Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/19/2020 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual Webex Meeting: Phone: +1-408-418-9388, Access Code: 173 617 3478, Password: Baltimore
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
EA20-0286 0 Anthony Scott, Jr.Executive NominationAnthony Scott, Jr. Member - Board of Directors for the Parking Authority of Baltimore City - District 9Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0630 0 Building, Fire, and Related Codes - Adoption of International Green Construction Code (2018)OrdinanceBuilding, Fire, and Related Codes - Adoption of International Green Construction Code (2018) FOR the purpose of amending the Building, Fire, and Related Code Article to repeal the International Green Construction Code (2012 Edition) and substitute, subject to local additions, deletions. amendments and modifications, the International Green Construction Code (2018 Edition); and providing for the effective date, construction, and application of the new Green Construction Code.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0631 0 Excise Tax - Electronic Smoking DevicesOrdinanceExcise Tax - Electronic Smoking Devices For the purpose of repealing current Subtitle 27 {“Tobacco Tax”} as abrogated by function of law; establishing an excise tax on the distribution of electronic smoking devices; setting the rate of the tax; defining certain terms, authorizing the Director of Finance to issue certain regulations; providing for collection of the tax and payment of interest and penalties; providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0632 0 Property Tax Credit - Habitat for HumanityOrdinanceProperty Tax Credit - Habitat for Humanity For the purpose of granting, in accordance with State Tax-Property Article _ 9-252, a property tax against certain real property owned and held by Habitat for Humanity; requiring an annual report from Habitat for Humanity detailing certain information; providing for a term of the credit; and requiring that the Director of Finance adopt certain regulations in order to implement and administer this property tax credit.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0633 0 City Property - Naming Bocek Field House to be Rocky Brown Field HouseOrdinanceCity Property - Naming Bocek Field House to be Rocky Brown Field House For the purpose of naming the field house, informally known as Bocek Field House and located at 3000 East Madison Street, to be the Rocky Brown Field House.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0254R 0 The Baltimore City Aerial Investigation Research ProgramCity Council ResolutionThe Baltimore City Aerial Investigation Research Program For the purpose of calling on the Baltimore Police Commissioner and others to report to the Baltimore City Council specific data and criteria in determining the effectiveness of the Aerial Investigation Research program and calling on the Board of Estimates to call a public hearing on the program prior to rendering any decision on its extension beyond October 31, 2020.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0627 0 Baltimore City Fire Department - Reporting RequirementsOrdinanceBaltimore City Fire Department - Reporting Requirements For the purpose of requiring the Fire Chief of the Baltimore City Fire Department to report annually certain information to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore; and requiring the report to be made available on the Department’s website.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
20-0629 0 Prevailing Wage - DeterminationOrdinancePrevailing Wage - Determination For the purpose of simplifying the manner by which the City determines its prevailing wage for construction contracts by indexing with the prevailing hour wage established under State law for State-financed construction work performed in the City; and providing for a rate review procedure after the initial rate establishment.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
20-0591 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Parking Lots - 115 and 118 Mount Clare StreetOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Parking Lots - 115 and 118 Mount Clare Street For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment, maintenance, and operation of parking lots on the properties known as 115 Mount Clare Street (Block 0251, Lot 068) and 118 Mount Clare Street (Block 0251, Lot 072), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
19-0364 0 Sale of Property - Former Bed of a Variable Width Alley Located Between 2 10-Foot Alleys Bounded by Boone Street, East 22nd Street, Greenmount Avenue, and East 23rd StreetOrdinanceSale of Property - Former Bed of a Variable Width Alley Located Between 2 10-Foot Alleys Bounded by Boone Street, East 22nd Street, Greenmount Avenue, and East 23rd Street For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at either public or private sale, all its interest in a certain parcel of land known as the former bed of a variable width alley located between 2 10-foot alleys bounded by Boone Street, East 22nd Street, Greenmount Avenue, and East 23rd Street and no longer needed for public use; and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
19-0440 0 Acquisition of Property - Temporary Construction Easements and Permanent EasementsOrdinanceAcquisition of Property - Temporary Construction Easements and Permanent Easements For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, the fee simple or other interests as the Director of Transportation may deem necessary in portions of a descriptive property on the south side of Waterview Avenue, rear of 2200-2208 Round Road and known as Ward 25, Section 05, Block 7610, Lot 19, as shown on Plat RW 20-36410, dated November 8, 2016, in the Office of the Director of Transportation, and needed for the Seamon Avenue Storm Drain Project; and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
20-0605 0 Minority and Women’s Business Utilization - EmergenciesOrdinanceMinority and Women’s Business Utilization - Emergencies For the purpose of clarifying and expanding the conditions for a City agency to obtain a waiver from the City’s minority business and women’s business contract utilization requirements; requiring that, if an agency receives a waiver for an emergency, the agency submit a report to the Board of Estimates and the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office; defining certain terms; and generally relating to greater transparency and utilization of minority and women’s business in City emergency contracting.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
19-0431 0 Towing - Licensing and RegulationOrdinanceTowing - Licensing and Regulation For the purpose of consolidating the licensing and regulation of towing services in Baltimore City under one administrative body; defining certain terms; establishing the Board of Towing to regulate certain towing services in Baltimore City; requiring a license to perform certain towing services; specifying certain towing services that require additional certification; establishing certain standards of operation; prohibiting certain conduct; imposing certain penalties; allowing for licensure sanctions in certain situations; establishing a hearing process for licensure discipline; allowing for appeals in certain situations; and generally relating to the licensing and regulation of towing services in Baltimore City.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0496 0 Records Management - Modernizing, Correcting, and ConformingOrdinanceRecords Management - Modernizing, Correcting, and Conforming For the purpose of repealing and replacing City Code provisions regarding Baltimore City records management program to conform to State law requirements and to reflect modern practices in records management; establishing the position of City Records Management Officer to coordinate citywide records management; setting forth certain duties of the City Records Management Officer; requiring City agencies to provide certain cooperation to the City Records Management Officer; providing for the manner of the proper disposal of certain City records; defining certain terms; and generally relating to the management of the records of Baltimore City government.