; providing for the administration of the Plan; requiring Plan members and the City to make certain contributions to the Plan each payroll period; permitting Plan members to select from among various investment options; imposing certain vesting rules for City contributions; providing that a member's account balance will be distributed upon certain events; defining certain terms; correcting, clarifying, and conforming related provisions; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the Retirement Savings Plan of the City of Baltimore.Advanced to 3rd Rdr., Adopted Comm. Report  Action details Not available
14-0344 0 Minority and Women's Business Program - "Sunset" - Interim ExtensionOrdinanceMinority and Women's Business Program - "Sunset" - Interim Extension FOR the purpose of postponing, for an interim period, the automatic termination of the Minority and Women's Business Program; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to minority and women's business enterprises.Advanced to 3rd Reader on same day  Action details Not available
14-0344 0 Minority and Women's Business Program - "Sunset" - Interim ExtensionOrdinanceMinority and Women's Business Program - "Sunset" - Interim Extension FOR the purpose of postponing, for an interim period, the automatic termination of the Minority and Women's Business Program; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to minority and women's business enterprises.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
13-0301 0 "Ban the Box" - Fair Criminal-Record Screening PracticesOrdinance"Ban the Box" - Fair Criminal-Record Screening Practices FOR the purpose of prohibiting certain employers from making certain inquiries about, or taking certain actions because of, certain arrests or accusations; prohibiting certain employers from conducting a criminal-record check or otherwise inquiring into an applicant's criminal record until after the conclusion of an initial interview; providing for certain exceptions; providing for administrative and judicial review of and remedial relief for violations; prohibiting reprisals against persons who allege a violation of these prohibitions; defining certain terms; imposing certain penalties; providing for a special; effective date; and generally relating to the establishment of fair criminal-record screening practices for employers in the City of Baltimore.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available