Baltimore City Council
File #: 22-0195    Version: 0 Name: Inclusionary Housing for Baltimore City
Type: Ordinance Status: Enacted
File created: 2/7/2022 In control: Baltimore City Council
On agenda: Final action: 1/23/2024
Enactment #: 24-308
Title: Inclusionary Housing for Baltimore City For the purpose of defining certain terms; repealing certain findings and policy statements; repealing rules of statutory interpretation that have been superseded by the enactment of Code-wide revisions; requiring the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development to adopt an inclusionary housing manual; requiring annual reporting by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development; amending the duties of the Inclusionary Housing Board; amending certain affordability requirements; clarifying a certain City policy regarding mixed income communities; repealing off-site substitutions; repealing the Inclusionary Housing Offset Fund; repealing density bonuses; requiring residential projects to submit inclusionary housing plans; amending requirements for continued affordability; clarifying the applicability of certain fair housing laws and regulations; establishing certain penalties; and generally relating to...
Sponsors: Odette Ramos, President Nicholas J. Mosby, Ryan Dorsey, Antonio "Tony" Glover, Mark Conway, John Bullock, James Torrence, Sharon Green Middleton, Robert Stokes, Sr., Zeke Cohen
Indexes: Baltimore City, Housing, Inclusionary
Attachments: 1. 22-0195~1st Reader, 2. Law 22-0195, 3. Testimony - GEDCO - 22-0195, 4. Testimony - MIH - 22-0195, 5. 22-0195 - Planning, 6. Enterprise Baltimore IH Requirements Study 2022, 7. CDN Maryland - 22-0195, 8. Habitat for Humanity Chesapeake - 22-0195, 9. HPRP - 22-0195, 10. MIH - 22-0195, 11. GEDCO - 22-0195, 12. 22-0195 Inclusionary Housing Ramos Testimony 11.22, 13. #5 IH Unofficial reprint with Sponsor's Amendments, 14. #4 IH Sponsor's Amendments explainer, 15. #3 IH Sponsor's Amendments cc22-0195(7)~1st(Ramos), 16. #2 IH Law upon Introduction, 17. #1 IH Fact Sheet (22-0195), 18. Craig Pollack - 22-0195, 19. Beyond the Boundaries - 22-0195, 20. CASH - 22-0195, 21. CCB22-0195_Report_DORE, 22. 22-0195 HABC, 23. DHCD 22-0195, 24. Finance 22-0195, 25. JOTF - 22-0195, 26. Metro Baltimore Council AFL-CIO - 22-0195, 27. BRHP - 22-0195, 28. CPHA - 22-0195, 29. Kari Nye - 22-0195, 30. BRU - 22-0195, 31. BRIDGE - 22-0195, 32. Southwest Partnership - 22-0195, 33. LCCRUL - 22-0195, 34. Ruth Crystal - 22-0195, 35. Poppleton Now - 22-0195, 36. Barbara A Samuels - 22-0195, 37. NFHA - 22-0195, 38. Marlon Tilghman - 22-0195, 39. Health Care for the Homeless - 22-0195, 40. MAHC - 22-0195, 41. PJC - 22-0195, 42. DRM - 22-0195, 43. Nancy Newman - 22-0195, 44. MDCEP - 22-0195, 45. SEIU 1199 - 22-0195, 46. testimony sign-up - 450p on 112722, 47. NAACP - 22-0195, 48. MMHA - 22-0195, 49. Charnell Covert - 22-0195, 50. 3 COWBS - CC22-0195, 51. ATTENDANCE SHEETS - CC22-0195, 52. Baltimore IZ Study Summary_HR&A, 53. Inclusionary rough gap numbers OTR 11.2022, 54. Lauren Siegel - 22-0195, 55. FINAL BILL SYNOPSIS CC22-0195 (UPDATED 11.16.22), 56. COW - Hearing Notes - CC22-0195 (11.17.22), 57. cc22-0195(10)~1st(Ramos), 58. 22-0195~Unoff'lReprint(10), 59. 22-0195 Inclusionary Amendments Chart OTR Dec 2022, 60. 51 22-0195 Inclusionary Housing Ramos Memo 12.12.2022, 61. HABC PBV Program Info Memo for IH Committee_1-10-23, 62. COW - Hearing Notes CC22-0195 (12.12.22), 63. Fiscal Policy Note_InclusionaryZoning, 64. MPDU Incentives, 65. 53 HCVP Presentation for Inclusionary Housing Bill, 66. 54 22-0195~Unoff'lReprint(10), 67. 55 cc22-0195(10)~1st(Ramos), 68. 56 22-0195 Inclusionary Amendments Chart OTR Dec 2022, 69. 52 IH 15% credit AMI scenarios 2.3.23, 70. 54 22-0195~Unoff'lReprint(10), 71. 55 cc22-0195(10)~1st(Ramos), 72. 56 22-0195 Inclusionary Amendments Chart OTR Dec 2022, 73. 52 IH 15% credit AMI scenarios 2.3.23, 74. 53 HCVP Presentation for Inclusionary Housing Bill, 75. 55 cc22-0195(10)~1st(Ramos), 76. 56 22-0195 Inclusionary Amendments Chart OTR Dec 2022, 77. 52 IH 15% credit AMI scenarios 2.3.23, 78. 53 HCVP Presentation for Inclusionary Housing Bill, 79. 54 22-0195~Unoff'lReprint(10), 80. 56 22-0195 Inclusionary Amendments Chart OTR Dec 2022, 81. 52 IH 15% credit AMI scenarios 2.3.23, 82. COW - Hearing Notes CC22-0195 (02.13.23), 83. Attendance Sheet - Monday02.13.23, 84. 22-0195 OECR, 85. VOTING RECORD FORM CC22-0195, 86. 22-0195 and 23-0369 Inclusionary Housing Ramos memo 11.23, 87. Memorandum, Office of the Mayor - Justin Williams, 88. cc22-0195(2)~CoW Amendments (Ramos - Floor), 89. cc22-0195(1)~CoW Amendments (Mosby - Floor), 90. cc22-0195(1)~CoW Amendments (Torrence - Floor), 91. cc22-0195(1)~1st (CoW), 92. 22-0195~3rd Reader, 93. 22-0195 Signed, 94. 22-0195 Completed Ordinance 24-308
