Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/6/2018 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Du Burns Council Chamber, 4th floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-0102 0 Complete StreetsOrdinanceComplete Streets For the purpose of requiring the Transportation Department to construct and operate a comprehensive Complete Streets Transportation System; creating a Complete Streets Coordinating Council to make certain recommendations and oversee certain activities regarding the Complete Streets Transportation System; establishing certain design standards and requiring the Transportation Department to use the latest and best design standards in constructing and operating the Complete Streets Transportation System; requiring the Transportation Department, in consultation with the Coordinating Council and after public notice and a public comment period, to adopt a Complete Streets Manual to carry out this Ordinance; requiring that the Transportation Director, in consultation with the Coordinating Council, to prepare an Annual Complete Streets Report, assessing the status of the Complete Streets Transportation System, and to conduct public meetings and other community engagement and outreach activities to present the Complete Streets Annual Report to the public and to solicit input;   Action details Not available
18-0230 0 Ethics Code - Transparency in Lobbying ActOrdinanceEthics Code - Transparency in Lobbying Act For the purpose of requiring quarterly rather than annual lobbying reports from lobbyists; requiring the Ethics Board to post lobbying reports online within 30 days of their receipt; requiring that lobbyists affirmatively identify themselves and their clients when engaging in lobbying activities; allowing the Ethics Board to prohibit a person found to have violated the lobbying provisions of the Ethics Code from lobbying City public servants for up to 3 years; clarifying and conforming related provisions; and generally relating to the regulation of lobbyists.   Action details Not available
EA18-0210 0 David BowersExecutive NominationDavid Bowers Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 9Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0211 0 Tisha Guthrie, MSW, LGSWExecutive NominationTisha Guthrie, MSW, LGSW Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 11Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0212 0 Damien HausslingExecutive NominationDamien Haussling Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 12Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0213 0 Charles M. HillExecutive NominationCharles M. Hill Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 4Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0214 0 Alan R. IngrahamExecutive NominationAlan R. Ingraham Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund CommissionAssigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0215 0 Iletha JoynesExecutive NominationIletha Joynes Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 5Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0216 0 Vernadine KimballExecutive NominationVernadine Kimball Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 8Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0217 0 Shannon E. SnowExecutive NominationShannon E. Snow Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 14Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0218 0 Cynthia Plavier TruittExecutive NominationCynthia Plavier Truitt Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 5Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0219 0 Ernst ValeryExecutive NominationErnst Valery Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 5Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0220 0 Tiara N. WatkinsExecutive NominationTiara N. Watkins Member - Affordable Housing Trust Fund Commission - District 13Assigned  Action details Not available
EA18-0222 0 Dr. Joel F. Fitzgerald, PH.D.Executive NominationDr. Joel F. Fitzgerald, PH.D. Commissioner - Baltimore Police DepartmentAssigned  Action details Not available
18-0309 0 Sale of Property - 732 West Lexington StreetOrdinanceSale of Property - 732 West Lexington Street For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property known as 732 West Lexington Street (Block 0586, Lot 002) and no longer needed for public use; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0310 0 City Property - Renaming the Oliver Pool to the John D. Murdock PoolOrdinanceCity Property - Renaming the Oliver Pool to the John D. Murdock Pool For the purpose of changing the name of the Oliver Pool, located at 1641 North Spring Street, to the John D. Murdock Pool.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0311 0 Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products - Sale and DistributionOrdinanceNicotine Replacement Therapy Products - Sale and Distribution For the purpose of requiring certain retailers to sell nicotine replacement therapy products; mandating certain retail display and packaging requirements; requiring certain employers and facilities to offer nicotine replacement therapy products at no cost; defining certain terms; providing for a special effective date; establishing certain penalties; and generally relating to the sale and distribution of nicotine replacement therapy products.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0312 0 Required Retail Tobacco Health Warnings and Smoking Cessation InformationOrdinanceRequired Retail Tobacco Health Warnings and Smoking Cessation Information For the purpose of requiring the Health Commissioner to create and distribute to retailers of tobacco products signs that contain certain tobacco health warnings and smoking cessation information; requiring retailers of tobacco products to prominently place the signs distributed by the Health Commissioner in their places of business; providing for a special effective date; and imposing certain civil penalties for violations.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0313 0 Electronic Smoking DevicesOrdinanceElectronic Smoking Devices For the purpose of broadening the definition of smoking devices to encompass all electronic smoking devices; regulating flavored e-liquids; creating specific sanitation standards for the manufacture and sale of e-liquids; defining certain terms; imposing certain penalties; and providing for special effective dates.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0314 0 Repeal of Ordinance 87-1171 - The Wyman Park Medical Center Joint Use Facility with The Johns Hopkins University Planned Unit DevelopmentOrdinanceRepeal of Ordinance 87-1171 - The Wyman Park Medical Center Joint Use Facility with The Johns Hopkins University Planned Unit Development For the purpose of repealing Ordinance 87-1171, which designated certain property as a Residential Planned Unit Development known as the Wyman Park Medical Center Joint Use Facility with The Johns Hopkins University; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