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0537 0 Sale of Property - 3200 East Biddle StreetOrdinanceSale of Property - 3200 East Biddle Street For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property known as 3200 East Biddle Street (Ward 26, Section 20, Block 6150A, Lot 004) and no longer needed for public use; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0571 0 Planned Unit Development - Village of Cross KeysOrdinancePlanned Unit Development - Village of Cross Keys For the purpose of repealing the existing Development Plan for the Village of Cross Keys Planned Unit Development and approving a new Development Plan for the Village of Cross Keys Planned Unit Development.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0587 0 Perkins Somerset Oldtown Development DistrictOrdinancePerkins Somerset Oldtown Development District For the purpose of designating a “development district” to be known as the “Perkins Somerset Oldtown Development District”; providing for and determining various matters in connection with the establishment of the development district; creating a special, tax increment fund for the development district; allocating certain property taxes to that fund; making certain findings and determinations; providing for a special effective date; and generally providing for matters relating to the designation and operation of the development district, the establishment and use of the special, tax increment fund to provide for the payment by or reimbursement to the City for debt service which the City is obligated to pay or has paid (whether such obligation is general or limited) on any special obligation bonds or notes issued by the City, the authorization of a pledge by the City, subject to appropriation, of the tax increment revenues, pursuant to a Contribution Agreement, to provide for the payment by the State Issuer of the principal of and interesApproved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0588 0 Perkins Somerset Oldtown Bond IssuanceOrdinancePerkins Somerset Oldtown Bond Issuance For the purpose of authorizing the issuance of special obligation bonds and the pledge, subject to appropriation, of Tax Increment Revenues and Special Tax Revenues (as such terms are defined herein) to the payment of debt service thereon; authorizing the pledge by the City, subject to appropriation, of the Tax Increment Revenues and Special Tax Revenues pursuant to a Contribution Agreement (defined herein) to provide for the payment by the State Issuer (defined herein) of the principal of and interest on the applicable State Obligations (defined herein) and other related costs; providing that such bonds or State Obligations may be issued from time to time and in one or more issues or series in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $105,000,000 for the purpose of financing infrastructure improvements and related costs, including, without limitation, the Project (defined herein), and other necessary improvements to, from, or within the development district, and certain other infrastructure improvements permitted by the Acts (defined hereinApproved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0589 0 Perkins Somerset Oldtown Special Taxing DistrictOrdinancePerkins Somerset Oldtown Special Taxing District For the purpose of designating a “special taxing district” to be known as the “Perkins Somerset Oldtown Special Taxing District”; providing for and determining various matters in connection with the establishment of the special taxing district; creating a special fund for the special taxing district; providing for the levy of a special tax on all taxable real and personal property located in the special taxing district; providing for a special effective date; and generally providing for matters relating to the designation and operation of the special taxing district, the establishment and use of the special fund to provide for the payment by or reimbursement to the City for debt service, which the City is obligated to pay or has paid (whether such obligation is general or limited) on any special obligation bonds or notes issued by the City, the authorization of the pledge, subject to appropriation, of the special tax revenues, pursuant to a Contribution Agreement, to provide for the payment by the State Issuer of the principal of and Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0593 0 Tax Sales - Properties Exempt From SaleOrdinanceTax Sales - Properties Exempt From Sale For the purpose of directing the Director of Finance to withhold certain properties from tax sale; defining certain terms; requiring that the Director of Finance adopt regulations to implement the requirements of this section; requiring that the Director of Finance submit an annual report to the Mayor and City Council; and generally implementing the authority provided by Section 14-811(f) of the State Tax-Property Article .Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0596 1 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Department of General Services - $2,500,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Department of General Services - $2,500,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $2,500,000 to the Department of General Services - Service 726 (Administration - General Services), to provide funding to balance the budget for Fiscal Year 2020, due to unanticipated expenditures because of the COVID-19 pandemic; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0597 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Fire Department - $11,000,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Fire Department - $11,000,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $11,000,000 to the Fire Department - Service 609 (Emergency Medical Services), to provide funding for additional operating expenses resulting from overtime and the COVID-19 pandemic; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0598 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $5,500,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Health Department - $5,500,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $5,500,000 to the Health Department - Service 315 (Emergency Services - Health), to provide funding for unanticipated additional expenditures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0599 0 Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Department of Housing and Community Development - $6,000,000OrdinanceSupplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation - Department of Housing and Community Development - $6,000,000 For the purpose of providing a Supplementary General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $6,000,000 to the Department of Housing and Community Development - Service 809 (Retention, Expansion, and Attraction of Businesses), to provide funding for additional expenditures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0600 2 General Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer - Department of Transportation (Service 690) to Police Department (Service 622) - $2,000,000OrdinanceGeneral Fund Operating Appropriation Transfer - Department of Transportation (Service 690) to Police Department (Service 622) - $2,000,000 For the purpose of transferring a General Fund Operating Appropriation in the amount of $2,000,000 from the Department of Transportation (Service 690: Sustainable Transportation) to the Police Department (Service 622: Police Patrol); and providing for a special effective date.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available