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
1/29/20240 Mayor Signed by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/4/20230 Baltimore City Council Approved and Sent to the Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/20/20230 Baltimore City Council 3rd Reader, for final passage  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/20/20230 Committee of the Whole Recommended Favorably with Amendment  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/14/20230 Committee of the Whole Recommended Favorably with AmendmentPass Action details Meeting details Not available
10/30/20230 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
4/17/20230 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20230 Baltimore City Council Refer to the Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement   Action details Meeting details Not available
1/23/20230 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/21/20220 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/10/20220 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/7/20220 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/24/20220 Committee of the Whole Scheduled for a Public Hearing  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Finance  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Planning  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Baltimore City Administrator   Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Real Estate  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to City Solicitor  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Dept. of Housing and Community Development  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Housing Authority of Baltimore City  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Planning Commission  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/10/20220 Baltimore City Council Refer to Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/7/20220 Baltimore City Council Introduced  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/7/20220 Baltimore City Council Assigned  Action details Meeting details Not available
Explanation: Capitals indicate matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law.

* Warning: This is an unofficial, introductory copy of the bill.
The official copy considered by the City Council is the first reader copy.

City of Baltimore
Council Bill

Introduced by: Councilmember Ramos, President Mosby

A Bill Entitled

An Ordinance concerning
Inclusionary Housing for Baltimore City
For the purpose of defining certain terms; repealing certain findings and policy statements; repealing rules of statutory interpretation that have been superseded by the enactment of Code-wide revisions; requiring the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development to adopt an inclusionary housing manual; requiring annual reporting by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development; amending the duties of the Inclusionary Housing Board; amending certain affordability requirements; clarifying a certain City policy regarding mixed income communities; repealing off-site substitutions; repealing the Inclusionary Housing Offset Fund; repealing density bonuses; requiring residential projects to submit inclusionary housing plans; amending requirements for continued affordability; clarifying the applicability of certain fair housing laws and regulations; establishing certain penalties; and generally relating to inclusionary housing.

By repealing and reordaining, with amendments
Article 13 - Housing and Urban Development

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