Baltimore City Council
Meeting Name: City Council (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/6/2020 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual Webex Meeting: Phone: 408-418-9388, Access code: 129 753 5352, Password: Baltimore,
Special Meeting of the Baltimore City Council
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-0436 0 City Streets - Closing - Three 10-Foot AlleysOrdinanceCity Streets - Closing - Three 10-Foot Alleys For the purpose of condemning and closing (1) a 10-foot alley extending from the west side of Delaware Avenue Southwesterly 128.5 feet, more or less, (2) a 10-foot alley extending from the northwest side of Virginia Avenue Northwesterly 395.0 feet, more or less, to the southeast side of Woodland Avenue, and (3) a 10-foot alley extending from the west side of Delaware Avenue Southwesterly 198.5 feet, more or less, as shown on Plat 298-A-17A in the Office of the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
19-0437 0 City Streets - Opening - North Durham StreetOrdinanceCity Streets - Opening - North Durham Street For the purpose of condemning and opening North Durham Street, extending from East Eager Street Northerly 433 feet, more or less, to the south side of East Chase Street, as shown on Plat 341-A-45 in the Office of the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
19-0438 0 City Streets - Closing - North Durham Street and a 16-Foot AlleyOrdinanceCity Streets - Closing - North Durham Street and a 16-Foot Alley For the purpose of condemning and closing North Durham Street, extending from East Eager Street Northerly 433 feet, more or less, to the south side of East Chase Street; and a 16-foot alley, extending from the west side of North Durham Street 136.8 feet, more or less, to the west side of North Wolfe Street, as shown on Plat 341-A-45A in the Office of the Department of Transportation; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
20-0503 0 University of Maryland at Baltimore - Approving Application for Designation as a RISE Zone - Granting Enhanced Local Property Tax CreditMayor and City Council Res.University of Maryland at Baltimore - Approving Application for Designation as a RISE Zone - Granting Enhanced Local Property Tax Credit For the purpose of approving the submission of an application from the University of Maryland at Baltimore, a “qualified institution” under the State’s Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone (“RISE Zone”) Program; approving and joining in the application for designation of a RISE Zone along West Baltimore Street identified as: · Ward 04, Section 060, Block 0626, Lots 026, 029, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 043, 052, 053, 053A, 053B, 053C, 053D, and 053E · Ward 18, Section 090, Block 0220, Lot 001M · Ward 18, Section 100, Block 0203, Lots 110, 116, 117, and 199 · Ward 18, Section 100, Block 0202, Lots 014, 016, 017, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 024A, 024B, 025, 026, 027, 028, and 076B · Ward 18, Section 100, Block 0219, Lots 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041   Action details Not available
20-0506 0 Baltimore City Critical Area Management Program - Critical Area Manual, Map, and ZoningOrdinanceBaltimore City Critical Area Management Program - Critical Area Manual, Map, and Zoning For the purpose of repealing the Baltimore City Critical Area Management Program and Document (2002 Edition) and approving and adopting a new Baltimore City Critical Area Management Program Manual (2020 Edition); repealing the Baltimore City Critical Area Program Map (adopted November 13, 2002) and approving and adopting a new Baltimore City Critical Area Program Map (2002 Edition); prohibiting certain additional uses and activities in certain areas of the Critical Area; defining and redefining certain terms; conforming, correcting, and clarifying Zoning Code provisions governing the Critical Area Overlay Zoning District; providing for a special effective date; and generally relating to the 2020 Baltimore City Critical Area Management Program, Map, and Zoning.   Action details Not available
20-0514 0 Bond Issue - Affordable Housing Loan - $12,000,000OrdinanceBond Issue - Affordable Housing Loan - $12,000,000 For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to General Assembly House Resolution I and Senate Resolution I of 2020 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $12,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds to be used for or in connection with planning, developing, executing, and making operative the Affordable Housing Program of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, including, but not limited to, the acquisition, by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any right, interest, franchise, easement or privilege therein, in the City of Baltimore; the payment of any and all costs and    Action details Not available
20-0515 0 Bond Issue - School Loan - $38,000,000OrdinanceBond Issue - School Loan - $38,000,000 For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to General Assembly House Resolution II and Senate Resolution II of 2020 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell, at any time or from time to time and in one or more series its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $38,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys’ fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith ( which may include the proportion of the compensation of employees and general administrative expenses of the Department of Finance reasonably allocated to the issuance of the bonds); and the remainder of such proceeds shall be used for the acquisition, by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and demolishing, construc   Action details Not available
