Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2017 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-0017 0 Building, Fire, and Related Codes - International Residential Code - CorrectionsOrdinanceBuilding, Fire, and Related Codes - International Residential Code - Corrections For the purpose of expressly continuing the regulation of solar photovoltaic power systems for all 1- and 2-family dwellings; and expressly reinstating the application of certain regulations governing driveways and other paved surfaces for all 1- and 2-family dwellings.Assigned  Action details Not available
17-0018 0 Labor and Employment - City Minimum WageOrdinanceLabor and Employment - City Minimum Wage For the purpose of setting Baltimore City’s minimum wage rate for the years 2019 through 2023; setting the formula to determine Baltimore City’s minimum wage rate from 2023 onward; repealing certain exceptions; creating certain exceptions; defining certain terms; setting the terms and qualifications for Wage Commission members; requiring the production and posting of multilingual posters summarizing Baltimore City’s minimum wage laws; setting Baltimore City’s tipped minimum wage rate; setting Baltimore City’s small employer minimum wage through 2026; limiting the withholdings employers may make from employee wages; allowing any person to make a complaint to the Wage Commission; changing the Wage Commission’s procedures for responding to complaints; repealing the prohibition of bad faith employee complaints to the Wage Commission; establishing certain penalties; clarifying and conforming related provisions; and generally relating to the minimum wage to be paid to employees in Baltimore City.Assigned  Action details Not available
17-0019 0 Bike Lanes - Increased Parking PenaltiesOrdinanceBike Lanes - Increased Parking Penalties For the purpose of allowing for the towing of vehicles in properly marked and designated bike lanes; increasing the fine for parking or standing in a bike lane; and generally relating to bike lanes.Assigned  Action details Not available
17-0020 0 Building Code - Demolition Permit FeesOrdinanceBuilding Code - Demolition Permit Fees For the purpose of modifying the maximum permit fee for the demolition of structures (other than interior only).Assigned  Action details Not available
17-0008R 0 Investigative Hearing - Late Payments to Subcontractors on City ContractsCity Council ResolutionInvestigative Hearing - Late Payments to Subcontractors on City Contracts For the purpose of calling on representatives from the Finance Department, the Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement, the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office, and the Departments of Public Works, General Services, and Transportation to appear before the City Council to discuss problems with late payments to subcontractors on City contracts, and what steps the City can take to ensure that these problems do not endanger the ability and willingness of subcontractors to work on City projects.Assigned  Action details Not available
17-0009R 0 Reaffirming Baltimore City’s Status as a Welcoming CityCity Council ResolutionReaffirming Baltimore City’s Status as a Welcoming City For the purpose of affirming the City of Baltimore as a Welcoming City that promotes policies and programs to foster inclusion for all, and serves its residents regardless of their immigration or refugee status, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, ability to speak English, age sex, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology disability, homelessness, low-income or veteran status, and reaffirming the City’s continuing commitment to advocate and support the wellbeing of all residents.Adopted  Action details Not available
17-0009 0 Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation - Department of Public Works - $3,000,000OrdinanceSupplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation - Department of Public Works - $3,000,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary State Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $3,000,000 to the Department of Public Works - Service 730 (Public and Private Energy Performance), to provide funding for the installation of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) at the Back River Waste Water Treatment Plant; and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0010 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Law Department - $570,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Law Department - $570,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $570,000 to the Law Department - Service 861 (Controversies), to provide funding for technology purchases by the Central Bureau of Investigation to allow remote data collection and migration to a paperless office, which will improve information management, reduce existing costs and risks for the City, and improve operating efficiency; and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0011 0 General Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer - M-R: Employees’ Retirement Contribution (Service 355) to Fire Department (Service 600) - $4,109,177OrdinanceGeneral Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer - M-R: Employees’ Retirement Contribution (Service 355) to Fire Department (Service 600) - $4,109,177 For the purpose of transferring a General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $4,109,177 from M-R: Employees’ Retirement Contribution (Service 355 - Employees’ Retirement Contribution) to the Fire Department (Service 600 - Administration); and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0004 0 Railway Franchise - Consent to TransferMayor and City Council Res.Railway Franchise - Consent to Transfer For the purpose of acknowledging that Baltimore Washington Rapid Rail, LLC (“BWRR”) has sought the consent of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to the transfer of the authority to exercise the franchise formerly held by the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad in accordance with PSC Order No. 87248, in Case 9363; granting consent for BWRR to exercise the franchise formerly held by the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad; and generally relating to the transfer of a certain railway franchise.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available