Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/5/2018 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-0163 0 Children and Youth Fund - Interim Governance and AdministrationOrdinanceChildren and Youth Fund - Interim Governance and Administration For the purpose of establishing a temporary administrative structure for the Children and Youth Fund established by City Charter Article I, § 13; establishing methods and criteria for identifying specific programs and services eligible for funding by the Fund; establishing methods and criteria for allocating available funds among eligible programs and services; providing for the expiration of the temporary law on July 1, 2019; allowing for a 1 year extension under certain circumstances; setting a special effective date; and generally relating to the administration of the Children and Youth Fund established by City Charter Article I, § 13.   Action details Not available
EA18-0123 0 Mia BlomExecutive NominationMia Blom Co-Chair - Sustainability Commission - District 3Withdrawn by Request of the Mayor  Action details Not available
EA18-0128 0 Darryl De SousaExecutive NominationDarryl De Sousa Commissioner - Baltimore Police Department - District 11Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0129 0 Charlotte JamesExecutive NominationCharlotte James Member - Sustainability Commission - District 7Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0130 0 Avis RansomExecutive NominationAvis Ransom Member - Sustainability Commission - District 3Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0186 0 Charles Village Community Benefits District and Management AuthorityMayor and City Council Res.Charles Village Community Benefits District and Management Authority For the purpose of renewing and continuing the Charles Village Community Benefits District and Management Authority; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the activities and authority of the Charles Village Community Benefits District and Management Authority.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0187 0 Zoning - Use Regulation - Live EntertainmentOrdinanceZoning - Use Regulation - Live Entertainment For the purpose of clarifying that, in a certain circumstance, the Mayor and City Council may approve a conditional use for live entertainment; and providing that live entertainment in the C-4 Zoning District requires conditional use approval by Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0188 0 Zoning - Auxiliary Dwelling UnitsOrdinanceZoning - Auxiliary Dwelling Units For the purpose of allowing, as a conditional use requiring approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals, “auxiliary dwelling units” in certain districts; defining certain terms; imposing certain use standards; and requiring compliance with certain additional bulk and yard regulations.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0189 0 Short-Term Residential Rentals - Regulation and TaxationOrdinanceShort-Term Residential Rentals - Regulation and Taxation For the purpose of extending the hotel tax to certain transactions facilitated by hosting platforms; requiring the licensing of short-term residential rental units; defining certain terms; providing for the denial, suspension, or revocation of short-term residential rental licenses under certain circumstances; providing for judicial and appellate review of administrative decisions relating to the licensing of short-term residential rental units; imposing certain penalties; clarifying and conforming related provisions; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the regulation and taxation of short-term residential rentals.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0190 0 Termination of Administrative Parking Regulations - Peak Hour Parking Restrictions on the 1500 through 1800 Blocks of East 33rd StreetOrdinanceTermination of Administrative Parking Regulations - Peak Hour Parking Restrictions on the 1500 through 1800 Blocks of East 33rd Street For the purpose of terminating peak hour parking restrictions on the 1500 through 1800 blocks of East 33rd Street.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0191 0 Termination of Administrative Parking Regulations - Peak Hour Parking Restrictions on the 2500 through 3600 and 4100 through 5200 Blocks of Harford RoadOrdinanceTermination of Administrative Parking Regulations - Peak Hour Parking Restrictions on the 2500 through 3600 and 4100 through 5200 Blocks of Harford Road For the purpose of terminating peak hour parking restrictions on the 2500 through 3600 and 4100 through 5200 blocks of Harford Road.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0192 0 Termination of Administrative Parking Regulations - Peak Hour Parking Restrictions on the 2800 Block of Echodale Avenue, the 4100 through 4900 Blocks of Hillen Road, and the 5000 through 5300 Blocks of Perring ParkwayOrdinanceTermination of Administrative Parking Regulations - Peak Hour Parking Restrictions on the 2800 Block of Echodale Avenue, the 4100 through 4900 Blocks of Hillen Road, and the 5000 through 5300 Blocks of Perring Parkway For the purpose of terminating peak hour parking restrictions on the 2800 block of Echodale Avenue, the 4100 through 4900 blocks of Hillen Road, and the 5000 through 5300 blocks of Perring Parkway.