20-0516 0 Bond Issue - Community and Economic Development Loan - $38,000,000OrdinanceBond Issue - Community and Economic Development Loan - $38,000,000 For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to General Assembly House Resolution III and Senate Resolution III of 2020 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $38,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys' fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, and the remainder of such proceeds to be used for or in connection with planning, developing, executing, and making operative the community, commercial and industrial economic development programs of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, including, but not limited to, the acquisition, by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any right, interest, franchise, easement or privilege therein, in    Action details Not available
20-0517 0 Bond Issue - Public Infrastructure Loan - $72,000,000OrdinanceBond Issue - Public Infrastructure Loan - $72,000,000 For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore (pursuant to General Assembly House Resolution IV and Senate Resolution IV of 2020 approved by the members of the Maryland General Assembly representing Baltimore City) to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof, and proceeds not exceeding $72,000,000 from the sale of such certificates of indebtedness to be used for the cost of issuance, including the expense of engraving, printing, advertising, attorneys’ fees, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith (which may include the proportion of the compensation of employees and general administrative expenses of the Department of Finance reasonably allocated to the issuance of the bonds); for the development of the public infrastructure owned or controlled by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and the construction and development of streets, bridges, courthouses, city office buildings, police stations, fire stations   Action details Not available
20-0534 0 Sale of Property - 5001 Reisterstown Road aka Langston Hughes Elementary SchoolOrdinanceSale of Property - 5001 Reisterstown Road aka Langston Hughes Elementary School For the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to sell, at either public or private sale, all its interest in certain property known as 5001 Reisterstown Road aka Langston Hughes Elementary School (Block 4596, Lot 001) and no longer needed for public use; and providing for a special effective date.   Action details Not available
20-0550 0 Charter Amendment - City Council Modernization and Re-Structuring ActMayor and City Council Res.Charter Amendment - City Council Modernization and Re-Structuring Act For the purpose of reducing the size of the City Council; requiring that the City Council Vice-President be elected by the voters of Baltimore City; specifying that in the case of a vacancy in the position of City Council President, the Vice-President shall become President; conforming and clarifying related provisions; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0551 0 Charter Amendment - Term LimitsMayor and City Council Res.Charter Amendment - Term Limits For the purpose of providing that a person who has served a certain number of terms as Mayor, Comptroller, President of the City Council, or Member of the City Council is ineligible to again serve in that office during the immediately following term; correcting, clarifying, and conforming related provisions; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0552 0 Tax Credits - Historical PropertiesOrdinanceTax Credits - Historical Properties For the purpose of extending the period within which applications may be accepted for an historic improvement tax credit; granting the Director of Planning certain administrative powers; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0553 0 Urban Renewal - Washington Village - Amendment __OrdinanceUrban Renewal - Washington Village - Amendment __ For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Washington Village to revise an exhibit to the Renewal Plan to reflect the addition of a new disposition lot and to clarify and correct certain references in the Plan; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0554 0 Brownfields Incentive Program - Termination of Program ParticipationOrdinanceBrownfields Incentive Program - Termination of Program Participation For the purpose of winding down the City of Baltimore’s participation in the Brownfields Incentive Program; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0555 0 High-Performance Market-Rate Rental Housing Tax Credit - RevisionOrdinanceHigh-Performance Market-Rate Rental Housing Tax Credit - Revision For the purpose of making certain revisions to a provision regarding the use of the high-performance market-rate rental housing tax credit in conjunction with other tax subsidies; and providing for a special effective date.