18-0119R 0 Request for State Action - Police RedistrictingCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Police Redistricting For the purpose of calling on the Baltimore City Delegation to the 2019 Maryland General Assembly to secure enactment of legislation requiring that the Baltimore City Police Department review and adjust police district boundaries after the information from each decennial census becomes available to ensure that Baltimore’s security resources are allocated as efficiently as possible.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0120R 0 Request for State Action - Strengthening Penalties for Straw Purchases and Trafficking Hand Guns in MarylandCity Council ResolutionRequest for State Action - Strengthening Penalties for Straw Purchases and Trafficking Hand Guns in Maryland For the purpose of calling on the Maryland General Assembly to enact, and the Governor to sign, legislation that strengthens the penalties for straw purchases and gun trafficking in Maryland, from a misdemeanor to a felony with increased fines.Adopted  Action details Not available
18-0121R 0 Calling for Support of the BMORE Invested Campaign for Year-Round Youth Jobs ProgramCity Council ResolutionCalling for Support of the BMORE Invested Campaign for Year-Round Youth Jobs Program For the purpose of requesting that the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Baltimore City Public School System, Baltimore City Foundation, and business leaders support and work with the Community Law in Action’s BMORE Invested Campaign to expand YouthWorks from two 5-week summer sessions into a year-long program that is closely aligned with Career and Technical Education.Adopted  Action details Not available
EA18-0197 0 Sarah MatthewsExecutive NominationSarah Matthews Member - Adult Public Guardianship Review Board - District 6Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0198 0 Molly J. TimkoExecutive NominationMolly J. Timko Member - Adult Public Guardianship Review Board - District 6Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0199 0 Brandon ClaytonExecutive NominationBrandon Clayton Member - Baltimore City Youth Commission - District 8Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0201 0 Xaviera GeisenExecutive NominationXaviera Geisen Member - Baltimore City Youth Commission - District 5Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0202 0 Matthew JohnsonExecutive NominationMatthew Johnson Member - Baltimore City Youth Commission - District 9Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0203 0 Saratu KehindeExecutive NominationSaratu Kehinde Member - Baltimore City Youth Commission - District 14Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0204 0 William F. Ariano, Jr.Executive NominationWilliam F. Ariano, Jr. Member - Inclusionary Housing Board - District 4Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0205 0 Ivy Dench-CarterExecutive NominationIvy Dench-Carter Member - Inclusionary Housing Board - District 5Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0206 0 Johndre JenningsExecutive NominationJohndre Jennings Member - Inclusionary Housing Board - District 8Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0207 0 Glenard S. Middleton, Sr.Executive NominationGlenard S. Middleton, Sr. Member - Inclusionary Housing Board - District 6Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA18-0209 0 Henry M. SmartExecutive NominationHenry M. Smart Member - Inclusionary Housing Board - District 11Confirmed  Action details Not available
18-0278 0 City Streets - Opening - Dillon StreetOrdinanceCity Streets - Opening - Dillon Street For the purpose of condemning and opening Dillon Street, extending from the east side of CSX Transportation Inc. Railroad easterly 201.24 feet to the west side of South Macon Street, as shown on Plat 307-A-21 in the Office of the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
18-0279 0 City Streets - Closing - Dillon StreetOrdinanceCity Streets - Closing - Dillon Street For the purpose of condemning and closing Dillon Street, extending from the east side of CSX Transportation Inc. Railroad easterly 201.24 feet to the west side of South Macon Street, as shown on Plat 307-A-21A in the Office of the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
18-0289 0 Planned Unit Development - Designation - Mt. Vernon MillOrdinancePlanned Unit Development - Designation - Mt. Vernon Mill For the purpose of repealing the existing Development Plan for the Mt. Vernon Mill Planned Unit Development; approving a new Development Plan for the Mt. Vernon Mill Planned Unit Development; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
18-0296 0 Licensing and Regulation - National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Information Sign PostingOrdinanceLicensing and Regulation - National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Information Sign Posting For the purpose of requiring certain businesses to post a National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline information sign in designated areas; requiring certain reports; defining certain terms; and establishing certain penalties.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
18-0189 0 Short-Term Residential Rentals - Regulation and TaxationOrdinanceShort-Term Residential Rentals - Regulation and Taxation For the purpose of extending the hotel tax to certain transactions facilitated by hosting platforms; requiring the licensing of short-term residential rental units; defining certain terms; providing for the denial, suspension, or revocation of short-term residential rental licenses under certain circumstances; providing for judicial and appellate review of administrative decisions relating to the licensing of short-term residential rental units; imposing certain penalties; clarifying and conforming related provisions; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the regulation and taxation of short-term residential rentals.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available