Baltimore City Council
File #: 06-0149R    Version: 0 Name: In Support of State Legislation - (Senate Bill 714/House Bill 1432) - Education - Residential Boarding Education Programs - At-Risk Youths
Type: City Council Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 2/27/2006 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 2/27/2006
Enactment #:
Title: In Support of State Legislation - (Senate Bill 714/House Bill 1432) - Education - Residential Boarding Education Programs - At-Risk Youths FOR the purpose of expressing support for State legislation that authorizes the establishment of boarding schools for at-risk youth statewide; requesting the Honorable Chairs and Members of the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, the Senate Budget and Taxation, and the House Ways and Means Committees to give Senate Bill 714 and House Bill1432, respectively, a favorable report; urging the Honorable Members of the Senate and House Baltimore City Delegations to the 2006 Maryland General Assembly to secure passage of this legislation; and respectfully exhorting the Governor to sign the legislation into law.
Sponsors: Keiffer Mitchell, President Dixon, President Young, Kenneth Harris, Robert Curran, Edward Reisinger, Mary Pat Clarke, James B. Kraft, Nicholas C. D'Adamo, Helen L. Holton, Agnes Welch, Paula Johnson Branch
Indexes: Education, Resolution
Attachments: 1. 06-0149R - 1st Reader.pdf





                     CITY OF BALTIMORE

                     COUNCIL BILL           R



Introduced by: Councilmember Mitchell                                                                                              

                     A RESOLUTION ENTITLED




In Support of State Legislation - (Senate Bill 714/House Bill 1432) -

Education - Residential Boarding Education Programs - At-Risk Youths


FOR the purpose of expressing support for State legislation that authorizes the establishment of boarding schools for at-risk youth statewide; requesting the Honorable Chairs and Members of the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, the Senate Budget and Taxation, and the House Ways and Means Committees to give Senate Bill 714 and House Bill1432, respectively, a favorable report; urging the Honorable Members of the Senate and House Baltimore City Delegations to the 2006 Maryland General Assembly to secure passage of this legislation; and respectfully exhorting the Governor to sign the legislation into law.




This legislation would authorize the establishment of boarding schools statewide for at-risk youths as defined by the State Department of Education and who are eligible for free or reduced price meals; have a record of suspensions, office referrals, or chronic truancy; have failed to achieve a proficient or advanced level on State assessments in reading or mathematics, or both; have a referral from a teacher, counselor, social worker, or community-based service organization; are members of a single parent or non-custodial parent household; their family income is below the federal poverty guidelines; their family receives temporary cash assistance; or a member of their family has been incarcerated.


The Hidden Crisis in the High School Dropout Problems of Young Adults in the U.S.: Recent Trends in Overall School Dropout Rates and Gender Differences in Dropout Behavior, prepared for The Business Roundtable, Washington, D.C., concludes "the high concentration of male dropouts, in many large central cities should be viewed as the new "social dynamite" of the twenty-first century.  The severe economic and labor market problems of male dropouts, together with the high incidence of social pathologies among these young dropouts (high rates of arrests, convictions, incarcerations, and absentee fatherhood, and low rates of marriage and family stability), should be viewed as a major public policy concern by the nation's mayors, other city officials, governors, educators, business, and labor leaders."



At nearly 50%, Baltimore City has one of the highest dropout rates in the nation.  Of the 4,000 students who enter the public school system each year, only about 1,000 of them graduate.  On any given day, more than 1/2 of the City's high school students are absent.  Of the relative few who stay the course and graduate from the zoned high schools, only about 40% attend college.  A boarding school, located in their neighborhood, would provide these students with a viable alternative and allow urban families an educational choice that has long been denied.


Baltimore City Administration has explored the feasibility of establishing a public charter boarding school with The SEED Foundation, Inc., because of the success of their school in Washington, D.C.  The SEED School opened there in 1998, offering an intensive academic and boarding education to 320 urban children in grades 7 through 12.  The school offers District students a unique opportunity to achieve academic, economic, and social success.  In the 7 years since SEED opened its doors, students, parents, and community members have repeatedly cited the school as an inspiration and a support source for higher achievement, better jobs, and higher levels of education.


The SEED model could fulfill a critical need for Baltimore's children by providing an alternative education for a group of students who are in danger of becoming the "social dynamite" that lights the fires of economic, social, and spiritual destruction.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, That this Body supports State legislation that authorizes the establishment of boarding schools for at-risk youth statewide; requests the Honorable Chairs and Members of the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, the Senate Budget and Taxation, and the House Ways and Means Committees to give Senate Bill 714 and House Bill1432, respectively, a favorable report; urges the Honorable Members of the Senate and House Baltimore City Delegations to the 2006 Maryland General Assembly to secure passage of this legislation; and respectfully exhorts the Governor to sign the legislation into law.


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Honorable Chairs of the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, and the House Ways and Means Committee are requested to include this Resolution in the official bill files on the respective legislation and to include these comments as the committees deliberate on this issue.


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Governor, the Mayor, the Honorable Chairs and Members of the Baltimore City Senate and House Delegations to the 2006 Maryland General Assembly, the Honorable Chairs and Members of the Senate  Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs, the Senate Budget and Taxation, and the House Ways and Means Committees, the Executive Director of the Mayor's Office of State Relations, and the Mayor's Legislative Liaison to the City Council.








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