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0556 0 Rezoning - 2087 Druid Park DriveOrdinanceRezoning - 2087 Druid Park Drive For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 2087 Druid Park Drive (Block 3390B, Lot 036), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat, from the I-1 Zoning District to the IMU-1 Zoning District.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0557 0 Baltimore City Administrative Procedure Act - RegulationsOrdinanceBaltimore City Administrative Procedure Act - Regulations For the purpose of establishing a uniform procedure for the notice, publication, and adoption of regulations in Baltimore City government; establishing the Code of Baltimore Regulations Annotated (COBRA) and providing for its contents; defining certain terms; requiring that a proposed regulation cite the statutory authority under which it is being proposed and embrace only a single subject; requiring that proposed regulation be approved for form and legal sufficiency by the City Solicitor prior to its publication; requiring that agencies publish notice of the proposed regulation and allow for public comments to be submitted for a certain period of time; setting forth the modes of publication of a proposed regulation; establishing the contents of the notice of proposed regulation; allowing for any Councilmember to refer a proposed regulation for review by the Committee on Legislative Investigations and providing for the procedures for that review; requiring that, after the notice and comment period, an agency re-submit the proAssigned  Action details Not available
20-0558 0 City Officers and Employees - Commuting BenefitsOrdinanceCity Officers and Employees - Commuting Benefits For the purpose of requiring that the Department of Human Resources have a written policy regarding certain parking benefits; requiring the Department of Human Resources offer a public mass transit subsidy to every officer and employee of the City; requiring the Department of Human Resources offer a cash equivalent alternative to any City officer or employee entitled or eligible to receive a parking benefit; defining certain terms; and generally relating to encouraging the use of public mass transit by City officers and employees.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0559 0 Commercial Parking Facilities - Annual License FeeOrdinanceCommercial Parking Facilities - Annual License Fee For the purpose of modifying the annual licensing fee for commercial parking facilities within the City of Baltimore; providing for the annual adjustment of the licensing fee for inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index; and conforming related provisions.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0560 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 4 Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District - Variances - 2437 Madison AvenueOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 4 Dwelling Units in the R-7 Zoning District - Variances - 2437 Madison Avenue For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 4 dwelling units in the R-7 Zoning District on the property known as 2437 Madison Avenue (Block 3421, Lot 037), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and granting variances from certain bulk regulations (lot area size) and gross floor area per unit type requirements.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0561 0 Zoning Code - Fossil Fuel InfrastructuresOrdinanceZoning Code - Fossil Fuel Infrastructures For the purpose of amending the Zoning Code to reduce and discourage reliance on fossil fuels by prohibiting the construction, creation, establishment, addition, or use of any new off-street parking space or facility in an Open-Space Zoning District, prohibiting the construction, creation, or establishment of any new gas station in any Zoning District, and repealing requirements for providing a minimum number of off-street parking spaces per use type; substituting a maximum number of off-street parking spaces per use type; and correcting, clarifying, and conforming related provisions and tables.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0233R 0 Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1300-1302 Laurens StreetCity Council ResolutionApproval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1300-1302 Laurens Street For the purpose of providing the required approval under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev. § 12-902.1(d)(1) to allow the license holder holding a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued for use at 1300-1302 Laurens Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0234R 0 Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1741 West North AvenueCity Council ResolutionApproval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1741 West North Avenue For the purpose of providing the required approval under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev. § 12-902.1(d)(1) to allow the license holder holding a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued for use at 1741 West North Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0235R 0 Approval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1041 Greenmount AvenueCity Council ResolutionApproval for the Exchange of a Class B-D-7 License to a Class A-7 License - 1041 Greenmount Avenue For the purpose of providing the required approval under Md. Code Ann., Alc. Bev. § 12-902.1(d)(1) to allow the license holder holding a valid Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License issued for 1041 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 to apply to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City to exchange their Class B-D-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License for a Class A-7 Beer, Wine, and Liquor License.