Baltimore City Council
File #: 17-0102    Version: 0 Name: Complete Streets
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 7/17/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: Final action: 12/3/2018
Enactment #: 18-197
Title: Complete Streets For the purpose of requiring the Transportation Department to construct and operate a comprehensive Complete Streets Transportation System; creating a Complete Streets Coordinating Council to make certain recommendations and oversee certain activities regarding the Complete Streets Transportation System; establishing certain design standards and requiring the Transportation Department to use the latest and best design standards in constructing and operating the Complete Streets Transportation System; requiring the Transportation Department, in consultation with the Coordinating Council and after public notice and a public comment period, to adopt a Complete Streets Manual to carry out this Ordinance; requiring that the Transportation Director, in consultation with the Coordinating Council, to prepare an Annual Complete Streets Report, assessing the status of the Complete Streets Transportation System, and to conduct public meetings and other community engagement and ou...
Sponsors: Ryan Dorsey, John Bullock, Sharon Green Middleton, Bill Henry, Leon F. Pinkett, III, Brandon M. Scott, Kristerfer Burnett, Zeke Cohen, Mary Pat Clarke, Shannon Sneed
Indexes: Complete Streets
Attachments: 1. 17-0102~1st Reader, 2. Health 17-0102, 3. Finance_17-0102, 4. DPW 17-0102, 5. Sustainability 17-0102, 6. HCD 17-0102, 7. Fire 17-0102, 8. Law 17-0102, 9. DOT 17-0102, 10. BDC 17-0102, 11. Baltimore Complete Streets_ 4_25_18 Hearing, 12. Complete Streets Policy Brief - Dorsey, 13. Fiscal Report - Bill 17-0102 Complete Streets, 14. Cover Memorandum - Fiscal Report Bill 17-0102 Complete Streets (Signed), 15. Parking 17-0102, 16. 2nd Reader Amendments 17-0102, 17. 17-0102~3rd Reader, 18. Completed File_17-0102
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
12/6/20180 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/29/20180 City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/15/20180 City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/15/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/10/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
9/26/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/17/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/6/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Worksession  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/26/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/26/20180 Land Use & Transportation Committee Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Housing and Community Development  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Finance  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Transportation  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Planning Commission  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Parking Authority  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Fire  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Office of Sustainability  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Baltimore Development Corporation  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Health  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Recreation and Parks  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20170 The City Council Refer to Dept. of Public Works  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/17/20170 City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/17/20170 City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.

* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill

Introduced by: Councilmember Dorsey

A Bill Entitled

An Ordinance concerning
Complete Streets
For the purpose of requiring the Transportation Department to construct and operate a comprehensive Complete Streets Transportation System; creating a Complete Streets Coordinating Council to make certain recommendations and oversee certain activities regarding the Complete Streets Transportation System; establishing certain design standards and requiring the Transportation Department to use the latest and best design standards in constructing and operating the Complete Streets Transportation System; requiring the Transportation Department, in consultation with the Coordinating Council and after public notice and a public comment period, to adopt a Complete Streets Manual to carry out this Ordinance; requiring that the Transportation Director, in consultation with the Coordinating Council, to prepare an Annual Complete Streets Report, assessing the status of the Complete Streets Transportation System, and to conduct public meetings and other community engagement and outreach activities to present the Complete Streets Annual Report to the public and to solicit input; specifying that the requirements of this Ordinance apply to all project phases undertaken by, under the authority of, or subject to the supervision of the Transportation Department for the improvement of any street, subject to certain exception...

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