File #:
TransForm Baltimore - Zoning
On agenda:
Final action:
TransForm Baltimore - Zoning
FOR the purpose of establishing a new Zoning Code for Baltimore City; modifying the laws governing the agencies and officials who administer the City's zoning processes, including the Zoning Administrator, the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, the Planning Commission, the Planning Director, and the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development; providing for the respective powers and duties of these agencies and officials; establishing new zoning districts for the City, including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Open Space, Environmental, Special Purpose, and Overlay Districts; adopting maps and profiles for the various districts; establishing the requirements and procedures for obtaining zoning amendments, use permits, and other approvals; establishing use regulations for various districts, including permitted uses, conditional uses, and prohibited uses; establishing bulk and yard regulations for various districts, including height, lot covera...
Transform Baltimore, Zoning
1. 12-0152 - 1st Reader - Final Figures.pdf, 2. 12-0152 - 1st Reader - Final Tables.pdf, 3. 12-0152 - 1st Reader - Maps.pdf, 4. Fire - 12-0152.pdf, 5. Parking Authority - 12-0152.pdf, 6. BMZA - 12-0152.pdf, 7. Planning - 12-0152.pdf, 8. 12-0152 - 1st Reader - Text.pdf, 9. Planning - 12-0152 - Spread Sheet.pdf, 10. BCPD - 12-0152.pdf, 11. Recreation & Parks - 12-0152.pdf, 12. Health - 12-0152.pdf, 13. Sustainability - 12-0152.pdf, 14. Law - 12-0152.pdf, 15. BDC - 12-0152.pdf, 16. HCD - 12-0152.pdf, 17. Transportation - 12-0152.pdf, 18. DPW - 12-0152.pdf, 19. DGS - 12-0152.pdf, 20. Planning - 12-0152 - TransForm Baltimore-Comprehensive Zoning.Spread Sheet.pdf, 21. Planning - 12-0152 - revised for Sept 19th vote_0923.pdf, 22. Planning - 12-0152 - SUMMARY text details to sept 19 amendments.pdf, 23. Planning - 12-0152 - All_MapAmendments0923.pdf, 24. DRAFT 12-0152 - Proposed Text and Table Amendments - September 2 2015, 25. DRAFT 12-0152 - Proposed Text and Table Amendments - September 2 2015, 26. 1st District Map Amendments - September 2015, 27. 2nd District Map Amendments - September 2015, 28. 3rd District Map Amendments - September 2015, 29. 4th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 30. 5th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 31. 6th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 32. 7th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 33. 8th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 34. 9th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 35. 10th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 36. 11th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 37. 12th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 38. 13th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 39. 14th District Map Amendments - September 2015, 40. DRAFT - Amendments Deferred to Tables - As of January 29, 2016, 41. DRAFT - Text Amendments - Deferred as of January 29, 2016, 42. TransForm Baltimore Map Amendment List - August 2016 - Excel Sheet, 43. District 1 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 44. District 2 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 45. District 3 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 46. District 4 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 47. District 5 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 48. District 6 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 49. District 7 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 50. District 8 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 51. District 9 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 52. District 10 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 53. District 11-TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 54. District 12 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 55. District 13 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 56. District 14 -TransForm Map Amendment List - August PDF, 57. TransForm Baltimore Map Amendment List - August 2016 - PDF Sheet, 58. District 1 Map, 59. District 2 Map, 60. District 3 Map, 61. District 4 Map, 62. District 5 Map, 63. District 6 Map, 64. District 7 Map, 65. District 8 Map, 66. District 9 Map, 67. District 10 Map, 68. District 11 Map, 69. District 12 Map, 70. District 13 Map, 71. District 14 Map, 72. Draft Unnoficial Interlineated - October52016, 73. cc12-152~1st DesignStndrds(7), 74. cc12-152~1st GasElec(7), 75. cc12-152~1st IntrvngOrds(7), 76. cc12-152~1st Misc Issues (7), 77. cc12-152~1st Title 1(7), 78. cc12-152~1st Title 2(7), 79. cc12-152~1st Title 3(7), 80. cc12-152~1st Title 4(7), 81. cc12-152~1st Title 6(7), 82. cc12-152~1st Title 7(7), 83. cc12-152~1st Title 8(7), 84. cc12-152~1st Title 9(7), 85. cc12-152~1st Title 10(7), 86. cc12-152~1st Title 11(7), 87. cc12-152~1st Title 12(7), 88. cc12-152~1st Title 14(7), 89. cc12-152~1st Title 15(7), 90. cc12-152~1st Title 16(7), 91. cc12-152~1st Title 17(7), 92. cc12-152~1st Title 18(7), 93. cc12-152~1st Title 19(7), 94. Draft Unnoficial Amended Tables 10-3-2016, 95. 1stDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 96. 2ndDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 97. 3rdDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 98. 4thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 99. 5thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 100. 6thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 101. 7thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 102. 8thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 103. 9thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 104. 10thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 105. 11thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 106. 12thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 107. 13thDistrict_Proposed Map Amendments 10.5.16, 108. cc12-152~1st Title 13(7), 109. cc12-152~1st Title 14(Supp2, 110. Draft Unnoficial Interlineated - cc12-0152~1stTitle 13, 111. Map Amendment Errata Sheet 10.17.16, 112. Final Tables Oct 19 2016 - 12-0152, 113. cc12-152~1st Title 5(4), 114. City Solicitor - Amendment Concerns, 115. 2nd Reader Text Amendments, 116. 2nd Reader Table Amendments, 117. 2nd Reader Map Amendments - Districts 1, 9, 11 Supplemental, 12-14, 118. 2nd Reader Map Amendments - Districts 2-8, 10, 11, 119. 2nd Reader Map Amendments - 1, 9, 11 supplemental, 12, 13, 14, 120. 2nd Reader Map Amendments - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 121. 2nd Reader Table Amendments, 122. 2nd Reader Text Amendments, 123. cb12-0152~3rdMaps, 124. cb12-0152~3rd Text and Tables, 125. Transform Baltimore - Full Bill File
EXPLANATION: CAPITALS indicate matter added to existing law. [Brackets] indicate matter deleted from existing law. CITY OF BALTIMORE COUNCIL BILL 12-0152 (First Reader) Introduced by: The Council President At the request of: The Administration (Department of Planning) Introduced and read first time: October 22, 2012 Assigned to: Land Use and Transportation Committee REFERRED TO THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES: Law Department, Planning Commission, Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of General Services, Department of Public Works, Fire Department, Department of Transportation, Commission on Sustainability, Department of Recreation and Parks, Police Department, Health Department, Parking Authority, and Baltimore Development Corporation A BILL ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE concerning title TransForm Baltimore - Zoning FOR the purpose of establishing a new Zoning Code for Baltimore City; modifying the laws governing the agencies and officials who administer the City's zoning processes, including the Zoning Administrator, the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, the Planning Commission, the Planning Director, and the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development; providing for the respective powers and duties of these agencies and officials; establishing new zoning districts for the City, including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Open Space, Environmental, Special Purpose, and Overlay Districts; adopting maps and profiles for the various districts; establishing the requirements and procedures for obtaining zoning amendments, use permits, and other approvals; establishing use regulations for various districts, including permitted uses, conditional uses... Click here for full text