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0236R 0 Drop the Dress CodeCity Council ResolutionDrop the Dress Code For the purpose of calling on Atlas Restaurant Group, as a community partner with a large footprint along the Baltimore waterfront, to set an example and be a leader in racial sensitivity and social justice by eliminating its dress code entirely as non-inclusive, divisive, and out of step with the values of the City and calling on Atlas to adopt corrective policies that will assist in the long-term to dismantle the discriminatory culture that led to an African-American child and his mother being denied food service.Adopted  Action details Not available
20-0237R 0 Let’s Lead By ExampleCity Council ResolutionLet’s Lead By Example For the purpose of inviting the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development and relevant code enforcement staff, the head of the Bureau of Solid Waste in the Department of Public Works, the Executive Director of the Environmental Control Board, and representatives from BMORE Beautiful to discuss code enforcement, how we can lead by example by properly maintaining City properties, and the potential opportunities for community engagement and partnership.Assigned  Action details Not available
20-0238R 0 An Equitable Approach to Tax Sales During the COVID-19 CrisisCity Council ResolutionAn Equitable Approach to Tax Sales During the COVID-19 Crisis For the purpose of calling on the Mayor to adopt the recommendations of the Baltimore City Tax Sale Workgroup in order to pursue an equitable response to the COVID-19 crisis.Adopted  Action details Not available
EA20-0269 0 Khary DavisExecutive NominationKhary Davis Member - Commission on DisabilitiesConfirmed  Action details Not available
EA20-0273 0 Adam S. LevineExecutive NominationAdam S. Levine Member - Commission on Disabilities - District 14Confirmed  Action details Not available
EA20-0275 0 Arnold H. SampsonExecutive NominationArnold H. Sampson Member - Ethics Board - District 5Confirmed  Action details Not available
19-0474 0 Rezoning - 3925 Gough StreetOrdinanceRezoning - 3925 Gough Street For the purpose of changing the zoning for the property known as 3925 Gough Street (Block 6311, Lot 031), as outlined in blue on the accompanying plat, from the I-1 Zoning District to the IMU-2 Zoning District.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
20-0487 0 Zoning - Conditional Use - Amending Ordinance 18-170OrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use - Amending Ordinance 18-170 For the purpose of amending Ordinance 18-170, as enacted by Ordinance 14-206 and amended by Ordinance 16-469 and last amended by Ordinance 18-170, to reauthorize and continue the permission for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of a parking lot for the parking of 4 or more automobiles on the property known as 4001 Roland Avenue; providing for the automatic termination of this Ordinance; and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
20-0497 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Parking Lot - A Portion of the Property known as 201 Reedbird AvenueOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Parking Lot - A Portion of the Property known as 201 Reedbird Avenue For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment, maintenance, and operation of a parking lot on a portion of the property known as 201 Reedbird Avenue (Block 7612L, Lot 001A, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and providing for a special effective date.3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Not available
19-0379 0 Charter Amendment - Ordinance of EstimatesMayor and City Council Res.Charter Amendment - Ordinance of Estimates For the purpose of authorizing the City Council to amend the Ordinance of Estimates to increase items of appropriation or add items for new purposes, subject to certain limitations; deleting the requirement that supplementary appropriations be recommended by the Board of Estimates; correcting, clarifying, and conforming related provisions; and submitting this amendment to the qualified voters of the City for adoption or rejection.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
19-0417 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 1410 West Saratoga StreetOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 1410 West Saratoga Street For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 1410 West Saratoga Street (Block 0152, Lot 056), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and granting variances from certain gross floor area, gross floor area per unit type, and off-street parking regulations.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available
20-0494 0 Zoning - Conditional Use Banquet Hall - 5401 Belair RoadOrdinanceZoning - Conditional Use Banquet Hall - 5401 Belair Road For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the establishment, maintenance, and operation of a banquet hall on the property known as 5401 Belair Road (Block 5989A, Lot 019), as outlined in red on the accompanying plat.Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Not available