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0065R 0 Request for State Action - Automatic Voter RegistrationCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Automatic Voter Registration For the purpose of declaring the City Council’s support for HB 152, the Safe and Accessible Registration Act, and calling the Baltimore delegation and all State Legislators to action during the Maryland General Assembly in voting for HB 152 to ensure all residents have safe, secure, and easily accessible voter registration.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0066R 0 Request for State Action - Support a $15 Minimum Wage for MarylandCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Support a $15 Minimum Wage for Maryland For the purpose of calling on the Maryland General Assembly to enact, and the Governor to sign, SB543/HB664 or similar legislation establishing a statewide $15 minimum wage, to ensure that all working Marylanders can pay for their basic needs.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0067R 0 Request for State Action - Create a Board of Police Commissioners and Transfer Full Control Over the Baltimore City Police Department to The City of BaltimoreCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Create a Board of Police Commissioners and Transfer Full Control Over the Baltimore City Police Department to The City of Baltimore For the purpose of calling on the Maryland General Assembly to enact, and the Governor to sign, legislation to remove the Baltimore City Police Department’s status as an instrumentality of the State of Maryland and place the Department completely under the control of the citizens of Baltimore acting through the Mayor, City Council, and a new Board of Police Commissioners.Adopted  Action details Not available
17-0168 0 Special Benefits Districts - Bmore Safe PlacesOrdinanceSpecial Benefits Districts - Bmore Safe Places For the purpose of redesignating the City’s Public Safety Conservation Area Program as the NeighborWatch Area Program; setting the requirements for neighborhoods to participate in the NeighborWatch Area Program; creating a Bmore Safe Places Board to implement the NeighborWatch Area Program; requiring the Department of Transportation to post signs in designated NeighborWatch Areas; and generally relating to the NeighborWatch Area Program.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0156 0 City Property - Naming the Southwestern “Plateau” of Wyman Park Dell’s Main Park Area to be the Harriet Tubman Grove at Wyman Park DellOrdinanceCity Property - Naming the Southwestern “Plateau” of Wyman Park Dell’s Main Park Area to be the Harriet Tubman Grove at Wyman Park Dell For the purpose of naming the southwestern “plateau” of Wyman Park Dell’s main park area, bounded roughly by the wooded steep slope to the east, the 29th Street spur road and park entrance to the south, the southernmost entrance stairs off of Art Museum Drive to the north, and Howard Street/Art Museum Drive to the west, to be the Harriet Tubman Grove at Wyman Park Dell.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
17-0165 0 City Property - Renaming Madison Park to Nathan C. Irby, Jr. ParkOrdinanceCity Property - Renaming Madison Park to Nathan C. Irby, Jr. Park For the purpose of changing the name of Madison Park, located at 1400 East Eager Street, to Nathan C. Irby, Jr. Park.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
18-0176 0 Alley Gating and Greening - StandardsOrdinanceAlley Gating and Greening - Standards For the purpose of clarifying a requirement that, to gate or green an alley, the majority of structures abutting the alley must be “residential”; and generally relating to the standards for the gating and greening of alleys.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
18-0178 0 Indoor Smoking - Hookah LoungesOrdinanceIndoor Smoking - Hookah Lounges For the purpose of excepting hookah lounges from the City’s indoor-smoking restrictions, subject to certain conditions; repealing two obsolete exceptions that have been preempted by more stringent State law and, as such, are invalid; and generally relating to the operation of hookah lounges.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
18-0061R 0 Investigative Hearing - Increased Infant Mortality RateCity Council ResolutionInvestigative Hearing - Increased Infant Mortality Rate For the purpose of calling on the Health Commissioner to appear before the City Council to discuss the troubling recent increase in Baltimore’s infant mortality rate and what steps can be taken to continue reducing infant mortality in Baltimore City.Adopted  Action details Not available
17-0035R 0 Investigative Hearing - Employees’ Retirement System Funding RatioCity Council ResolutionInvestigative Hearing - Employees’ Retirement System Funding Ratio For the purpose of calling on representatives from the Baltimore City Employees’ Retirement System to appear before the City Council to discuss the system’s current low funding ratio and its plans to ensure that the City will be able to meet all of its retirement obligations to its employees without placing an unreasonable burden on City taxpayers.Adopted  Action details Not available