Baltimore City Council
File #: 17-0017R    Version: 0 Name: Development of the State Center Office Complex
Type: City Council Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 3/20/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 3/20/2017
Enactment #:
Title: Development of the State Center Office Complex For the purpose of urging the Governor of Maryland to return to the negotiating table with the City of Baltimore and members of the State Center Neighborhood Alliance in order to develop a solution that will address the needs of the surrounding community and that will benefit the city as a whole, and to commit to keeping State Center’s current slate of State agencies and jobs in Baltimore City.
Sponsors: Eric T. Costello, President Young, Zeke Cohen, Sharon Green Middleton, Leon F. Pinkett, III, Robert Stokes, Sr., Ryan Dorsey, Kristerfer Burnett, Shannon Sneed, Bill Henry, John Bullock, Mary Pat Clarke, Isaac "Yitzy" Schleifer, Edward Reisinger
Indexes: Development, State Center
Attachments: 1. 17-0017R~1st Reader

* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.

The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.



                     City of Baltimore

                     Council Bill           R



Introduced by: Councilmember Costello



                     A Resolution Entitled


A Council Resolution concerning


Development of the State Center Office Complex

For the purpose of urging the Governor of Maryland to return to the negotiating table with the City of Baltimore and members of the State Center Neighborhood Alliance in order to develop a solution that will address the needs of the surrounding community and that will benefit the city as a whole, and to commit to keeping State Center’s current slate of State agencies and jobs in Baltimore City.





Whereas, since it was built in 1954, the State Center office complex has physically segregated nine historically connected neighborhoods in the heart of Central West Baltimore, causing decades of hardship for the surrounding communities.


Whereas, in 2005, a public-private  partnership was formed in order to alleviate the decades-old community concerns by redeveloping State Center into a mixed-use development, upgrading the dilapidated office spaces, and bringing much needed businesses to the area.


Whereas, at this time, a group of 12 community organizations formed the State Center Neighborhood Alliance, and nearly a decade later, in a sweeping act of agreement and cooperation, executed an historic community benefits agreement, which included a vital focus on local hiring in order to replenish and  nourish the community.


Whereas, redevelopment of the State Center complex presents the opportunity for incredible transit and infrastructure growth and, as a transit oriented development site, presents the opportunity to truly unite many disparate areas of the city.


Whereas, some members of the Board of Public Works have expressed a desire to tear State Center down and replace it with an arena, causing the loss of over 3000 jobs within the City - jobs that are primarily held by Baltimore City residents who live in the city and utilize public transit.



Whereas, a viability study conducted in 2006 found State Center ranked 5th out of 6 sites considered for a new arena location, because of construction issues related to the Baltimore Metro Tunnel and a lack of width between Eutaw Street and Madison Street.



Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Baltimore, that the Council urges the Governor of Maryland to return to the negotiating table with members of the State Center Neighborhood Alliance, the community, and the City of Baltimore to agree on a plan for redevelopment of the State Center complex that will be mutually beneficial for all parties involved, and will not result in the loss of nearly 3000 jobs in the city. 


And be it further resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Governor, the Mayor, the Honorable Speaker of the House of Delegates, the Honorable President of the Maryland Senate, the members of the Baltimore City Delegation to the General Assembly, and the Mayor’s Legislative Liaison to the City Council.