* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.
City of Baltimore
Council Bill
Introduced by: Councilmember Stokes
At the request of: Remington Rover, LLC
Address: c/o Elan Kotz, P.O. Box 4751, Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Telephone: 1-703-489-3127
A Bill Entitled
An Ordinance concerning
Zoning - Conditional Use Conversion of a Single-Family Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units in the R-8 Zoning District - Variances - 2938 Huntingdon Avenue
For the purpose of permitting, subject to certain conditions, the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 2938 Huntingdon Avenue, as outlined in red on the accompanying plat; and granting variances from certain lot area size, lot area coverage, off-street parking, and gross floor area requirements.
By authority of
Article 32 - Zoning
Sections 5-201(a), 5-305(a), 5-308, 9-701(2) and 9-703
Baltimore City Revised Code
(Edition 2000)
Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That permission is granted for the conversion of a single-family dwelling unit to 2 dwelling units in the R-8 Zoning District on the property known as 2938 Huntingdon Avenue, as outlined in red on the plat accompanying this Ordinance, in accordance with Baltimore City Zoning Code §§ 5-201(a) and 9-701(2), subject to the condition that the building complies with all applicable federal, state, and local licensing and certification requirements.
Section 2. And be it further ordained, That pursuant to the authority granted by §§ 5-305(a) and 5-308 of Article 32 ...
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